Bai Yan was also shocked. After listening to Xiao Qing’s words, he rushed over and pulled over the golden lotus in Xiao Qing’s hand. There was still a lotus seed in it, golden, which seemed to be better than the one just given to the guard. It’s bigger.

She hurriedly groaned and determined that there was no lotus seed in the lotus, and that gave up.

Hu Lichangtian and the guards also came together to look at it. When I saw the golden lotus seeds in the palm of my hand that were like pure gold, they all looked curious: "A lotus can usually make a lot of lotus seeds. How can this lotus have only two lotus seeds? ?"

Bai Yudao said: "I saw in ancient books that the lotus flower of Kunlun Snow Lotus can only bear one lotus seed. Now there are two, it is very rare, it is not an ordinary lotus."

She loaded the lotus seeds with a glass bottle that had been previously filled with medicine, carefully sealed the mouth of the bottle, placed it in a delicate bag, and put it close.

"What is the use of these?" Xiaoqing pointed to the snow lotus road in his hand.

The white pheasant took out a long plain towel from the bag, which was originally used as a scarf. In such a place, this thin scarf can't be used at all, and it is still inconvenient for it. This will be of great use.

She took the snow lotus that Xiaoqing took in her hand, the lotus plate and the stalk and the scorpion, which was as high as one meter four to one meter five.

She wrapped it in a plain towel and put it in her clothes with a belt so that it would not be frozen in the snow.

"This Kunlun snow lotus is a treasure, the lotus seeds can solve a hundred poisons, the lotus petals are the sacred beauty of beauty and beauty, how many women dream of something."

"What about this stem and chastity?" Xiaoqing is more curious about these two. After all, this thing doesn't look like it can be eaten.

"The stems and the ancient books have not been said, but I think they have their own magical effects. Go back and study them."

Hu Lichangtian is not interested in these things. He only worried that these snow wolves would not leave. They are going to be trapped here. Now, just after noon, the night in Kunlun’s territory is always black and early. They are afraid that it is very difficult to get to the previous stronghold.

"Let's have the idea to pack this snow wolf, or you can be in trouble." Hu Lichang looked back at the Forgotten Valley, which was not very clear, and raised a chill in his heart: "Forget the Sichuan Valley, there are many poisons. They will all come out at night, and then, if we stay here, we will become the targets of those poisons."

Bai Yu thought of the anesthetic in the bag, and his eyes lit up and smiled. "I have a way, maybe I can add a meal at night."

She took a piece of oil paper bag from the bag, and as soon as she opened the oil paper bag, a rich flavour of meat got into everyone's nose.

"what is this?"

Bai Yudao said: "This is the dry food I prepared earlier. Some beef jerky. After entering the mountain, the meat is dried like iron. Later, I saw the mushroom meat soup. I have never taken it out. This will go into the forgotten Chuangu, and the meat is softened a lot." She said, she took out a few pieces and gave it to everyone to eat.

The taste is naturally good, but the meat in her paper bag is not too much, so she did not ask her again.

The white cockroach took out a small bottle and turned to face the snow wolf, and scattered the medicine in the small bottle on a few pieces of beef jerky, and then handed it to Xiaoqing and the guard: " throw this to them." , a wolf."

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