At this time, the white scorpion was tied to another young man. The two young people looked pale and obviously felt very nervous.

Bai Hao comforted: "Don't be afraid, just take a bag of blood, there is no damage to you, eat well, blood will come back, these blood is used to save lives, you are also a merit."

After listening to this, the expressions of the two young people were much more relaxed.

At this time, Xiao Yan found some young and old, and gave him a blood test, and then tested two B-types, and immediately pulled them.

At this time, the blood bag of the first youth was almost full, three hundred milliliters.

The white cockroach pulled the needle and let the young man stay up and sit down and rest.

Xu Tai, who was radiant in the eyes of Bai Yu, said: "Xu Tai doctor, please give them a tonic for blood."

Xu Tai doctor nodded again and again, this is his line.

But he was not in a hurry to write a prescription, only to follow the white scorpion, watching her hang the blood bag on the top of the old man's head, and then put the needle into the blood vessels of the master's arm.

Blood dripped into the arm of the master.

Everyone present, no one was surprised to see this scene, such medical skills, they have never seen, even heard nothing, some people who have been treated like this, draw blood from a person’s body, and then Send the blood to another person's body.

In this way, can you really cure the lord?

There is bleeding in the wounds of the lord, and the white cockroaches can finally free up their hands to deal with the wounds.

He was approaching Xu Tai’s doctor: “I just saw it, I saw it?”

Xu Tai nodded: "It’s amazing to see it."

Bai said: "I have to deal with the wounds of the lord now. Can you help me keep the blood behind?"

Xu Tai’s doctor rushed and waved his hand: “No, no, this can’t be done. I only read it again, I haven’t learned it yet.”

Bai Hao shook his head: "No, you have learned, you must have learned." Xu Tai doctor is the best student she has ever seen. Although she is old and eager to learn, she does not lose those young and young.

"The injury of the lord can no longer be dragged on, and the things behind you will come to you."

Xu Tai doctor looked at the lord again. The person who was originally alive and alive suddenly became like this. If he delays, he will become a dead person.

Can't delay!

"Well, I will give it a try. If not, you will tell me how to do it when I arrive. I think I can do it well." Xu Taiyan nodded firmly.

Bai Hao was very pleased and smiled: "You must do it. This is a new medical technique. If you can learn, I believe that more people will benefit in the future."

The hoes sent things in succession, and they smashed their hands and began to clean up the wounds.

While waiting for the blood bag to fill up, Xu Taifu’s eyes did not leave the white hand for a moment.

How can the hands be so flexible? In the face of such a wound, she didn't even wrinkle her brows, and even opened the flesh that the old man was cut by the sharp edge, and used the hand that did not know what it was to reach into the stomach to treat the wound and blood in the stomach. Clean up and suture the wound with a needle thread before handling the wound outside.

While doing this, Guan Guan always kept his eyes open, but he did not hear him cry, even the brow did not see him wrinkle, what is going on?

Don't it hurt?

The gimmicks in the house saw this situation and had already fainted two, that is, the men were scared to face each other.

In their view, this is where to save people, it is clear that it is killing.

Is this person in her hands still alive?

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