The next time people cleaned up the room, the time was almost two o'clock in the past, and Bai Hao came to the front of the lord and whispered two sentences.

The lord did not respond at all.

The white cockroaches let the next person wake up the young master who had just eaten a small mouth and fell asleep, let him call the lord.

After all, the young master of Guan Jia was young, and when he woke up, he only felt pain in his feet. He saw his grandfather lying in bed with his blood lying in his bed. He was scared and scared. He just stopped for a while and began to cry again.

This time, the white cockroaches did not let the family go to the next, let him cry in front of the lord, hope that the lord can hear the cry of the grandson, can cheer up, can rekindle the fire of life.

Nowadays, I want to wake up the ancestor’s will to live, and only he can’t do it in the world’s only concern.

"Grandfather, grandfather, what's wrong with you? Why don't you care? Good children are afraid, good children hurt!"

"Grandfather, good child hurts! Grandfather, wake up, you open your eyes and look at good children~"

The child's pitiful crying, whoever listened to the heart, the housekeepers in the house, all of them burst into tears, it is white, and red eyes.

A child as big as a child has already begun to know something. If he loses a loved one at this time, it is a fatal blow to a good child. I can’t imagine how it would be if there was no master. ?

After a taro wiped his tears, he suddenly cried: "The movement moved, and the master's fingers moved."

Shantou hurriedly took the good boy up and let his little hand hold the big hand that was twitching.

The big hands, the old man, are so warm, the good children cry more sad.

The heavy eyelids slowly opened a gap, and the dry lips moved, and finally a little voice was heard: "Hey, my grandfather is here!"

The white throat swallowed the tears of the upper part, letting the girl hold the child, and she immediately checked his heartbeat and pulse. The situation was better than she had imagined. It was great.

"Grandpa, you are out of danger. You should not sleep now, and then hold on for a while. I will give you medicine first. After a quarter of an hour, you can continue to sleep. Don't sleep now, don't sleep. ”

Guan Guanye blinked at the white, and said that he understood that the originally blurred eyes also had a little radiance, and his mouth moved: "Thank you, thank you~"

Bai Yan shook his head, his eyes were red again, why did people like Guan Lao be invaded like this? Why can't a good person like him get the blessing of the so-called God?

The bad guys are rampant in the world, and the days are not collected.

He couldn't imagine how she would go to Lu'antang if she didn't want to go to Guan'an, and then Guan Guan, Guan Guan, now, what will happen?

Guan Guan seems to have something to say, Bai Hao shook his head toward him: "Don't worry, don't worry, wait for you to be better, we will always be here."

Guan Guan squinted and closed his mouth.

After pushing the medicine, Bai Yu listened to the abdomen of Guan, and felt that the frequency of gastrointestinal motility was still normal. He took a brand new disposable hose, cut it with scissors, and ordered the female to come to the temperature just right. The white water, put one end of the pipe into the water, and the other end is placed in the mouth of the master. "You **** and drink, the body does not need to move, it will definitely hurt."

Guan Guan took a sip of his words and saw that it was warm and sweet water, and he took a few more mouthfuls.

Seeing that he stopped, she took the tea pot and the hose away, and said to the descendants of Guanjia: "The water is fed in this way for two days. You can’t be greedy. Drink less every time, then prepare a small basin. Do not go to the house, they are all solved in bed, don't be afraid of dirty, just two days, prepare more clothes and beggars."

Today is more, dear, see you tomorrow~

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