Shantou rushed to report, Zhao Lanyi heard of the old man, immediately thought of Hu Changlin, rushed out of the house, and really saw Hu Changlin standing at the courtyard.

"Hu Big Brother, are you coming? Come in!"

The two sat in the small hall, and the faces were red. It was not normal. They had already had a good impression on each other. They just didn’t dare to say it because of their face, and they all understood it.

Hu Changlin was not a rhetoric. After a long time, he said: "I haven’t seen it recently, but I am still okay? Is it a habit to live here?"

Zhao Lanhong smiled and said: "I am still okay, but I don't know if you are used to living in the palace. I heard that the slaves in the palace are different from the others. They are used to stepping on the bottom. People who are born like this, they will do their best?" ”

Hu Changlin waved his hand: "Nothing, I don't dare to say it elsewhere, but those who the wind has arranged for me are all the top ones. Besides, I am such a rough person, there is a house to live, there is food to eat, just fine, Don't care about anything else."

Zhao Lan nodded, silently did not speak, after a long while, she only tweaked: "I, I made a piece of clothes, pale blue, thinking that you wear the right, they bought it back."

Hu Changlin looked happy and asked: "Is it done?"

Zhao Lan nodded again, and his face seemed to be redder: "Well, it’s almost."

Hu Changlin was happy like a child, laughing with a look of pleats, his hands smashed and groaned. "That, then, can I try?"

Zhao Lan is about to get up and take it. The **** the side is busy: "Mrs. Just sit, slaves come."

Although she has been living in this oriental family for a while, she is still not used to doing things for others. She prefers to do things herself, do what she can, and can also do activities and activities, sitting all day, sitting on the back. Hard.

The maid quickly took the clothes, Zhao Lan's craftsmanship was very good, and this time I learned some new tricks in Kyoto, and the robes made were much better than the fashionable styles in the ready-to-wear shops.

Zhao Lan took the robe handed by the maid and got up and dressed for Hu Changlin.

This color is very lining him, only the waist seems to be a little bigger.

Zhao Landao: "Take it off, I will change it again."

Hu Changlin refused to take it off. "Forget it, I am very good at it. If I don't have to change it, I will wear it like this."

"But don't worry, the waist is big here, I will change it again, and I will be able to change it more."

After all, it’s not too much. It’s all done by memory. It’s good.

Hu Changlin said that he would not take it off, but he would wear it: "I like to be so loose, don't take it off, just wear it back."

Zhao Lan's face became more and more blushing, and he lowered his head and whispered: "You are like this, you are like this, they will definitely laugh at us."

Hu Changlin shook his head: "No, those children are looking forward to us, how can we laugh at us."

He looked at Zhao Lan in front of him, and somehow he came with a courage. The blood suddenly boiled, and he was not nervous. He didn’t talk too much. He directly said: "Zhao Lan, let's get married."

These days, these days separated from Zhao Lan, he wants to see her every day, this feeling that he had had when he was young, and reappeared.

This sentence is not a temporary impulse. He thought for a long time, and even discussed with Hu Feng. Hu Feng is very much in favor of him. He said that no matter what the outsider said, as long as he likes it, as long as he can be happy, he will unconditionally support.


That's it today, see you tomorrow!

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