Godly Farmer Doctor: Arrogant Husband, Can’t Afford to Offend!

Chapter 910: The reconciliation of the delegation

Qianfang feared that he would blame Song Lang for blaming and shouting his head: "Nothing, I am fine, I will be fine soon."

Jiner sighed and stopped, and sighed at the bottom of my heart, and finally did not say much.

Qian Hua helped his sister to sit down in the chair. He asked, "Is it really okay?"

Qianfang nodded immediately: "It's really okay, my brother, you can come back safely. It's so good. Is Song Lang letting you? I know that he won't start with you, you two are so good, sometimes I It’s pretty awkward.”

Qian Hua frowned, I do not know how to say to my sister, saying that he was not released by Song Lang, in fact, was saved by Bai Yu, the two escaped together.

Qian Fang said again: "Emperor brother, Song Lang, what is he doing now? Is he okay?"

Qian Hua’s brows are getting closer and closer, not pleasing: “You still think about him now? Don’t you know who made you look like this?”

Qianfang smiled bitterly: "This is what I owe him. Just pay him back. I don't blame him."

Jiner sees the atmosphere like this, and quickly whispers: "His Royal Highness, the white girl is very good at medical treatment. She said that she can cure the princess's legs, and she will be cured. You can see the princess can walk now, can't pass. How long will the princess be able to run as before."

Qianhua shook his head: "What do you believe in what she said? She is only a little bit of a little girl, too hospital is too helpless, she can cure?"

Jin Er busy said: "The white girl's medical skills are really good. The princess has been unconscious before, and the white girl has rescued the princess and cured the princess's leg."

Prince Qianhua waved his hand: "Well, don't say it again. Since your legs are already getting better, let's go back to China tomorrow."

Qian Fangyi: "Go tomorrow?"

Qian Huadao: "Do you not stay here to do what? The delegation and the regiment are completely destroyed, and there is nothing left in the embassy. What are you talking about?"

Qianfang didn't want to go back and didn't want to go back to the cage, where she could never get real freedom.

"Emperor brother, although we don't have a mission now, but there is a brother, you, the father sent us to express the sincerity of the peace, and now this is the case, although Chu also has responsibility, but the responsibility of the big number It’s our gold country ourselves, it’s no wonder they are.”

Qianhua shook his head: "I am now a sacred son. How can I fight with the group of ministers of Chu? Do you not mourn the national power of my country? It is better to go back and discuss things later."

Qianfang is anxious: "Emperor brother, just go back like this, it is really mourning our gold country Guowei, you are a prince, if you can defeat the group of ministers in the Chu State, do you not lose the national prestige?"

Although the words are reasonable, but this kind of thing, he has not done it after all, the bottom of his heart, plus the heart of the mind hanging the safety of Song Lang, he does not want to stay for a moment.

"You don't have to say anything, you will return to China tomorrow, and you will discuss it later." He said that he got up and went out, but Bai Yan came in at this time. She was always outside, and the conversation between the brothers and sisters was clear. Clearly.

"I hope that Princess Qianfang can't leave tomorrow."

Qianhua frowned, unhappy with a white hair: "What do you say?"

Bai Yan smiled: "I said that Princess Qianfang can't go tomorrow. She is poisoned by Song Lang. She is unsolvable and can't go."

Qian Hua looked back at Qianfang and saw that his face was normal. He could not see any signs of poisoning.

"Hugh to be nonsense, the princess is good, how can it be poisoned? You don't want to be alarmed here." Qian Hua's cold eyes fell on the white body, I don't know why, he particularly hated the woman in front of her, and she looked annoyed at her.

Today is even more, tomorrow, the state is better, more and more, see you tomorrow!

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