Godly Farmer Doctor: Arrogant Husband, Can’t Afford to Offend!

Chapter 1697: a man who can't be married to a woman

Su Ting stunned: "Why?"

The assistant took the powder box in his hand and put it in the ear of Su Ting. He whispered: "He said that the people and the hands and feet are not regular and should not be used again."

Su Ting’s eyes lit up and the little heart leaped: “What did the director say?”

"The director also hated this kind of thing and immediately let them get out."

Su Ting turned her head and turned her eyes, but she did not see the shadow of Chu Yu. The heartbeat was getting faster and faster. She wanted to see him and was afraid to see him. It’s like a girl with a spring.

In the third play, the female second played, and the second female played a savage in the play, and she loved the king of Qin, but she could not love it.

Cai Meier had already finished her makeup, and she sat behind Wang Dao. The small screen kept playing back the scene of the hero who saved the beauty.

Her seemingly calm face, a trace of faintness.

If she is the heroine, she is just in her arms, she is Cai Meier.

She rummaged through the script last night, and there wasn’t a play with the male one, and she didn’t even have a hand.

Cai Meier’s gaze turned slightly and fell on a tall, thin youth.

That ******, a young man with a face, is the screenwriter of this drama.

Both the writer and the director have the power to change the script. Wang guide can't count on this. If she can handle the scriptwriter, let him change the script and give her several chances to get in touch with Chu.

A man who can't be beaten by a woman can't do it once, then twice.

After only taking a day of play, those who talked about the sounds of Chu’s voice disappeared without a trace.

After reading the performance of Chu Yu, they finally understood why Wang Dain would rather pay tens of millions of liquidated damages, and let Chu Hao come to star in the male number one.

Chu Yu seems to be a born male No.1, Li Shimin's role, as if it is tailor-made for him, he only needs to go to that station, no need for auxiliary lines, no background music blessing, no layer filtering of the lens He is a natural king, and people can't help but want to look up to the emperor.

"Okay, great!" Wang guided the screen in front of the screen and played it over and over again. Originally holding a thorny heart, but a thorn can not be picked.

Even Su Ting and Cai Meier, when they played against Chu, the acting skills seemed to have improved, and they performed better and more naturally than before.

Cai Meier has unloaded her makeup and repainted a clear and sleek makeup. The perfume used is also light.

She went to the front of the king and smiled and said: "Wang, the mood is so good, let us have a drink!"

Wang Daan looked at the sky outside, and raised his hand to look at the watch. It was only five o'clock. He thought that he would not be able to work until midnight. He did not expect to finish work at five o'clock.

"Well, I am going to treat you today and have a drink together." Cai Meier was overjoyed, and Su Ting, who was on the side, also evoked a corner of his lips. The two men all turned their eyes to Chu.

Chu Hao held a thin coat in one hand and slipped the phone in one hand. As if he didn't hear them, he went straight out.

Wang Dao called him: "Chu, go to drink."

Chu Yu did not stop, his head did not return, a faint response: "I will return to H City, come back tomorrow morning, you drink yourself." After saying that people have come to the door, they will disappear when they blink.

Li made a piece of laughter and said: "Where is his mind here, I haven't known where to fly. If you forget it, let's go drink."

Su Ting was not interested, waved: "I am a little tired, go back to rest first."

Cai Meier was originally directed at Chu, and Chu Yu left. She had the mood to cope with these stinky men, and she waved her hand: "Forget it, I will go back to rest."

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