The two policemen turned around, wanting to see who had such a big tone and wanted to snatch the person from their hands. However, when they turned their heads, they were stunned for a moment.

It was a woman, or rather a policewoman, but this policewoman was so beautiful that it was rather outrageous.

The girl who had just gotten out of the car could be considered very beautiful, but compared to this policewoman, it lacked a bit of charm.

Her exceptionally long and beautiful legs, after passing through a full and perfect curve, suddenly shrunk rapidly. Immediately after, the police uniform that was about to burst apart. This violent change was as if her entire body had been broken from the waist down.

It should have been very sudden, but he didn't feel anything wrong with this policewoman at all. It was as if this was the perfect standard.

The other party's face was also extremely beautiful, seeming to be of a mixed race. His eyes were slightly blue, and his hair had a natural curling curve to it …

In short, this woman had appeared in front of everyone. She was so perfect that it was as if an expert had modified her with a photo tool, and no one could find any flaws in her.

"Why aren't you leaving?" The policewoman said coldly as she saw the two of them standing there without moving.

The two policemen looked at each other. Normally, they would have the right and duty to investigate a person they did not know but were wearing police uniform. However, they did not have the courage to investigate the strong and cold aura the policewoman gave them.

Even so, the requirements of the class made it impossible for them to directly hand the person over to the other party.

One of the policemen asked, "May I ask who you are? This is the police station under our jurisdiction. With this happening, we have to bring the wounded and all the suspects back to the police station. We can only …"

The policewoman waved her hand impatiently and interrupted them, "You don't need to know who I am. You will be notified very soon."

The police naturally would not agree to such a strange matter.

Just when he was about to refuse, one of the officers' phone rang. After listening to a few sentences, he quickly hung up and immediately greeted the policewoman, "Sorry, Officer Ye. According to the superior's orders, everything is up to you."

The female officer with the surname Ye did not chat with the two. Instead, she walked over to the two men in the cap who were still unconscious. She squatted down to check their situation and revealed a slightly surprised expression.

Then she walked over to Zhang Xiaoloong. She scanned him up and down with her eyes that seemed to contain cold starlight and asked, "Who are you?"

"My name is Zhang Xiaoloong, I am from Qingyuan County's Qinghe Village." Zhang Xiaoloong said honestly.

He used to think that Lu Xiaoya was a beautiful girl, especially after staying at Yanjing for two months, she had become even more beautiful. However, when he saw the girl in shades, he realized that there was a girl even prettier than Lu Xiaoya.

But now, he had to admit, even someone like him, who didn't know how to judge a woman's figure, was deeply attracted by this policewoman's figure.

Fortunately, he was able to remain calm and not lose his head just by looking at a beautiful woman. After sweeping a glance at her, he immediately retracted his gaze to prevent himself from losing his mind.

"That's not what I'm asking about," the policewoman's voice was as cold as frost. At this moment, it carried a hint of sternness, "Your real identity and occupation?"

"I only have one identity," Zhang Xiaoloong looked up in surprise, but when he saw the other party's explosive location, he looked away in embarrassment, "I am a student who just got into Yanjing University, but because … For some reason, I'm currently at home. "

"You're that college entrance examination champion Zhang Xiaoloong?" Before the policewoman could say anything, the sunglasses-wearing beauty next to him spoke up in surprise, "I live in Qinghe Village and my name is Zhang Xiaoloong. I entered Yanjing University with the result of being the top scorer in the national college entrance exam, but because of illness … Since you didn't report to the school, you should be the one taking the school break. Your college entrance examination score is 748 points, right? "

She fluently told him all of this information. Only when she mentioned him being sick did she pause for a moment. She probably thought that just now, he had thrown her away with a wave of his hand. Was he really as strong as a cow?

Zhang Xiaoloong nodded blankly: "Yeah, how do you know all of it?"

"My name is Yang Jingjing, this time I came to Qingyang City because I wanted to interview you," the girl smiled as she took out her reporter's certificate out and shook it, then looking the handcuffs on her wrist, she said unnaturally, "I really didn't expect that we would meet under such circumstances."

Zhang Xiaoloong couldn't help wiping away the sweat that didn't exist: "You won't go back and report that this year's National Champion of the College Entrance Examination is going to be a prisoner while taking a break from school? "Then you must be furious at once!"

