Godly Farmer Doctor: Arrogant Husband, Can’t Afford to Offend!

Chapter 892: It is she who owes you, not that she owes you.

Bai Hao sighed: "I know that Guan is a good person. Although I don't know how his relationship with you is. Even though you are now in Lu'antang, I still want to believe in Guan." The situation of going to Guanfu was still in sight. How to see the master is not like a person with a disagreement.

Song Lang immediately said: "My business has nothing to do with Guanjia. They don't know my true identity. I don't know if I come to Kyoto to do it." He didn't understand why he had to explain as much as she did, and the woman was very quick. It is going to become a dead person. Does he need to solve something with her?

Bai said: "I am coming today, not for anything else. I just want to know, what poison did you give to Princess Qianfang?"

When Jin Er heard this, his face changed dramatically. "What, what? The princess was poisoned?" She looked at the white horror with horror. She hadn’t listened to Bai Yu before.

Song Lang sneered: "Sure enough, there is a bit of skill, but there is still some heat. If you can diagnose what poison she has, it is really true."

Bai Hao shook his head: "The Princess Qianfang knows that you are doing evil, but still pleading for me to let you go, can you live with her?"

Song Lang’s face changed immediately, and he was bleeding in the middle of the sputum: “Can I live with her? How can I not hold her? I have more than two hundred people in the Song family, all of whom have been killed by her. She owes me, not that I owe her."

"It is she who owes you, not that she owes you, don't make a mistake."

"What is the difference?" Song Lang was furious.

"Of course there is a difference. He made this decision. He didn't ask her, and she didn't get her consent. She is her, she is her, can't be confused. You can not love her, ignore her, stay away from her. But you can't take advantage of her love for you and do something that hurts her."

"You can't you can't? You are who you are?" Song Lang didn't want to listen to her again. I didn't know where to find a few long needles. When I was in the hand, the long needle flew to the white scorpion and stabbed her.

Bai Hao has been guarding him, almost seeing his hand shaking with his own eyes, the long needle will fall out of his wrist, just falling in his palm.

She sideways avoided the hidden weapon, and the two guards behind him immediately rushed to the top, one to protect the day, one to fight with Song Lang.

Song Lang was injured and his legs were incompetent. He struggled with the guard and only had a tie and could not be separated.

And the old man who had previously opened the door to the day, suddenly appeared in the hall, holding two short knives in his hand, the blade was slightly bent, and the totem was engraved on the handle, which is the style of the gold country weapon.

The guards who guarded the white scorpion were entangled with the old man, and the white cockroaches fell again. Although Jiner learned some hard work, he could not make it in front of the real master.

The old man’s Wufu was far above the guards, but after playing for a dozen or so rounds, the guards were defeated and injured.

The old man stepped toward the day, and Jiner also pulled out the short knife at the waist. Unfortunately, none of the tricks had ever passed, and the short knife fell to the ground.

The old man waved his hand and knocked Jiner to the ground, bringing a strong wind, and opened the gauze on the white cap, revealing her face hidden under the skull cap.

Song Lang happened to look at her side. When she saw this face and saw the eyes, he immediately remembered the girl who had been wounded in the temple outside the city that night.

These eyes, almost the same as the eyes I saw that night, are bright and transparent.

The old man’s short knife stabbed to the white, and Song Lang saw it. He was about to stop him. Suddenly there were two black shadows breaking through the window. The blink of an eye plunged into the front of the old man and solved the girl’s life.

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