White is puzzled, turning his head to Zhou Tiantian: "What are you doing?"

"She wants to go to your body." Zhou Tiantian shrugged: "She may not be malicious, but it is absolutely impossible to go to your body."

If the ghost is on the person's body, even if the ghost comes out again, it will leave some chilly air in the human body.

Worst of all, some ghosts did not have a heart. When you taste the taste of being a man again, you will give up your heart and regain your heart.

When encountering a ghost that is more powerful, the soul of the body will be swallowed up directly, and the soul and body will be merged back. At that time, Zhang will become Li.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? With whom?" Dong Mu put down his chopsticks and looked confused.

Recently, Shantou became a god, as if it came back from J City, it is such a sequel to escape from the ghost ghost heap?

That's not right, why don't you have this kind of sequelae?

Bai Hao dried up and smiled, turned to look at Mu Qing, bite his lip, or decided to say it.

"I saw a person."

Mu Grandma and Dongfang Mu turned their heads and looked at it, obviously nothing.

The white singer said again: "It’s a girl, in her early twenties, she looks like it. It’s like Mu grandma, when you were young."

The smile on Muqing suddenly froze, and the chopsticks in his hand fell to the ground.

"You, what are you talking about?"

Bai said: "She is following you, just here." She pointed to the place ten steps away from Mu Qing.

Zhou Tiantian told her that the safety distance between the ghost and the person is ten steps away. If it is too close, the ghost of the ghost will cause discomfort to the human body.

She stayed with her mother, but she did not dare to get close to her mother, fearing that her body was damaged.

Seventeen years, she has been here for seventeen years?

I can't imagine how this is a love.

Mu grandma has been waiting for her daughter, and her daughter has been staying with her in another way.

Every day I watched my mother suffer from her own disappearance. She couldn’t do anything. How painful should she be in her daughter’s heart?

At this time the girl came back and walked through the wall. She seemed to hear the words of the day and nodded gratefully to her.

Bai Hao pointed at the corner of the wall: "She is here now, can see you, can hear you."

Mu Grandma’s hand was shaking all the time, shaking constantly, and the tears in her eyes rolled like broken beads.

She has always refused to believe that Xinger is dead. She always feels that she is still alive and will return to her side someday.

But now. . .

She opened her mouth and wanted to call the name of the star, but she couldn’t scream, as if something had blocked her throat.

Oriental Mu saw her look like this, and it was very distressing. She quickly took a face towel to help her wipe her tears and asked Bai Hao: "You really saw it? Why can't I see?"

Bai Hao turned to the side of Zhou Tiantian: "Can you let them see too?"

Zhou Tiantian is very embarrassed, helping the day to be fine. After all, the owner told him to keep the day, and the master will not blame.

Can be other people. . .

The underworld, but also the rules of the underworld, can not be casually violated.

"Are you talking to the stars?" Mu grandma twisted her head to the white side and stared at the empty road around her.

Stars floated forward two steps, but when they touched the eyes of Zhou Tiantian, they showed fear in the face and then withdrew the corner.

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