Zhong Tai doctor has also been confused by this matter, but this is a private matter of others, and he is not easy to ask.

Bai Hao looked at the furnishings in the room and thought about the situation of the old lady.

When Wei Xuan appeared, his face was calm and steady. But his eyes, betrayed his heart, his eyes are emotional, just do not know, that is what kind of emotions, very complicated, afraid that only he himself knows what was thinking at the time.

"He did have his reasons for doing this. Perhaps, just to stay with his mother!" Or perhaps, he was afraid that his mother would become a idiot and would be harmed, so he did this.

Of course, she can't talk nonsense.

After a while, Wei Xuan came out from the inner room and held an iron pot in his hand. He nodded to the doctor of Zhong Tai, and went to the outer tank to install the water, and then took a piece of red charcoal from the stove. , the small furnace in the hall is led.

The iron kettle was burned on the small stove. He took out a few white porcelain bowls from the cabinet. It was much better than the few bowls on the table. It was still very new, at least there was no gap.

Put tea in each bowl and bring out a half-disc snack. After finishing these things, he only made a ritual to Zhong Tai’s doctor. He said, “If you don’t say goodbye, please forgive me.”

Zhong Tai doctor hurriedly waved his hand: "Don't say this, it is our harassment, it is not."

Wei Xuan’s eyes fell on the broken bowl on the table, and the mites in the bowl came into view. His flat brows wrinkled immediately and his face changed slightly.

Zhong Tai doctor asked: "Do you know this heart?"

Wei Xuan nodded: "I have seen it in the book, it is like this, it is roughly the same as written in the book."

When Bai Hao heard this, he quickly rushed forward and asked: "The book can be written, how to get rid of this heart and not hurt the human body?"

The sound of the white pheasant is very crisp, like the jade beads falling on the silver plate.

He turned his head and looked at the white scorpion. Since he entered the door, his attention has been on the mother's bell doctor. He has never looked at others.

At this time, I saw this pink girl, only to see the bright, clear eyes, as if the water in the head has been stored in the autumn, full of bottom.

The long feathers and squats are like a small fan smashed, and the warm breeze is drawn, and the face is warm and warm.

She looks so good, it looks better than the lady on the painting.

See Wei Xuan staring at the girl, oh God, Zhong Tai doctor rushed to cough.

Wei Xuan returned to God, immediately blushing his face, and hurriedly gave a tribute to the white scorpion: "Small students are out of order, but also look at the girl."

He is frank, knowing that he is out of order, white smile, but not on the surface, re-examine: "Wei Gongzi, you have not answered me yet."

Wei Xuan snorted, and she couldn’t remember what she had just asked. There were only those bright and moving eyes in her heart. It was as clear as a spring, without any variegation and emotions. But he looked, that is why It's different.

Zhong Tai’s doctor said: “She asked you, this is a heart-wrenching, and the book can be written about how to get rid of it without hurting the human body.”

Wei Xuan sighed and said: "It should be written. When I read the book, I was still young and didn't see it clearly."

The white man asked urgently: "What about the book? Is the book still there? Can you borrow it?"

Wei Xuan shook his head: "The book is not here. In my uncle's house, when I was a child, I lived in my uncle's house. This book was seen in my uncle's house." His uncle is also a cultivator, and his mother's martyrdom is learned from his uncle. .

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