This painting is actually rejected by the day. . . However, the soft and hard foam that could not be shackled was finally agreed.

I don't know what kind of expression Meng Nan will receive after receiving this portrait of Guanyin. . .


Beijing suburbs, Cuiliu Mountain Villa.

"The son, we have been here for more than half a month, and we should leave."

Song Lang sat in the rocking chair, closed his eyes and sun, listened to the words of Yuan Lao, and even did not lift the eyelids, only whispered: "There is no way, where to go?"

Yuan Laodao: "The son, we are so easy to get rid of the body, can not be in danger again."

Song Lang scorned: "What you want, you have to see what you paid."

"But-" Yuan Lao wanted to persuade, but was blocked by Song Lang: "I have a number in my heart, you don't have to say more."

Yuan Lao sighed and turned and retreated.

After Yuan Lao’s footsteps went away, Song Lang finally opened his eyes, a pair of black and white eyes, and the willow branches that were swaying with the wind.

The green buds are new and tender, the light winds are cool, and they are full of vitality everywhere.

In the eyes of the former gray, there is color again.

That girl, are you okay?

He is going to go sooner or later, but he never intended to go.

He wants to take her away, and take her with him anyway.

In the long years of life, if there is no such person as her, how lonely is this life?

After that incident, he sealed himself and made himself ruthless and cold-blooded, just as he was floating in the ice, and he was not going to see it.

Her appearance is like a final lifeline, dragging him from the cold ice of the sea to the shore.

He has the temperature of the person again, and he has seen the sun again.

And she is the rope tied to his waist. If she is there, he will not fall into the ice sea again if she is not there.

He didn't know what to expect and didn't want to know.

The storm in Kyoto City has been extinguished, and what she can do is already done.

So, is it time to leave with him?

I heard that the son of Mengjia and Yiping County are mainly married.

Then, on the day of getting married, Kyoto City should be very lively.

Bai Yu and the Meng Gongzi are acquainted, that is to say, on the day of the wedding, she will also go?

Sure enough, it’s a good day!

Song Lang smirked at his lips and his eyes were shining.

The little servant who was waiting in the distance saw it. It was amazed. How long has the son had not been so happy? Did you think of something good?

On the eighth day of April, Yi Yi should marry.

From dating to getting married, less than two months, rush is a hasty point, but fortunately the two young people have no opinion.

The days are made by Mrs. Meng. She sees good things going on, and her heart is naturally anxious. She is afraid of regenerating what is going on, and she picks up the nearest Huang Daoji, and she has a good connection with the county king, only to finalize this day.

Now that she is waiting for the bride to enter the door, she is only working hard.

"Madam, this is the gift list that the guests sent in advance, you have passed the watch." The steward sent a booklet to Mrs. Meng's hand.

Mrs. Meng nodded and put down the tea pot in her hand and opened the gift book.

Inside, there are names of guests who should be given gifts, officials in the city of Kyoto, and even outsiders, but most of the officials who are famous for their names are on the top.

Her gaze suddenly fell into a place, staring at the place for a long while, and suddenly said: "Bring the gift from the white scorpion to me."


First, four more chapters, and more in the afternoon.

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