Godly Farmer Doctor: Arrogant Husband, Can’t Afford to Offend!

Chapter 980: Not afraid of being criticized?

White frowning: "What is the way? Don't talk!"

The man's head is lower: "There is no way to get rid of it. If it can be controlled, Song Shizi will not refuse to use it."

"What do you mean, the disaster in Kyoto City can't be avoided?"

The man did not say anything.

The white cockroaches almost didn't spurt out an old blood, and he gasped and said: "What about Wei's cheats?"

She didn't believe anyone. She only believed in herself. Before she saw the book, she never believed that there was no way.

The man said: "The cheats I gave to Song Shizi, I have been with him."

When the heart of the day is filled, what is it? One by one.

Bai Hao turned to look at Hu Feng, Hu Feng nodded to her: "There is already a clue, you will find him soon, you are in a hurry."

At this time, he was rushed to report, and he whispered two words to Hu Feng.

Hu Feng looked a happy, and he made a white horse to the side: "Fu Zheng said that he has discovered the whereabouts of Song Lang, and I will go to meet him now."

Bai Hao hurriedly said: "I will go too."

Hu Feng frowned, but did not say anything to refuse, Bai Hao said: "I can't wait for a moment, my grandfather is getting worse, if I can't think of the method as soon as possible, I really don't know what the consequences will be."

She didn't even think about it, but when she thought about it, she felt pain.

The old man who holds her in the palm of her hand must not have anything!

Seeing her like this, Hu Feng couldn't say anything else and nodded. "Well, but you have to listen to me, don't allow you to act privately, and don't put yourself in danger."

Bai Hao nodded: "Well, I remember, the news came suddenly, not to be their trap, you have to be careful."

The two also confessed to each other, and this came out together.

Wei Xuan looked at the back of the two hands together, and my heart was sour, her girl like this, it was right for such a man to match.

Only such a man is worthy of her!


"Gongzi, will she come?" Yuan Lao twisted his eyebrows and looked at the light-skinned son, and he was vomiting blood.

Song Lang smiled: "With her character, she will definitely come."

I thought of the Lantern Festival that day, regardless of danger, pretending to be looking for him, just to know what poison in Qianfang, what medicine to use.

If she knows the current situation in Kyoto City and knows that the book that records the heart is on him, can she not come?

She will definitely come, even if she knows it is a game, she will come.

As Song Lang expected, she came, with his fiancé.

Song Lang sat in the courtyard and shook his hand with a folding fan. Although the weather was very cold, he waved his hand but never stopped.

He didn't know why he was shaking with a fan on such a cold day.

It must not be because someone once said that he looks best!

It must be because his heart is very hot, it must be like this.

The guards rushed over and reported to him: "The son, come!

"Oh? How many people have come?" Song Lang asked.

The guards were busy: "But fifty, headed, it is the king of the DPRK."

"Is there a girl?" he asked.

The guards nodded immediately, and they took a ride with Jin Wang, and there was a girl.

Song Lang’s brows were slightly wrinkled and muttered: “They have a marriage contract, but they are not married, so they are hugged together, not afraid of being criticized?”

Yuan Laoyi, who stood behind Song Lang, heard this and almost fell down. At this time, his family still has the heart to manage people. Can you manage it?

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