Hu Feng lighted his eyebrows and smiled and asked: "So, can you drive with soap?"

Bai Hao shook his head: "No, still can't."

"Why? Just this soap, haven't you already given the mites?"

Bai Yan sighed: "This is a locust outside the human body. If it is inside the human body, it is useless to use soap."

People take soap liquid, only in the stomach, that is, at most, can remove the mites in the stomach.

But this locust is not only in the stomach, but some of them may have gone, blood vessels, heart and lungs, and brain.

With soap alone, you can't kill all the mites, and as long as the whistle of the scorpion is together, these people will go crazy.

Looking at the distressed white, Hu Feng swallowed what he wanted to ask, whispered: "If you are anxious, my people are already looking for the whereabouts of Song Lang. If you find Song Lang, he will have a solution."

Bai Yu thinks of Song Lang, the eyes full of hatred. If this is what he did, will he easily hand over the solution?

Bai Yan looked up at Hu Feng and said: "This matter and Chu Feng can't get rid of the relationship, saying that he can't know the solution, why don't you start with him first?"

Hu Feng shook his head: "My man has been staring at him, but he has not changed at all. His medicine is indeed bought from Lu'antang. There is no evidence to prove that he is related to this matter. He cannot be from him at all. Start."

Bai Hao sighed again and said: "Also, if he does such a thing, how can he leave a handle for himself?"

When I thought that the emperor had already drunk the herbal tea, he said: "The diet at the entrance of this time must be careful. Don't just eat and drink anything outside. Chu Feng is so deliberate. There must be a post, you must be careful. ""

Feeling the intense concern and worry between her words, Hu Feng warmly smiled and said: "I know, I listen to you all."

Standing on the back of Hu Feng, Awu chuckled: "Your Highness, you haven't greeted the aunt to cross the door. It has become a wife and a strict ruler. In the future, Auntie will become a king. You don't know how to be soft." ""

Hu Feng laughed and said: "I am happy, I am willing, how? You envy?"

Awu shrugged: "I have a lot of envy, I have a wife and a woman, maybe a few more months, I have a son, I have to envy you this bachelor?"

This means that Zhao Suzhen is pregnant again?

Hu Feng took advantage of Awu’s smug face and cut a sigh: “It’s as if your wife can have a son.”

When she saw them, they went farther and farther, and they quickly pulled back the question that they had left: "Well, you don't say that there is something that is not there, and it is serious."

"You have just seen the growth rate of this locust. This can't be delayed. You must find the method of cracking as soon as possible. Otherwise, Kyoto City will become a hell."

The smile on Hu Feng's face was converging, and my heart was tightening. I immediately nodded: "If I turn over Kyoto City, I will find Song Lang."

Awu is busy: "There are so many great honours in Kyoto. We are so quiet, I am afraid that it will be too small. If it is to the emperor, how is it?"

Hu Fengbai gave him a look: "Have you forgotten? The father and the prince have ordered me to thoroughly investigate the disappearance of the prince of the Golden State. Isn’t this a good opportunity? Just get the news, there is a clue to the Prince in Kyoto, so that Everything is logical."

A Wu is amazed, yes, why didn’t he think of it?


There are still four more hahas today, still writing, and later.

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