However, if this guy dares to entangle himself, he will not be polite.

The man and the woman were scared to retreat for a dozen steps. They stood at the East and looked at him. They pointed at him and said, "You are an old thing, waiting, you are waiting for me."

After he finished, he and the woman quickly disappeared and ran faster than the rabbit.

Dongfang Mu is still very regrettable. After all, he has not moved his muscles for a long time.

Bai Hao walked out from behind the oriental Mu, and looked coldly at the two backs that had already run away. He whispered: "I can’t remember my daughter’s name, and my face is coming to the house. I really don’t know who. Give them confidence."

Dongfang Yuer said: "You can't remember your name, even your face doesn't remember. Just they saw you clearly, but they didn't see it. I guess they must not recognize who you are."

I only remember that I saw them once, in the ward of the Star Hospital.

At that time, she was sick and completely different from her present. However, if you are a familiar person, you can still recognize it at a glance.

For example, Zhong Bo, who has not seen for many years, recognized himself at a glance.

The biological parents did not recognize her, only because they never let them go.

"But it, don't say it. Let's go!" Bai Hao took the lead and took the lead.

The Oriental Mu Chao Oriental nephew gave a look and gestured to her not to mention this.

The father and the daughter followed the white out of the community, and the outside was a lively pedestrian street. Passing through the dazzling pedestrian street, at the end is the integrated mall.

The pedestrian street sells all kinds of special foods and accessories, but there are everything in the general shopping mall. As long as you have something you want to buy, you will definitely be able to buy it in the Condensation Mall.

Bai Hao first took them to buy clothes, and now the city of A has just finished the winter.

The warmth of spring has not yet fully covered, and it is still a bit cold in the morning and evening.

"This is a good look, Mom, try it."

The oriental nephew has not yet fully adapted to her mother, but she has been working hard to adapt.

After taking a spring dress handed by Bai Hao, she pointed at the neck and said: "There is a piece of cloth here, can you wear it?"

Bai Yan smiled and said: "The people here are so worn, especially good-looking, you are so good, it is best to wear such clothes." Bai Hao said that he pushed the Oriental nephew to the dressing room.

I am afraid that she will not wear it, and she will help her to wear her when she wears it.

The whole body is large and the mirror is shining.

The oriental nephew never took such a mirror, and she was shocked to see such a clear self.

It turned out that she had grown into this appearance. It turned out that her figure was like this.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she felt that she must be watching others.

The woman in a light blue silk V-neck shirt is definitely not her own.

Skin white waist, black hair and waist, bright teeth, beautiful not to eat fireworks.

And because of the white neck, the pure beauty, there is a hint of enchanting.

But all men will be breathed by this beauty.

There is one in front of me.

A man who came to try on a suit stood in front of the other mirror and wore a suit.

The suit is made of sophisticated materials, and at first glance it is a high-end goods.

But the man's eyes did not look at himself in the mirror, but looked at the beauty in the other mirror.

Looked at the red ears, even the eyes are not stunned.

He is not a small young man. He can't move when he sees a beautiful woman.

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