When Zhang Xiaoloong heard this voice, he immediately retracted his hand that was about to push open the door.

The person inside was naturally the Village Head's wife, Lee Xiulian. Judging from her tone, she must be angry at Wang Tiezhu again.

The Village Head was famous for being afraid of his wife, and almost everything depended on his great-grandmother. But even so, this great-grandmother would still appear every few days.

According to seniority, Zhang Xiaoloong had to call Lee Xiulian grandmother, but this grandmother of his was indeed too young. She was only in her early thirties, and she was also good-looking.

As an old man in his forties or fifties, Wang Tiezhu was naturally merciful when he got married to such a treasure. It wasn't strange for him to be afraid of a wife, as he kept his mouth open for fear of losing it.

From what she had said just now, Lee Xiulian clearly treated Zhang Xiaoloong as Wang Tiezhu. No matter what, it was not the right time to go in.

Grandma Zhu, I have something to talk to Grandpa of Zhuzi. Since Grandpa of Zhuzi is not at home, I'll have to trouble you to inform him. I'll come back tomorrow morning. Zhang Xiaoloong stepped back outside the cotton curtain before he spoke.

After all, the other party was a young woman. If he told her through the gap in the door, even if he didn't have any bad intentions, others would still feel embarrassed.

Just as she was about to walk back, the door opened with a creak. The cotton was also lifted, revealing Lee Xiulian with her shoulder-length curly hair.

"Huh?" Seeing Zhang Xiaoloong, he exclaimed in surprise, only then did he come back to his senses and said enthusiastically, "Isn't this Xiaoloong? "Why did you come to my house today to play? Come in quickly, it's cold outside, come inside to warm up."

Glancing outside again, he began to giggle at the big wolfdog, "I was wondering why this stupid dog didn't bark today. We, the top scholar of Qinghe Village, all have the aura of immortals of Literari Star."

While he was talking, his eyes continuously looked Zhang Xiaoloong up and down. He felt very strange in his heart.

It wasn't that she hadn't seen Zhang Xiaoloong before, but this time, she felt different from the bookish, silly kid from before. He looked stronger and more pleasing to the eyes, especially with a special fragrance that made people want to smell closer when they touched him.

Lee Xiulian also knew that it wasn't a real fragrance, but the smell of a man. Compared to the old bones at home, if one looked at this dazzling young man, it was as if he had smelled a deadly fragrance.

"No, I'll be going back first since Grandpa of Zhuzi isn't at home." Zhang Xiaoloong felt it was inconvenient to be invited, and since he wasn't in a hurry, he said, "I think it's better if I come back tomorrow morning."

"Tsk, look at you, kid. If you're not home, then my words won't work, right?" Lee Xiulian's face turned sullen as she pretended to be angry. "Come on in, help me with this."

Zhang Xiaoloong heard that Ye Zichen wanted him to work, so he had no choice but to follow him into the house.

Even though it was heated up by his own fire, the house of the village chief was tightly sealed inside and outside. It was truly warm inside.

There were some junk scattered on the floor. Luckily, the room was big, so it didn't seem crowded.

The furniture was quite new, especially a large dressing table. It looked like it had just been bought, and there were piles of small items scattered on it. It seemed like this grandma would normally spend all her time and effort on it.

The air in the room was still moist and had a slightly fragrant smell. It was probably because someone had just taken a bath here, and the smell of the shower gel had yet to dissipate.

"Grandma Zhu, what do you want me to help you with?" Zhang Xiaoloong asked.

"Stop calling me grandma," Lee Xiulian said unhappily. "Your surname is Zhang, my surname is Li, and that old man's surname is Wang. So what if I'm your grandma? I haven't even been called old by you."

"Of course not. You are getting younger and younger, and we won't get older no matter how we call you. Many young ladies in the village are envious of you, and some of them even say that they want to learn how to take care of you." Zhang Xiaoloong complimented. His mind was different from before. If it was before, he wouldn't be able to say such words.

"The top scholar is the top scholar, his words make people feel comfortable," Lee Xiulian became really happy, and her eyes had a strange look to them. "If this old man could be even a bit better than you, then I'd be living in a honeypot all day."

"What top scholar? But Grandpa of Zhuzi is good to you. Everyone in the village knows that. Aren't you living in a honeypot?" Zhang Xiaoloong laughed.

Speaking of Wang Tiezhu, Lee Xiulian immediately lost her interest again, "Don't mention that old man, help me carry this bucket out."

Zhang Xiaoloong looked in the direction the man was pointing and saw that there was a big wooden bucket inside the house. The water inside the bucket was still steaming. Obviously, this was the bathtub used for bathing.

The countryside was unlike the cities, where a bath and toilet could be taken care of inside the house. There were no sewers here, so all the water would be poured outside.

Lee Xiulian, as a woman, naturally couldn't make such a big bucket of water. Zhang Xiaoloong didn't feel anything was wrong as he walked straight over since the air in the room would get damp.

"It's not easy for you to do it alone, I'll carry it out with you." Seeing Zhang Xiaoloong reach out to carry the water bucket, a trace of a smile flashed across Lee Xiulian's eyes as she also went over to help.

She reached out her hand and put it on Zhang Xiaoloong's hand.

Although she was a rural woman, Lee Xiulian's hands didn't do any heavy work. Not only were they white and tender, but they also had a sliver of a soft and creamy texture to them.

She scratched Zhang Xiaoloong's hand with her hands and pretended that she was not careful: "Yo, I didn't pinch you, did I?"

Zhang Xiaoloong's face twitched as he chuckled, "It's fine."

Nothing had happened, but he had already sensed that there was something wrong with the pillar grandma.

Just now, his hands had not only grabbed at his hands, but it also seemed as if he wanted to dawdle on them. Logically speaking, he shouldn't have done this, so he was a bit surprised.

"I'm fine by myself, you can just lift the curtain for me, Grandma Zhu." As Zhang Xiaoloong spoke, he used his two hands to grab the edge and lifted up the big tub with half of the water.

Seeing this, Lee Xiulian hurriedly lifted the cotton curtain from the outer room and watched as the man carried such a big bucket of water and poured it easily into the ditch outside the yard. She was a little dazed.

"If there's nothing else, then I'll be leaving first." Zhang Xiaoloong noticed the look in the other person's eyes and felt uncomfortable all over.

"Ai ai …" "Don't go," Lee Xiulian said, tugging at Zhang Xiaoloong, rubbing her palm against his strong arm. "This arm is strong, and so is the leg, well, the waist is stronger. Xiaoloong, let me tell you about a woman."

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