Qian Huaxu said: "Even if you ignore her life for her, you and her are impossible."

Song Lang whispered: "I blocked his mouth, I don't want to hear his voice again."

Immediately, there was a guard who stepped forward and put a cloth into the mouth of Qianhua. From then on, his mouth could only make a sound of um.

Outside, the person who checked in has already entered the government gate, and it looks normal again in the four heads. However, the family responds like a stream, and the girl is polite and generous, sitting in the old man’s house and tea watching.

Everything is normal, too normal.

Normal, half-point error can not be picked.

The people who checked in went out, and the lead Captain Ke thought more and more strange, but he couldn’t say where it was strange.

It is also a coincidence that after leaving the Qingfeng Court, it happened to meet the face-to-face payment.

"Fu general!" Captain Ke took the person to pay the ceremony.

Paying for it: "Is this street checked?"

Captain Ke nodded: "All checked."

Fu Zheng asked: "Why don't you frown?"

Captain Ke looked back at Qingfengyuan and said the situation inside.

After all, Fu Zheng was wide-eyed and knowledgeable. When he heard the words of Captain Ke, his heart suddenly became suspicious. He said: "There is definitely a problem with Qingfengyuan. It is not easy to say what the problem is. You should stay first and stare in secret."

Captain Ke took the fate, and Fu Zheng saw them escaping into the hidden place before turning around and leaving with his men.

"The son, there is someone stalking outside, what should I do?" The guard went to the secret room to report.

Song Lang waved his hand: "Nothing, let them stare. When you go out, you will look like a family. They won't break in. The Prince and the Princess will let them grieve for a while."

Let me talk about it. Song Lang got up. When he left, his eyes fell on the bed where the gauze was hanging. Jiner sat on the ground in front of the bed and his eyes were dull.

After thinking about it, he finally walked over to the bed and opened the account to look inside.

The mellow beauty of the past has now become skinny, still beautiful, and people have seen the pity.

Song Lang twisted his eyebrows and looked at the seriously ill person in front of him. His heart sighed long.

He didn't have the heart of his own imagination. From the beginning to the end, he did not have a real killer for the brothers and sisters. Otherwise, they could not live to the present.

He hates himself, why can't he be more timid?

Why should you be soft on the children of the enemy?

The hand was loose, the account hanged down, and the face was blocked. The face was originally smiling, and the young princess who called him behind him was chased all day long.

He turned and walked away, seemingly determined.

After two hours, a bowl of soup was sent to the secret room and sent to Jin's hands.

Jin Er asked: "What is this?"

The attendant who sent the medicine said: "This is the medicine that the master told him to say to the princess."

Jin Er frowns: "What kind of medicine?"

The servant said: "The master said, it is an antidote."

Jiner's eyes are bright, antidote? The white girl said, the princess was poisoned, and the poison was under Song Lang.

Now Song Lang is sent to understand the medicine, is the princess saved?

She hurriedly took the medicine bowl from the hand of the attendant, immediately lifted the princess, opened her mouth, and fed the medicine a little bit.


Dong Mu returned home from the outside, and his face was not very good.

"Grandpa, what's wrong with you?" Bai Hao waited in his study room and saw him look like he came in, and asked quickly.

The Eastern Muhammad said: "This time the emperor called me into the palace, and I met Chu Feng, this guy is really mad."

"Chu Feng went again? Wouldn't it be to send medicine tea?" asked Bai Yu.

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