Until then, Cai Meier saw the face of Chu Yu, only lost one eye at a glance, the heart struck in the chest, as if trying to escape, fled to the holy place that made her heart longing.

The man in front of him is not only handsome, but also has a sturdy temperament in his temperament. The charm that comes out of his hands is almost fatal.

He is like a bottomless whirlpool black hole, knowing that it is dangerous, but still has enough charm to attract her to close and even let her jump without hesitation.

Cai Meier swallowed a mouthful of water, quickly revealing her most beautiful smile, sticking out the delicate hand, and said: "I am Cai Meier, I am very glad to meet you."

Chu Yu did not seem to hear the voice of Cai Meier, but also did not see her stretched out of the palm, a face of indifference across her side, first step out of the ballroom.

Wang Dao was one step behind. He smiled and smiled at Cai Meier. "Don't blame me for not telling you in advance. Chu has already had an object. You don't have to waste energy on him."

Who is Wang Dao, who is so excited in the entertainment circle, what kind of woman has not seen?

What kind of expression these women have, he knows what they are thinking.

Such a temperament like the appearance of Chu Yu, not to mention the Chinese entertainment circle, even if it is the entertainment circle of the world, it is very rare, she will not be surprised at first sight.

It is a pity that people have the Lord.

After the king guided, he stepped out and went out.

Chu Yu came early, always sitting in the corner, no one found his existence.

At this time, it is such a height from the center of the crowd. It is difficult to make people invisible.

Almost everyone's eyes were focused on him, staring at him step by step to the door, staring at his disappearing back for a while before returning to God.

"Who is this?"

"I don't know, I have never seen it."

"It seems to be Wang Dao just behind the person. Could it be that he is the male number one in this play?"

"It should be true. I heard that it is a newcomer, a pure new person. No wonder we have never seen it."

"It’s so handsome, it’s no wonder that I can be seen by Wang Dao. I don’t know how to perform."

"Cut, what is important in acting, and the bed skills are good."

There was a strange laughter around, and Cai Meier just came here. After listening to this, I frowned and wanted to say something, but I finally resisted it.

At this time, no matter what she said, she will become the attacking target of everyone.

Who made these people fail to be the male number one, all men, men, three men and four, naturally envy and hate.

Cai Meier didn't wait long before she left the reception. Her face was full of Chu's face. The heartbeat continued to accelerate, and even the breathing was a bit heavy.

There is never a man who can make her admire if she can listen at a glance.

No man has ever ignored her indifference when she saw her Cai Meier.

This is the kind of man, let her only look at it, it is fascinating.

Standing at the door of the hotel, looking at the dark night, she was crazy to see people again, see the indifferent man.

So Cai Meier pulled out the phone and dialed a number.

Fortunately, she did not delete this number, I did not expect it to be useful.

"Is Brother Lin? I am Cai Meier, right, it is me."

"Linda, where are you now? I have something to tell you."

"No, no, no need to come over, I will find you in the past."

"Is the food street? Well, I know, I will come right away."

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