Xu Taihua sighed: "I just made a little effort to help you, but fortunately, I was in a hurry." It is hard for him to imagine that the gimmicks such as Bai Yu would be tainted by Xiaoshan and the consequences would be.

Xu Taiyi said again: "I originally wanted to go to the King of Jin, but I heard from Zhang Taiyi that he saw Jin Wang out of the palace. I heard that I went to the city defense camp and it is estimated that I will come back in the afternoon."

Bai Hao nodded: "Because of this, the Queen and Xiao Wang, how bold, if the King is in, will definitely break the door of their Qing'an Palace." She is somewhat fortunate, fortunately Hu Feng is not, if it really breaks The Qingan Palace Gate, the consequences are also unacceptable, this thing can not help, the Royal, will be the laughing stock of the world, the emperor must hate her.

"But, don't mention this, I am lacking today. I will go home and rest first. If the princess has something, I will send someone to call me immediately." She sighed and thought of something: "Right, that odd pulse can be found it?"

Xu Tai doctor said: "I am going to tell you about this. There is not a book in the palace of the Qimai Palace, but there is a place where you may find this strange theory."

Bai Li immediately asked: "Oh? Where?"

Xu Taiyi said: "There is a Liu's business in Kyoto. It is said that this Liu's business not only sells the spot, but also sells the goods that people want. Just tell them that if they pay enough money, they will find you for you. Everything you want, and every three months, an auction will be held. At that time, there will be many treasures in the business."

"What are the treasures?" asked Bai Yu.

Xu Taixu said: "Whatever there is, strange and rare goods, medicine Danjinshi, martial arts cheats, and even the handed down medical code, are possible."

Bai Hao’s eyes are bright: “Can the medicinal medicine be shot?”

Xu Tai nodded: "Of course, there are many pharmacists in the world who can refine alchemy. Even most doctors will use alchemy, but it is limited to some simple and ordinary remedies. The real medicinal medicine is very scarce. If you are a cow Huang Dan, if you get the pharmacy to the auction house, I can sell it at a good price."

On the face of the white pheasant, there is a happy color: "This is a good thing. I have a few good Dan Fangs. When I have a few, I will go to the auction house."

Xu Tai doctor listened, and immediately came out of his eyes: ‘You still have a good Dan Fang? ’

Bai Yan smiled and nodded: "When I am ready to show it to you, if you want to learn, teach you anything."

If someone else said this, Xu Taiyi naturally knows that he is polite, but Bai Yan said this, he knows that it is not only polite, she said that she is willing to teach, then she will be willing to teach.

As long as he wants to learn, she will teach.

"I want to learn. Of course I want to learn. I don't want you to say that if I am too old, I want to worship you as a teacher."

This will amused the day, the original unhappiness and the haze disappeared.

"Oh, yes, there is one more thing." Xu Taiji was right in color and lowered his voice: "You have given Kejia Ergongzi a cure for sore so many people in the hospital know."

Bai Hao scorned: "I know you know, I don't care! You can tell them that Ke Jia gave me two thousand medical consultations. If they can cure, they can try it."

Xu Taiyi smiled and said: "Kejia also gave me one thousand two. I didn't dare to accept it. After all, this credit is yours. I really can't push it. I only received one hundred and two, but what I am going to say today is not This matter."


There are still five chapters in the evening, still writing ha ~~

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