"Is there?" Dongfang Mu saw her brows locked, did not speak, and asked anxiously.

Bai Hao shook his head: "No, nothing, it's weird."

“Why is it strange?” asked Dong Mu.

"Because it is too clean, there is nothing. This is the focus of the film and television city, and the public opinion. There have been many popular works in the filming place. It is reasonable to say that there will be some news in this area, but there is none. Even Searching for this keyword, it turned out to be 404, which is too strange."

If you are not manipulated, how can you find something related?

The oriental nephew was scared by the appearance of the two gods and grandsons. He grabbed the mobile phone in the hands of Bai Hao and pressed the bright screen. He said, "You don’t say anything, nothing is up to you. It seems that there is an accident. I think it is an accident. The voice may be where similar music is being placed. It just happened to be blown by the wind. You listened to it."

Seeing her like this, Bai Yu is not good to say anything more. The Oriental nephew has always been courageous. After this kind of thing, it is better not to discuss it in front of her.

After eating, Bai Hao took the Oriental Mu and the nephew to continue to walk in the film and television city. When passing through a replica of the Tang Palace, a warning sign prohibiting visitors from entering the door was placed at the door, and the Tang Dynasty drama group was placed in the lower right corner.

"Chu should be inside, just the person who will keep the door is not there, let's go in and see." The door is hidden, the person who guards the door should be in a hurry, and the chair is still at the door.

"None of you have seen the real Tang Palace, how can you build a gorgeous palace?" Dong Mu has always been very curious about the minds of modern people. What exactly are these people in their minds?

"According to the ancient records, ancient paintings, and undestroyed ancient buildings." She stroked the patterns on the palace walls, imagining the life of the ancients in the Tang Palace.

The Eastern Mu has always been acquainted with Ronghua. He has done two regents. What good things have not been seen? I am immune to gorgeous things.

But when he saw such a palace, it was still deeply shocked. The palace can still be gorgeous to this point.

Passing through the vestibule, walking through the long veranda, the wide, paved battlefield with blue and white slate, the three crews are shooting intensely.

Chu Yu wants to continually revolve between the two groups. Under the scorching sun, the **** shirt in the gorgeous robe is wet and dry, and I don't know how many times it has been repeated.

"Where is the child!" Dongfang Mu saw that he was being seen in the crowd by the stars. The outstanding appearance made people can see at a glance, and the people around him couldn’t make a point.

Bai Yan looked at the figure, as if he had returned to Chu. He was still the prince of the war. She was a little doctor who would only cure the doctor.

"Hey, this guy is born to be the emperor's material, but unfortunately met our nephew, white a good emperor." Oriental Mu muttered to himself, but the voice was not small, the white beggars and the eastern nephews listened. Clear and clear.

The oriental nephew licked his arm and looked unhappy: "Dad, what are you talking about?"

Dong Mu has only returned to the taste, and rushed to the white saying: "Shantou, grandpa is not that meaning, don't think too much."

Bai Hao haha ​​smiled: "What do I think? This proves that I am amazing, and I have turned an emperor to modern times."

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