Bai Yan looked at the woman in front of her eyes, and her face was light and windy. "You can’t make sense in this case. Since I am going to cure the disease, why should I stop me? If I am not cured, I have to blame me for not being able to sculpt. ?"

The woman rushed to wave her hand: "No, no, the old slave can do it, the wife often does this. The old slave knows how to make her lady wake up, and she will not let the white lady do it." Her heart and blood trembled and looked at the white hand. The silver needle in it is longer than her middle finger.

How much pain does this needle stick?

Bai Yan raised his eyebrows: "Since you have a way to make your wife wake up, why not say it earlier? Lead me to this, what is the purpose?"

The woman was shocked by a cold sweat. She was the next person. She saw the eyes of the master and acted. Where did she speak?

"Miss really loves to laugh." She smiled and hurriedly turned to walk in front of the lady. She pretended to give Mrs. Meng a few moments, and Mrs. Meng naturally waking up.

After waking up, I also pretended to have a look like three, "What happened to me? How is it here?"

The woman sighed in her heart, and the lady who wants to act is not more like a point. The work of this face is invisible to the blind, and the person with eyes sees it. Who can see it?

Miss Bai, she has seen her tricks long ago.

"Madam, you just fainted."

Mrs. Meng snorted and turned her eyes to the day, and made a surprised look: "Miss White is also here?"

Bai Hao put the silver needle in his hand back into the needle bag, faintly said: "Since the wife woke up, the white swearing words."

She stuffed the needle back into the sleeve and turned to leave.

"Don't, don't go -" Mrs. Meng hurriedly jumped out of bed, rushed to the front of the white squat in three steps and two steps, and stopped her.

"Miss White, don't hurry."

Bai Yan raised an eyebrow: "Oh? Lady still has something?"

Mrs. Meng laughed and looked a little embarrassed, but for the overall situation, for the face of the Meng family, in order to successfully end the wedding today, she can only open this old face.

"This is the case, my body is nothing, it is all old problems, and now Naner has finally become a family, I have also calculated a wish, this problem, it does not matter."

She was condensed with a white face, and her heart was very unpleasant. When she said this, shouldn’t this gimmick show some color of movement? What kind of expression is there? The heart is really hard.

"Actually, my wife's body is not good, I want to invite you to see it. I have just been in front of such people. I don't know how to say it. I just want to ask you to come to this hall and tell you something."

Bai Hao sighed, and wondered that Meng Nan’s daughter-in-law was the owner of Yiping County. The person of this status, who is accompanying the marriage, should also include one or two female doctors who know the technique of sputum.

What's more, this is the day of the wedding, how can I ask a foreign doctor to treat the disease at this time? This is too strange.

"Miss White, I know that you still hate me, you will be me confused, say what you should not say, you have to blame, blame me alone, Naner he treats you-"

"Mrs. cautious!" Bai Yan cold eyebrows, broke the words of Mrs. Meng.

Mrs. Meng slammed her mouth and her back was so cool that she really wanted to play herself with a big ear. Was she old confused? How can I say this, but fortunately there are no outsiders here, otherwise, it may mean that there will be any storms.

Bai Hao didn't want to see her face, and she was very annoyed. She said to Madam Meng: "When Meng Nan once saved my life, I will go this time." Cold channel: "I also ask my wife to talk in the future, try to think twice before, and don't say anything that can make people misunderstand. It must be known that people are awed."


It’s even worse today, I’m sorry, something has been delayed. see you tomorrow!

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