The blue headline news headlines are striking.

‘The fire broke out in the abandoned warehouse in the suburbs last night, and the casualties are unknown! ’

There was a flash of pictures inside, and one of his cars had been blown up by the steam waves.

"President, this, is this car not yours?" The deputy dean associates with the death of Chu, who sent Lin to the hospital, and intuitively believes that this matter is related to Lin Dean.

After seeing the car on TV, it further confirmed his guess.

He didn't drive much of this car. He had been parked in the garage. He had been driving to Chu, and it seemed that he drove to the warehouse last night to save him.

So, is Chu Yu always carrying him back with his feet?

This distance is not close!

The camera sweeps two figures, his familiar figure is his father.

The camera swept away and you can clearly see that the person around his father immediately blocked him with his body and prevented reporters from shooting.

He smiled coolly, and when he looked at the title, he felt ironic.

Even his father came, how could he not know what happened last night?

The news headline only says that a fire has occurred, and the casualties are unknown!

At this time, the first thing he considered was his official direction.

"Tell the police station and tell them that I am fine." Lin Yang said he left.

The vice president was a little confused, but he still did what Lin Yang said.

Not long after the phone hanged, there were more than a dozen police cars rushing outside the hospital, including Lin Jianwang in a black bulletproof car.

Under the protection of bodyguards and policemen, Lin Jianwang stepped forward to the hospital and went straight to the dean's office.

Lin Yang was still in the ward until a policeman came over to thank him, and he got up and went to the dean's office.

When Lin Yang left, another policeman came in and asked Chu to ask questions.

"Mr. Chu, what happened to you when you rushed to the old warehouse?"

Chu Yu said things honestly. At that time, the warehouse was very dim. Although he could not see the woman's appearance, he could intuitively think that the woman should be Manna.

"Why did Manna kidnap Mr. Lin?" the police asked.

Chu Yu is not stupid, naturally it is not because they scratched her face first, so she has to retaliate.

"I don't know." He closed his eyes when he finished, and he didn't want to say more.

The policeman is also acquainted with him. He knows that he is a friend of Lin Gongzi. He naturally dare not be embarrassed and is busy getting up and leaving.

Lin Yang returned to the office and saw his father.

"Lin Yang, come over." Lin father saw him safe and sound, obviously very excited.

Lin Yang turned to the corner of the balcony and took two cups of hot water. "How come you? Today is not a weekend." Lin Yang's lips, the smile of his mouth, in the eyes of Lin's father, is very glaring.

Lin Jian Wang Wei Wei, then said: "You can do such a big thing, can I not come?"

Lin Yang shrugged: "There is not much, but it has been tied up. It has not been before."

Lin Jianwang did not expect the son who was too vocal to speak, would say such words.

Is he blaming him?

In the past, he did not have a son, but if he didn’t do it, he wouldn’t have everything.

So he does not regret, never regrets.

Lin Jianwang pretended not to hear what he said, and smiled and said: "We just found out the scene, I said, my daughter Lin Jianwang, how could it happen?"

Lin Yang also laughed, but did not speak, took up the hot water that had just been poured, took a sip, and this slowed down: "It’s just a fire in the warehouse, but you have to work so far, I am a son, It’s really awkward.”

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