The next morning, without waiting for Zhang Xiaoloong to find the Village Head, Wang Tiezhu had already taken the initiative to come over and personally hand the contract to Zhang Xiaoloong.

We also thought that you had found a new road for our village, let's not talk about whether it could be done or not, at least we had this idea. The contract already stated that you would not charge rent for five years and if you feel that you can earn enough, you can leave, the village will not let you take responsibility, if you have any difficulties, just come to me, Grandpa of Zhuzi will take care of it for you. Wang Tiezhu today appears to be particularly spirited, and did not take the used hand of the pipe.

"Then I'll have to thank Grandpa of Zhuzi too much. With your words, if I don't have a way, I won't be walking on the streets of our Qinghe Village." Zhang Xiaoloong patted his chest. "Yes," she promised.

"Good boy, it's our Qinghe Village, what you need is this bit of arrogance," Wang Tiezhu patted Zhang Xiaoloong's shoulder in satisfaction, "But don't be too stressed, didn't you say that earlier? This is to scout for our entire village, even if we don't finish it, no one will blame you. When you're free, go home and walk around more with you … Your sister is very talkative. "

"My sister?" Zhang Xiaoloong was at a loss.

"It's your pillar grandma," Wang Tiezhu clicked his tongue, "Yesterday I heard her say that she recognized you as her younger brother, right? You don't know how happy you made her last night, and even her temper is a lot better towards me. When you're free, you have to go two more times.

Zhang Xiaoloong's forehead started to sweat, sneaking a glance at his father Zhang Daniu.

Sure enough, after Zhang Daniu heard this, he was also stunned. When he understood what was going on, his face immediately darkened: "Xiaoloong, are you messing around with me? You must have grown up, right? Are you still not going to compensate Grandpa of Zhuzi? "

"Tsk, what are you doing? I think you've only grown up, "Wang Tiezhu immediately refused," You've learned how to scare children, haven't you? Let's not talk about the top scholar first, can't you think of something like opening a wasteland and building a greenhouse? You want to scare our Qinghe Village's hope, and see if this old man doesn't find you to settle the score! "

"That's not it, Uncle Zhu. What I'm saying is that this child is too insensible. He even has his seniority randomly arranged, isn't it funny when people hear him …" Zhang Daniu immediately explained with a wry smile.

"You, ah, are too feudal. Our families can't even count this many tens of lifetimes together, so what's the use of having such a virtual generation?" Wang Tiezhu was very serious in teaching others, he didn't remember his face last night at all, "Besides, this was brought up by your Aunt Zhu. You have to talk to her, don't blame her."

"But …" "Keke …" Zhang Daniu was speechless.

"If you're thirsty, go drink some water. Are you waiting for me to bring it to you?" Wang Tiezhu laughed and patted Zhang Daniu on the shoulder, "Zhang Le, we have to open our heads a little. Otherwise, if urban people's life is better than ours, and if his thoughts are more advanced than ours, you won't be able to change anything. We'll discuss our own opinions, and we won't talk about it outside."

Only when Wang Tiezhu left did Zhang Daniu pull his son back and ask: "What's going on?"

Zhang Xiaoloong was also very depressed: "I don't know what's going on either, Grandma Zhu did say that yesterday. I thought it was just a joke, anyway …" That's it now. "

He thought it would be fine if he just gave her a perfunctory reply. Who knew that she actually told Grandpa of Zhuzi? What was even weirder was that Grandpa of Zhuzi actually agreed to it. What a rare sight.

The Zhang Daniu couple also felt that it would be too much if their son suggested it, but it would be different if Lee Xiulian suggested it.

Since Grandpa of Zhuzi, who suffered a loss, didn't say anything, what else did they have to say?

"You seem quite like a woman," Yang Jingjing, who had just understood the whole situation, teased, "Last night, you attracted even a middle-aged woman after going out for a while."

"Why do all reporters like to exaggerate things so much?" Zhang Xiaoloong had gotten familiar with this pretty reporter, so he didn't mind this kind of joke, "Alright big reporter, are you going to continue staying at home and listen to more embarrassing things from my mom, or do you want to come with me to see the vegetable base that I'm going to develop?"

"Although chatting with auntie is rather interesting, since you said so, I should still give you some face and accompany you to take a look." Yang Jingjing immediately turned around to clean it up.

Zhang Xiaoloong chuckled. He had already guessed that the other party would choose this way. Just based on the way the two of them chatted until they went to sleep yesterday, no matter how many secrets he had, they were all told to him by his mother.

And what she needed to do now was naturally more attractive to her.

Zhang Xiaoloong asked her to go with him because he hoped that he could use his identity as a journalist to brand his vegetables in the future. Perhaps, he could use her camera and text to quickly walk across the country.

Not long after, the two of them arrived at the wasteland two miles west of the village.

"Is this the place you want to rent?" Although she heard Zhang Xiaoloong say that this was a wasteland, Yang Jingjing was still shocked by the extremely desolate land in front of her.

There were rotten rocks everywhere. Some were on the ground, some were buried under the skin, some were big and some were small. The ground was full of pits and some were on the slope.

And now Zhang Xiaoloong said that he wanted to grow vegetables here, and he also wanted to build a greenhouse here …

If she didn't see this scene, she would have thought that it was a good idea, and it would also fit Zhang Xiaoloong as the champion of the College Entrance Examination.

However, after seeing this place, she also had the urge to tell Zhang Xiaoloong not to be impulsive. This place was too "desolate"; there wasn't even a little bit of life in it. How could a good vegetable grow here?

"Yes, this is the land I want to rent, but I can't rent this much, so I can only round out 10 mu of it. As for the greenhouse, according to my original plan, it can only cover one mu," Zhang Xiaoloong pointed at a place in front of them, "Don't just look at it, if you give me a few days time, I can clean it. You will see that the most beautiful garden in the future is it."

"The most beautiful garden?" Yang Jingjing looked at the barren land before her and the lifeless look on her face. It was almost no different than a cemetery. She did not believe that there would be any kind of beautiful garden here.

"Not bad, it's the most beautiful vegetable garden. Furthermore, it can grow the most delicious dishes. Have you eaten my family's corn congee? If I say that this dish is even better than that porridge, would you believe me? " Zhang Xiaoloong asked.

"I don't believe you," Yang Jingjing immediately shook her head. "I don't believe that you can make something even better than that porridge."

"Then let's make a bet," Zhang Xiaoloong laughed, "This time we'll bet a big one, do you dare?"

Yang Jingjing's heart skipped a beat. What was the big bet? Do I have to repay you with my life if I lose?

"Tell me, how do you want to bet?" What if you lose? "

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