Yang Jingjing burst out laughing. "I didn't expect you to be so humorous. I thought that the college entrance examination champion was just a bookworm!"

"This is not the time for you to talk," the cold policewoman said. "Come back to the station with me."

"Fine." Zhang Xiaoloong smiled bitterly. It seemed that there would be a lot of trouble today.

However, he was right. First, he nearly beat that hoodlum, then he used his bare hands to beat the glass and threw the two unknown assassins into the car. It would be weird if the police didn't bring him back to ask.

"Don't worry, I can testify." Yang Jingjing consoled him when she saw the situation unfold.

That's right, I can also testify for this young man, "another person got off the car, it was the middle-aged man who had spoken up for Zhang Xiaoloong before," From the beginning, he was helping people and defending himself. Besides, our Qingyang College Entrance Examination Champion can't kill people for no reason at all.

"Oh, it's Mr. Lee Donghua. You're in this car too?" An officer asked in surprise when he saw this.

Lee Donghua seemed to recognize this policeman, and nodded his head with a smile, "On the way back from our hometown, there was some problem with the car, and we coincidentally got on this car. We saw what happened, Officer Liu Gang, I can testify that Zhang Xiaoloong didn't intentionally hurt anyone, can you let him go first? If there's any medical expenses, I can cover them for him. "

Officer Liu wanted to say something but hesitated. In the end, he could only look awkwardly at the policewoman surnamed Ye. He couldn't be a home right now.

"Take Zhang Xiaoloong and Yang Jingjing back to the police station. It's the same for those two killers. No one is allowed to ask them any questions. I'll deal with it myself later." This female police officer with an outrageously hot figure seemed as if she didn't hear the conversation of the two in front of her and only spoke simple orders.

"Officer Ye, I am …" Lee Donghua also saw the problem. He quickly took out his name card and handed it to Ye Mei.

The other party did not give him any face, not even bothering to look at his name card. "I know who you are. However, you'd better pretend that you don't know anything about what happened earlier."

"What does Officer Ye mean by that?" Lee Donghua slightly frowned, "As a citizen of China, I will tell you what I saw as evidence. This is not against the law, if Zhang Xiaoloong was treated unfairly, I will definitely not stand by and do nothing."

The policewoman glanced at Lee Donghua and spoke in a slightly softer tone, "I won't use any power to harm anyone. However, there are some confidential things that you'd better pretend you didn't see."

Lee Donghua was startled for a moment, and then coincidentally called. He seemed to be asking for his location, and after saying a few words, he hung up and stuffed the business card in his hand back to Zhang Xiaoloong: "I didn't expect to meet the pride of our Qingyang City here, if there's any problems later on, you can call me here."

"Thank you." Zhang Xiaoloong didn't know who Lee Donghua was, but he could tell that this person wasn't simple.

He was the only one willing to speak up for him in the car, so he had a good impression of him.

The policewoman didn't want them to talk anymore, so she ordered the two policemen to drive Zhang Xiaoloong and Yang Jingjing away without leaving a trace.


In a certain interrogation room, the policewoman surnamed Ye put her hands on the table, leaned over and stared at Zhang Xiaoloong.

Perhaps she didn't know that this posture made her feel as if her upper body was about to be ripped apart. Any man that saw this would be unable to stop their blood from roiling in their veins.

Even when Zhang Xiaoloong tried his hardest not to look at her, he could still feel his blood speeding up. He thought, "Could this woman be the legendary faerie demon?"

But thinking about it, there was nothing to be afraid of. After all, he was someone who had inherited Shennong's legacy.

As he thought of this, he raised his head and was pierced by the other party's alluring body, causing his face to turn slightly red. He could only lower his head.

"Do you know who the two of you left behind?" the policewoman asked.

Zhang Xiaoloong shook his head in confusion: "I just wanted to stop them from killing people, I know nothing about them."

"You really know nothing?" This woman's eyes seemed to be able to see through her opponent's heart, and at the same time, she was releasing a strange pressure.

Zhang Xiaoloong slightly frowned and instinctively raised his head, but this time, he was no longer affected. He looked directly into the other party's eyes and said, "Yes, indeed, I know nothing."

"You're lying!" The policewoman shouted.

She didn't even use any strength as the table that she was supporting under her palm cracked with a 'kacha' sound.

At the same time, the woman's punch was like the wind and her target was Zhang Xiaoloong.

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