A Wu immediately took Long Wei to the palace and went all the way to the south.


The spaceship landed in a vegetable field, and initially scared the villagers who lived nearby, and thought it was a monster outside the sky.

No one dares to go forward and ask a question, all hiding in the house and looking out from the door.

They saw a strangely dressed monster jumping out of the big guy who was shining, and then came to the village.

Every household has to extinguish the lights in an instant, and they don’t want the monster to know someone on their side.

Who knows that the guy knocked on the door from house to house, and the words in his mouth were actually the Chu language they could understand, but the accent was a bit strange.

A child cried in tears. In order not to recruit monsters, his old man beat him with a heart and let him shut up.

But the child did not know whether he was frightened or was heavier. He fell to the ground and shouted.

The woman sat on the floor and cried: "You kill a thousand knives, how is the child vengeful with you? Even under such a slap, everyone will let you fight, you still my son, you will return my son. ""

The man is also embarrassed. He just started to pay a little more, but it was also anxious. I didn’t expect this kid to be so beaten. I knew I wouldn’t fight.

He was also panicked in his heart. He wanted to call the barefoot doctor of the same village to look at the child, but he was afraid of the monster outside, and he went to the door to see it.

But he saw the strange person standing in front of the door, scared him to scream and fall to the ground.

Outside the door came a knock on the door: "Hometown, I just came to ask a way, don't be afraid, I am not a bad person." Lin Yang shouted outside the door, he regretted that he had just come out too urgently, did not change his body. It’s really strange to look at the nano space suits, and it’s no wonder that these people are afraid. No matter how he knocked on the door, he would not open it.

When he passed by, he heard movements and stopped to ask.

The man inside listening to him is not like a fierce look. I wonder if they think more, but think that he just jumped out of such a glowing body, and then he was shocked. Get up: "You, you are going away, we, we are not afraid of you."

The woman in the house was thinking about her son, and she had forgotten the horror situation she had seen before.

She yelled at the man: "What are you still grinding? Go to the doctor, if my son is dead, I will fight with you."

Lin Yang, who is outside, listened to this and said: "Big brother, I am the doctor, you open the door, I will show the children."

The man is hesitant, the woman only wants to save her son, where is still in charge of other things, and quickly got up and rushed to the door, regardless of the man's block, opened the door.

The room was very dark, but the outside was very bright. The moonlight sprinkled on the man's body at the door. It was only seen in front of me, just a strange young man.

It looks very good.

The original fear in the woman’s heart also vanished at this time.

"Can you really save my son?" the woman asked.

Lin Yang nodded: "I am really a doctor. Can you save it and see it first?"

The woman took a step and let the man enter the house: "My son was slap in the face of this killing knife, and he passed out. You will give it a look."

The house is really dark and nothing is seen.

Lin Yang took out a light pen, and with a light press, a beam of light came out, scaring the man who was sitting on the ground.

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