Hu Fengchao said: "Whose children are there? Can you ask them to come over?"

The buddy should be, when he turned to the children, a drop of sweat fell on the forehead.

After a while, several children were brought to Hu Feng by the buddy, and they looked at Hu Feng with a pair of eyes.

Hu Fengchao stood at the top of the boy and asked, "How old are you?"

The boy did not say anything, only five fingers extended, indicating that he was five years old.

The buddy is busy: "The child saw so many strangers in the first time, a little scared, afraid to speak."

Since the introduction of Hu Feng into this museum, the four children have been running in the courtyard. Apart from the only girl, the other three have never made a sound.

“Is it? Is it afraid to expose one's own mouth?”

The buddy changed a lot, and the children changed color. The closest one to Hu Feng, his eyes quickly flickered and counted, and suddenly he rushed to Hu Feng, and the speed was very fast.

Hu Feng has long been guarded, and naturally he will not be attacked by them. The Zhou Gang and the gold captains around him have already saved their momentum and waited for the other party to start.

Sure enough, the lord's provocative words, these guys can not hold their breath.

The buddy did not expect that the ‘boy’ would suddenly start, and he was eager to think about it. Since it’s already exposed, it’s better to do it alone, maybe it’s going to happen.

Hu Feng only brought a dozen people to come in, and the guys ordered that everyone upstairs and downstairs appeared in the courtyard, and there were 30 people who said less.

Zhou Gang had already handed over the gnome at this time, and the kid was lightly motivated. The outsider’s effort was also average. He couldn’t help but sneer: “I saw you in this group of monsters and devils, and dare to put a ghost in front of the uncle, today’s uncle. It’s about to kill the monsters and let you go to hell.”

The captain of the gold team shouted: "The people outside are waiting for anything, come in! Protect your Highness!"

The door that was originally closed was kicked open, and the flow of people was poured in. The Bailai people immediately occupied the entire yard, and the pros and cons were reversed immediately.

In the courtyard, there was a scream of killing, and the swords and swords ran across the blood. The blood quickly dyed the ground. Hu Fengchao Zhou Gangdao said: "Leave a few live mouths." After that, he plunged into the upper wall and looked at the fierce battle of killing in the courtyard. .

The other party is a master, and the people he brings are not vegetarian. In addition, the advantage of the number of people quickly took the upper hand.

Seeing that the companions fell one after another, the guy panicked and stalked with a Jingwei, looking for a way to escape.

Zhou Gang had already stared at him. Obviously, this guy is the leader of these people. No one can let him run.

At the end of the killing, the blood in the hospital has turned into a river. Except for the seven prisoners, the rest of the people have no left, all of which are in vain.

Zhou Gang took the buddy to Hu Feng’s front and forced him to kneel down. “Quickly, who is instructing?”

The guy looked up at Hu Feng and looked at it with grievances. He then licked his mouth and tried to bite the poison hidden in his back molars.

I can let him bite, but nothing bites.

Zhou Gang spread his hand and a black pill appeared in front of his eyes: "Do you want to eat this?"

The guy was stupid, and this was clearly the poison pill hidden in his back molars. How did he get into his hands?

This thought that before this person was punched in the face, he spit blood, is the poison pill being shot at that time?

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