Since the end of the day, Zhang Xiaoloong felt a little tired from all the driving, including entering the police station and attending parties.

The first thing he did after entering the room was to take off his suit jacket and throw himself onto the bed. Suddenly, he smelled a faint fragrance. He thought to himself that it was a hotel in the city and there was even perfume in the guest room.

His head arched twice, and suddenly he felt a pink thing in front of him, and the smell seemed to come from that thing as well.

He sat up strangely and took the thin piece of cloth in his hand. Before he could examine it closely, he heard the sound of water splashing in the bathroom.

Perhaps the sound had been there before, but he was too tired to notice it when he walked in. He realized that not only was there water in the bathroom, but he could vaguely see a slim figure through the frosted glass door.

Zhang Xiaoloong was instantly stunned. Although he couldn't see it clearly, but even a fool would know that there was a woman inside. The outline of a person was enough to make a man have the idea of committing a crime.

During the party, Zhang Xiaoloong was lured by Chen Yaru. He had just gotten rid of his doubts and was relaxing when he received such a powerful medicine. The blood in his body began to boil.

Luckily, he still kept his final thoughts. He thought that the waiter gave him the wrong room card, so this was Yang Jingjing's room. He quickly hid outside the door before the other party came out.

He took one last look with some reluctance, but before he could raise his feet, the bathroom door was suddenly pushed open.

White mist leaked out from the bathroom. Zhang Xiaoloong, who wasn't covered by the towel, walked out of the bathroom first. Her legs were carved from white jade, and her skin was as white as cream.

Yang Jingjing walked out with her wet hair tied up by a towel. She suddenly felt something was wrong. When she looked up, she saw Zhang Xiaoloong standing there, staring at her.

"Ah …" She hugged the towel tightly and screamed out, but her body was still rooted to the spot, forgetting to move.

This shout immediately woke Zhang Xiaoloong up. His face turned red as he stammered to explain: "I, I, I …" "It wasn't intentional, I'll be right out, don't be angry …"

As he spoke, he took a step back while extending his hand to indicate for the other party not to be afraid. Honestly speaking, he really had no intention of peeping or doing something even more outrageous.

However, the moment he stretched out his hand, he suddenly realized that he was still clutching something pink in his hand. His brain spasmed again and again as he thought, "Is this yours?"

Soon after, he could also clearly see what was in his hand. Although it was much smaller and thinner than his own, it still looked as though it had never left his side …

"Streams." "Hooligan …"

Yang Jingjing was on the verge of tears. Her face was so red that it seemed as if water would drip out of it. The nearest piece of clothing was in the man's hand, yet he still asked if it was hers?

Zhang Xiaoloong also understood what an embarrassing and foolish thing he had done. He wished he could find a hole to hide in.

College Entrance Examination Champion? Bullshit!

The person in front of her was a reporter. Furthermore, she had specially come to interview him, the college entrance examination champion. Alright, now that she had gone back in a fit of anger, she still didn't know how to write about him.

The topic of the College Entrance Examination Champion had been passed, but if it was "the College Entrance Examination Champion is changing." "Hooligan", "history's most shameless college entrance examination champion" and the like, I'm afraid they will really get angry again.

If he was really that angry, Zhang Xiaoloong didn't need to do anything. He could just dig a hole in the ground and live there.

He was about to throw it on the bed when there was a knock on the door.

"Open the door, the police is investigating!"

Hearing this, Yang Jingjing became even more anxious. How seductive was her current appearance? He had admired her from the bathroom. It was one thing for her to see her like this, but what would it be if she was surrounded by so many policemen?

Her family didn't want her to do this kind of random work, but she really liked it. If this matter were to get leaked again, it would be weird if she didn't get caught and brought home to interrogate!

"You go to the bathroom first, I'll take a look." Seeing Yang Jingjing's anxious look, Zhang Xiaoloong's brain also came back to life from his dazed look just now. He took a quick glance and pushed Yang Jingjing's clothes over.

Yang Jingjing thought that this was all she could do and quickly closed the bathroom door again. She even hid in the bathroom, otherwise, she would have been able to see a shadow outside.

Thinking of this, she felt even more embarrassed. The scoundrel Zhang Xiaoloong was outside just now. He must have seen everything. Although it was not really true, but … However, this was the first time someone had seen this. Before this, she had never even talked about a boyfriend!

Zhang Xiaoloong calmed down, walked over and opened the door a little bit. Someone outside immediately tried to push the door open, but was stopped by him.

"Open the door, someone reports that there is an illegal sex trade here, we need to check it on a routine basis." The people outside opened the door again as they spoke, but they still could not open it.

"There's no illegal trade here, or else I won't open the door for you." Zhang Xiaoloong said to the person at the door.

"Whether or not you say something is up to you, open the door first. Say it again, we are doing a routine inspection. Doing this will hinder the official business." The person wearing police uniform at the door frowned and said unhappily.

"Eh? Isn't this Brother Zhang? " Another person squeezed through the door, after seeing Zhang Xiaoloong's appearance, he immediately pushed open the door, "It's a misunderstanding. I didn't expect you to be living here, but we were indeed on a mission, I didn't expect to disturb your rest."

Zhang Xiaoloong was also stunned for a moment and immediately recognized this person. It was Officer Liu who tried to get close to him in the police station: "It's Brother Liu, I was really scared just now. If I was caught in the police station twice today, I wouldn't dare to come to the city anymore."

"Haha, Brother Zhang, you sure know how to joke around." Liu Gang laughed a few times. He glanced inside again, but he couldn't see anything, "Then you should get some rest. If there's anything, you can call me."

"Liu-ge, take care." Zhang Xiaoloong let out a sigh of relief and waved goodbye, but this time, he found that the lace was still in his hand and hurriedly stuffed it into his pocket.

Liu Gang had sharp eyes. Even if he didn't see clearly, he could guess what it was. He patted Zhang Xiaoloong on the shoulder: "Young man, pay more attention to your body!"

Zhang Xiaoloong didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This was yet another matter that he couldn't explain.

After finally seeing him off, she closed the door and returned to her room. On the other side, Yang Jingjing was also relieved. She stood at the bathroom door and stuck her head out. "Has everyone left?"

"I'm leaving," Zhang Xiaoloong answered without thinking, and then he was stunned again. Luckily, he immediately reacted this time and quickly turned around, "You still …" Put on your clothes first. "

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