There are seven wolf skins, a large push of the wolf meat, and the white scorpion uses sutures to divide the meat into several parts. In addition to the weak square, each has a copy.

Xiaoqing saw that she had a piece of wolf skin and a string of meat on her back. She pressed her straight back and bent a little. He said, "I am going to carry the meat, you just take the wolf skin."

Hu Lichang Tiandao said: "I am coming to me, I am a man, I am strong, I will come."

Bai Hao shook his head: "No, my meat is the least. You have already taken a lot. I am here, I can do it."

Everyone can't beat her, she can only give up.

Founder picked up things and vacated one hand to support Fang Ping. The group walked into the snow and walked on the road.


Today's Chuanshan Village is particularly lively. There are many strangers in the village. The young men in black costumes are surrounded by a beautiful and beautiful young man who came to the village.

"Da, have you seen this person?" Before the expedition, the portrait in his hand was unfolded in front of a woman.

The woman is not someone else, it is Tian Hao who had previously benefited from the silver and the silver.

Tian Yiyi looked at the portrait and recognized the person in the painting at a glance. He said: "Is this not a white girl?"

Chu Yan stood behind Fu Zheng, and when he heard this, he hurried forward and asked, "Have you seen her?"

Tian Hao nodded, and some drums in his heart. These people don't look like ordinary people. They don't know what to do with white girls. Are they looking for relatives or revenge?

But if it is revenge, knowing that she has helped the white girl, will she also anger herself? Thinking of this, she scared a cold sweat.

Chu Yu sees Tian Hao, she knows that she is afraid, and she has slowed down her tone. "This big sister, the white girl you have seen, is my fiancee. I am afraid that she will have an accident. Come over, don't be afraid, we are not wicked."

Tian Hao saw his true feelings. When he mentioned the white girl, there was no fierceness and malice in his eyes. There was only tension and worry about the beloved.

She gave her a sigh of relief and smiled. "It turned out to be the white girl's fiancé. You are late, they have already entered the mountain." When it came to this, she looked dark and sighed: "now the Kunlun Mountains blizzard Fengshan, I don’t know how they are now."

Chu Yu asked: "How long have they been in the mountains? How come in? Can someone bring?"

Tian Weidao: "There are five or six days in the mountain. The bearded man brought in. He is the best mountain wearer here. If he is there, it should be fine." The bearded man entered the mountain more than once after closing the mountain. When people go in, or go in by themselves, they will all return safely.

No one knows how he did it. He never dealt with the village people. Even if someone asked him clearly, he wouldn’t say it.

Chu Yu Chaotian Road: "Da, you can have such a mountain wearer in your village to lead the way?"

When Tian Hao heard this, he looked shocked. "You want to enter the mountain now?" Seeing Chu Yu nodded, Tian Hao hurriedly shook his head and waved his hand: "This can make it impossible. When they entered the mountain, the blizzard just scratched. It’s not too good. But now, the entrance has been completely blocked by snow, and even if there are people wearing the mountain to bring you, you will definitely not get in.”

Fu Zheng rushed: "The people inside can't come out?"

Tian Hao nodded: "It can be said that in the past, this mountain road entrance, even if it is a big blizzard, the mountain road has never been sealed, so as long as the road is not lost, it can still come out, but this year, the road is gone. I really don't know how they will come back."

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