The assistant asked Gao Ming: "Gong Gao, are you going to ask the address?"

Gao Ming shook his head: "No, first look at where she lives, and stare for a few days." Although he believes that the lady is single, it is not good to conclude this conclusion, it is best to confirm.

The three stopped and stopped, and finally entered a community, just behind the pedestrian street.

"It seems that they live here, you look for someone to stare." Assistant Gao Mingchao told him. He just took a call and wanted to go to a meeting overseas. He couldn't delay for a minute. He could only let his hands go on doing this.

"Don't act rashly, wait until I come back and say it." Gao Ming told him to look at the community and turned away.

The assistant sighed and sighed. I really didn't expect that the high-ranking husband who had always been cold and cold would be so kind to a woman with only one side.

The most important thing is that he likes the older mother. . . .

Although the mother was really attractive, he was still watching.

But after all, it is a mother, her daughter is seventeen or eight years old, and Gao is a real unmarried man.

Still a rich and attractive bachelor.


When she returned home, she began to prepare lunch with her mother. Oriental Mu shared the novelty things she saw along the way to Mu Lao, and she was not excited.

Mu Laoxiao asked: "When you came here, what do you think is the most incredible thing?"

Dongfangmu did not hesitate: "Gongfang--that is, the toilet you said. This is amazing. You know, what I hated most before was to go to the Gongfang, smell the taste of the head there, let me down. The appetite of the last few meals. Now, Gong Gongfang has become a toilet room, not smelly and fragrant, I even liked the convenience of going to the toilet room."

Mu Lao has the same feeling. He is a clean-hearted person. The ancient toilet is the most unbearable place for him. Basically, he can squat and he can’t help it. He will solve it quickly.

I am finally back here, and the most satisfactory one is also the toilet room.

"What about the house? Don't you think it's amazing?" Mu asked.

Dongfang Mu laughed and said: "Of course it is magical. I never thought about it. I can make a house that people live in so high and they are all in the cloud."

If you want to talk about the magic here, you can't finish talking for three days and three nights.

Come here, just like dreaming.

Everything that happens every day is not like what really happened.

He is very glad that he made this decision and can come to this world and experience a completely different life.

No matter what the outcome will be, but this process, he really enjoys it.

And he found today that men here are more daring than their men in Chu, and they dare to express themselves.

It seems that my nephew is here, I will meet the second spring.

This is also good, really good.

He can also rest assured that he does not have to worry about marrying in the future, and he is no longer there, and that he will be lonely.

It seems that this kind of thing does not need to worry at all.

"I told you that today we met a man in the mall -" Dong Mu could not wait to share this with Mu Lao.

Mu Lao saw him like this, and he also enjoyed it: "You, this is just thinking too much. With the talent of a child, but still young, it is not difficult to find a man who really loves her here."

This old saying has been said before, but the East does not believe. He thought that like the country of Chu, the woman who had married and had children, no man would really like it.

Even if someone is willing to marry, they will not really treat each other.

Today, he changed his mind.

"I used to be a doctor in the past, but I didn't like it. The guy was too embarrassed."

Mu old does not know who Xu is a doctor, but the person who can sit on the seat of the doctor is certainly not too young, and it is not appropriate to match the child.

"Fortunately, you didn't mess with the score, or you have to hurt her again." Mu old gave him a look.

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