Ms. Meng frowned, this reminds me that today is the day to go back to the door, Meng Nan is really not like the words, the first two days will be considered, in order to find someone, but also a head, but now how to come back? Yiping County’s main screaming away, Mrs. Meng only felt a headache, and began to regret, how she was so anxious to find such a marriage to Naner.

After all, the owner of Yiping County is the county owner. It is a royal family. It is not a temper. It is this temper. How will the days be in the future?

The more you think, the more you have a headache: "What happened to you, madam? Do you want a doctor?"

Mrs. Meng nodded: "Please doctor, I have a lot of headaches these days, I don't know what happened, and I sent people to find the son, let him come back quickly. Today is the day when the son-in-law is back, can't delay. ""

The Meng family’s people were at the gate of the city, and they surely kept their son, and when they saw the son, they took Ma Jincheng and immediately stopped: “You can count it back.”

Meng Nan saw the next person in the family and asked: "What happened?"

"Mrs. Please come back and say that today is the day when the Three Dynasties return to the door, let you and Mrs. Shao return to the Nanjiang County Wangfu."

Meng Nan thought of the owner of Yiping County, and immediately raised a fire in his heart. On that day, he went to question the owner of Yiping County and asked her why she suddenly wanted to see the day and asked her if her disappearance was related to her.

She was proud to say that if she was not taken away, the end of the day would be even worse.

It turned out that the woman who had tried her best for her mother was such a thing. He didn’t want to see it at a glance.

Go back? Hey, let her go back.

Meng Nan naturally did not return home, went straight to the Jin Wangfu, would like to ask Jin Wang there is no clue.

If he can't find a day, he can't forgive himself forever.

If it weren't for him, how could she settle in the Meng family and let the monk find a chance.

In front of the Jinwangfu Gate, the guardian’s Xiaoyan Chao Mengnan said: “Meng Gongzi, His Royal Highness went out, and when it came back, the small is not clear.”

Meng Nan’s heart was happy and asked: “But what clues?”

Xiao Yan shook his head: "Small I don't know this. If Meng Gongzi is in a hurry, go to the patrol camp and ask Zhou General to ask, he should know."

Meng Nan is rushing to the patrol camp, and the Meng family’s descendants chased it up again: “The son, it’s not good, the lady fainted. The master told you to go back quickly.”

Meng Nan’s first thought is, is the mother sick and deceiving him?

"Is it really dizzy?" He stared at the man's face.

The sweat of the young man was too anxious: "The son, this will be really dizzy. After the lady and the lady have had a fight, they said that the headache is so powerful that people ask for the doctor. The doctor has not come yet, the lady is I fainted."

Meng Nan turned to look at the direction of the patrol camp, the heart is very tangled, is to go to the patrol camp, or go home?

The young man hurriedly said: "The son, go back soon, don't let the old lady wait anxious."

Meng Nan long sighed, he could not do as much as Chu Yu.

He can do nothing for the sake of white, but he can't give up his family at the same time.

"Go back first!" Meng Nan finally turned the horse's head and beat the horse to the side of Mengfu.

At this time, the doctor is giving Mrs. Meng a pulse, two white eyebrows twisted together, and the look is very dignified.

"Mrs.'s qi and blood loss, but also heart and soul, should be tonic, can not be tired and excited."

Meng Daren looked at the gray-faced, short-lived lady, and asked: "Is it just a loss of blood? Nothing else?" The lady is clearly like the previous episode of diabetes.

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