Godly Farmer Doctor: Arrogant Husband, Can’t Afford to Offend!

Chapter 857: Can the brother's illness be improved?

This news is like a blue sky, smashing her life and vision.

She was banned, and she was unable to find out about the Nanhoufu government. In just a few days, the originally prosperous town of Nanhoufu was delisted in the world.

Zhennanhou 20 years of military power, not a rumor of traitors.

White 芷 frown: "So, your fiancé, was killed by your father?"

Qianfang nodded and then shook his head: "He was indeed ordered to be killed by his father, but he escaped. It was the emperor who secretly sent people to help and escaped."

"So, you and him, now become enemies?" Bai Hao sighed in his heart, even if her fiancé is still alive, afraid that it is impossible to be together again.

The hate of extinction, is it forgotten, can you forget?

Qian Fang said: "No, no, Lang Ge, he did not regard me as an enemy, he will not."

"So, have you seen it?"

Qianfang nodded: "I have seen that after I left the Golden State with my emperor, he quietly came to me. Unfortunately, we have not said the last two sentences, and we were discovered by the guards. He is a heavy martial art, and where is the opponent of the guard. He was seriously injured in a few times. He said that he would wait for me in Chu. He would take me with me and fly away."

"He lost the appointment?" asked Bai Yu.

Qian Fang was red again. "No, he didn't miss the appointment. It was the emperor. The emperor refused to let him come to me. He also had a fight with him. This was their first time, and the emperor injured him. He said something, the emperor's brother is going to kill him, but the emperor is finally thinking about his childhood feelings and let him go."

Bai Hao looked at the innocent Princess of Qianfang in front of her eyes. Some words, I don’t know if I said it inappropriately.

"Princess, do you think he came to you, really just want to fly with both?"

Qianfang brows slightly wrinkled: "What do you mean by this?"

Bai said: "His family has been so changed, parents and relatives have all died in the hands of your father. If you are him, would you still be willing to talk to your daughter of blood and sea?"

Qianfang’s face changed greatly, and the beautiful eyes grew bigger and bigger. “You mean, he, he doesn’t really want to—”

Bai Hao patted the back of her hand, no longer talked, got up and took things away.

As soon as the door opened, it was not a problem. Xu Tai doctor stood outside the door, followed by him, as well as Zhong Tai and Zhang Tai, who used to be a doctor.

Bai Hao nodded to them and looked at Zhang Tai’s doctor: "Can the brother's illness be improved?"

Zhang Tai doctor busy said: "I have already improved. I used to be stunned and unclear. Now I can recognize the people and eat myself. I just get out of bed or not. When I stand up, I say dizziness, and my eyes are dark. ”

Bai Hao nodded: "This is normal, and it will be raised for a while, and the symptoms will slowly disappear." He said that the black eyes are typical symptoms of hypotension.

It is normal to have low blood pressure for so long in bed.

In modern self, do you not have symptoms of hypotension after waking up?

Thinking of herself in modern times, she frowned again. She had not slept on the night of the fifteenth night. On that day, she would refining the medicine for one night to avoid the opportunity to go back.

I don't know how Lin Yang is now. Did he figure it out?

Seeing Bai Yan’s words suddenly disappeared, and Xu Tai’s doctor coughed and cried the white scorpion.

Bai Yan smiled: "Sorry, distracted, what did you just say?" She vaguely remembered that Zhang Tai’s lips were moving.

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