A driver who looked like a bodyguard came in and spoke to the pretty girl.

Miss Yaru? President Chen?

Although Zhang Xiaoloong didn't know the relationship between the two of them, he realized that he didn't come at the right time. He glanced at Yaru at the same time and thought, "If such a beautiful girl also tried to be like a boss' girl, it would be such a pity!"

This gaze only flickered for a moment, but how could he conceal the fact that Chen Yaru had been keeping an eye on him all this time?

"It's not what you think, he said President Chen is my dad and I'm called Chen Yaru." Chen Yaru was afraid that the other party would think too much and quickly explained, "I … I'm my dad's biological son. "

"Cough …" Zhang Xiaoloong also coughed awkwardly, "Sorry Miss Chen, I didn't mean that. I just wanted to ask, can we customize the glass greenhouse? If you're busy today, I'll come back tomorrow. "

Chen Yaru didn't know how she became like this. She seemed to be addicted to things, but she was also a straightforward girl. Since she felt like it in her heart, she didn't want to miss it. I can call you tomorrow. "

"Sorry, I don't have a cell phone, but I'll be back tomorrow." Zhang Xiaoloong said apologetically as he turned around and walked out.

Chen Yaru looked at Zhang Xiaoloong, who was about to walk out of the door, then suddenly hurried over. "Wait a moment …"

Zhang Xiaoloong was stunned for a moment. He had already said that he would do it tomorrow.

"Miss, President Chen told you to hurry over, he's waiting for you." the driver urged.

"You go and tell my dad to go first, tell him I have something to do, and then we'll be there." Without waiting for the driver to say anything more, he added, "Leave the car, you can go back."

Seeing that Chen Yaru had made up her mind, that person put down the car keys. He turned around and glanced at Zhang Xiaoloong before leaving with a puzzled expression.

"You're called Zhang Xiaoloong?" Chen Yaru asked after that person had left.

"What's wrong with my name?" Zhang Xiaoloong asked curiously.

From the looks of it, this girl was actually the daughter of the Yuanbo company's president. However, he still did not understand what the other party meant by calling him that.

"No, no," Chen Yaru thought as she quickly tried to find a topic to talk, "I heard you just say that you wanted to customize the glass greenhouse. Not only can our Yuanbo company do it, I believe that no one is more professional than us in Qingyang City.

"That's great," Zhang Xiaoloong finally got a piece of good news as he smiled and said, "But it seems like you are very busy today and I will definitely come back tomorrow. I will tell you more about my request."

"No, I have time today, and... I would like to ask you to help me with a small favor, "Chen Yaru suddenly thought of a great idea," We can talk about the greenhouse while we walk, if you are willing to help me, I can give you the most favorable price, and also ask the most professional designer in the company to do the design for you, you … Are you free tonight? "

When these words came out of her mouth, Chen Yaru felt her face redden a little, as if this was the first time she had taken the initiative to ask out a man, especially at night.

Was this the feeling of falling in love at first sight? She held the fawn in her arms and looked at him, afraid that she would be rejected.

The other party's fiery gaze was unbearable for Zhang Xiaoloong.

He had already felt somewhat uncomfortable with the appearance of Lu Xiaoya previously. Who knew that Chen Yaru's eyes seemed to be even better than Lu Xiaoya's?

However, thinking about the fact that he didn't have much money with him, if he could really get a big discount and the other party's help was not excessive, then there was nothing he couldn't do.

"I'm free tonight, but I don't know how I can help." Zhang Xiaoloong was indeed very confused. Since he had just arrived in the city, it was impossible for the other party to have anything to ask of him.

"Of course you can, and only you can," Chen Yaru's beautiful big eyes blinked, "I'm going to a party tonight, and at the party, there's a man I hate but keep pestering me. I want you to be my partner and pretend to be my boyfriend."

"No, no, I can't pretend. I don't even know you. Besides, I'm just a small farmer. Others can tell at a glance. Even if you say it, no one will believe you." Zhang Xiaoloong immediately waved his hand like a windmill when he heard that.

"I told you, didn't you already know me?" "That person's family is very famous in the business circles of Qingyang City. If I completely ignore him, it might cause a lot of trouble for the company, but I really don't like him at all, and I even know that he's a standard playboy. I heard my father say that all the simple and honest farmers have very good hearts, could it be that you can bear to see me being bullied?"

"It's not that I don't want to help you, it's just that I'm really afraid of acting like I don't want to," Zhang Xiaoloong was troubled by his high hat, if he didn't help, then it would prove that he wasn't an honest man, "Is there no one else who can help?"

"Yeah, didn't I tell you earlier, that person's Qingyang City is very famous, since he spread the news and wants to chase me, many people did not dare approach me when they heard it, that's why I wanted to ask for your help." Chen Yaru's depression was not an act. This matter was indeed troubling her.

However, it had to be said that Zhang Xiaoloong did have some ulterior motives in order to impersonate her boyfriend.

In novels and TV dramas, weren't there a lot of men and women who had turned from a fake to a real one?

Although Chen Yaru had worked with her father early on, and was now considered a mature and capable female manager, she was still a young girl after all, and she occasionally had these romantic dreams.

"Alright," Zhang Xiaoloong finally nodded, "But no matter what the end result is, you must remember to give me a discount."

"Yes, of course," Chen Yaru immediately put away her worried expression and smiled, "Let's go quickly. My dad must be getting impatient."

Zhang Xiaoloong felt like he had fallen into a trap when he saw how positive the other person was. But no matter what, this was a sweet trap set by a beauty.

After getting into the car, Chen Yaru ran all the way and finally stopped in front of a large brand clothing store.

Raising his head to look around, Zhang Xiaoloong asked curiously, "Will the party be held in a clothing store?" "You guys, urban people, really know how to play."

Puchi …

Chen Yaru laughed out loud. "Who told you to hold a party here, I have to buy you some clothes. Otherwise, no one would believe that you're my boyfriend when you go to the party with your current appearance."

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