Zhang Xiaoloong didn't have any evil thoughts in his heart. When he was operating his martial arts to remove the impurities from the other party's body, he was even more afraid of making a mistake.

After Lee Xiulian finished her last circulation, he used his palms as a hidden force and lightly patted her back.

The other party was not alarmed. The warm feeling from earlier had been too comfortable, and she had not yet reacted to it.

However, this light pat immediately caused her stomach to churn. She lowered her head and vomited a mouthful of stinky liquid.

"Cough, cough, cough …" Lee Xiulian felt embarrassed by the vomit, especially in front of Zhang Xiaoloong. She felt humiliated and kept coughing to hide her embarrassment.

"It should be fine," Zhang Xiaoloong continued to pat the other party on the back. "I learned this qigong from an old deity. Even if Elder Sister Lianzi was uncomfortable before, she'll be fine this time."

Lee Xiulian was curious when she heard that, "Yeah, I didn't expect Xiaoloong to have this kind of skill. It's like I've had a bath all over, don't mention it's comfortable, you're still paying attention."

Not only was there nothing uncomfortable about her, all the crazy thoughts she had just had also disappeared without a trace.

The change that the God Power brought to Zhang Xiaoloong was that he unconsciously had an extraordinary temperament. However, Shen Nong's God Power was not used to specifically urge women to be in love with each other. On the contrary, this God Power wisp had the most gentle and calm power to nurture the mind and to calm all kinds of crazy thoughts.

Lee Xiulian was secretly surprised. How could she have such crazy thoughts? She actually wanted to have something to do with Zhang Xiaoloong here.

What if she said it out loud, not to mention scaring Zhang Xiaoloong, it was just that the other side really agreed to do whatever she wanted. If she got caught, would she even be able to live?

As the saying goes, good things do not leave the door, while ugly things spread far and wide. If someone really had a family accident, the women of the eight villages would all know about it the next day.

urban people didn't even know his name, but the village was different. As soon as his wife went out, there was no one in the village who didn't know her. If something really happened, everyone within a dozen miles would recognize her.

Lee Xiulian rejoiced inwardly. It was fortunate that nothing had happened just now. She mustn't be so impulsive in the future.

However, it was strange. She had never cared so much for a man. Even when Wang Tiezhu had just become a coward, he didn't remember how rare she was. What was going on with him now?

"Since I have nothing better to do, I might as well learn how to play, but I don't expect it to be of any use. If anything happens to Elder Sister Lianzi, I'll give you another pinch to ensure that it works." Only now did Zhang Xiaoloong notice the magical effect of the God Power.

He could not help but secretly curse himself for being careless. He should have thought of this a long time ago.

His father, Zhang Daniu, had never been in good health. Since clearing meridians with God Power was useful, then if both parents could do it, it would be a serious matter. It was much more important than building this greenhouse.

"No wonder this old man kept on saying that you have the ability, now it seems that you really have a lot of skills," Lee Xiulian praised sincerely, "Then you can busy yourself first, I won't stay here with you, I'll go back and take a look."

It wasn't that she didn't want to stay here, but she was afraid that she would be alone with Zhang Xiaoloong. If she had that uncontrollable thought again, she really didn't know if she would be so lucky.

Wang Tiezhu had agreed to have a child, but that was only in a situation where no one knew. If she was really exposed, with the other party's level of pride, he would probably strangle her first before going to hang himself.

Even if it wasn't that serious, Lee Xiulian didn't want to have a reputation that was exposed everywhere. Furthermore, it would be terrible for Zhang Xiaoloong, who was still young.

Zhang Xiaoloong didn't expect the woman to have so many thoughts in her mind. She only responded briefly and then continued to check if there was anything that she hadn't done in the vegetable patch.

Two hours later, when the sun had set in the west, he was finally relieved and headed home.

When he walked to the front door, he saw Liu Mei pushing her bicycle out in a hurry. Zhang Xiaoloong hurriedly went up to her and said, "Mom, it's almost dark. Where are you going?"

"You stinking brat, you still know how to go home?" When Liu Mei saw her son come back, she felt sorry for him for not having eaten, but she scolded him, "Quickly go back and eat, Jingjing has a cold. I had originally wanted to go find your Uncle Yang and bring some medicine for her, but who knew that your Uncle Yang wouldn't be able to find anyone when I go to Little Temple village."

"It's almost dark, even if the little temple village is near, it's still three miles away," Zhang Xiaoloong reminded, "Just wait at home for a while, can Old Uncle Yang still not come back?"

"The child is not feeling well, and I don't feel well looking at him. It doesn't matter what it is to sit here and wait. I think I'll go take a look. I'll get some medicine early so I can be at ease." Liu Mei ignored him and continued pushing the cart.

Zhang Xiaoloong was speechless. The distance of three miles was not far, about 1500 meters, but the distance between it and the village was not accurate. Zhang Xiaoloong was speechless, a distance of three miles was not considered far, about 1500 meters, but the distance between it and the village was not accurate.

It is possible that you will have to walk a mile out of the village, find the doctor's house and add another mile. Not to mention the three miles in the middle, only the stars and the moon will shine after dark.

In the past, he had a cold and a fever, but he had never seen his mother so concerned. In the past, he had a cold and a fever, but he had never seen his mother so concerned.

"Hailey, did you know that the doctor in Lin Village is at home?" "With you going on the bike, Old Yang might have already returned. You might as well go to his house and wait." Zhang Xiaoloong laughed.

"You're right, I shouldn't have come back just now. If I wait any longer, I might actually come back. Then, I'll go to visit your Uncle Yang's house, get some medicine, and then come back." Liu Mei clicked her tongue a few times and felt the same way.

"Mother, I'm not willing to let you continue like this," Zhang Xiaoloong pretended to be dissatisfied as he dragged Liu Mei home, "It's just a sham. What's the big deal, I can cure her of this minor ailment."

"I can take it, but do you really think that you can do whatever you want now that you've become a god?" Zhang Daniu walked out from the house. "What's wrong with that place? It's been a few days, and I'm afraid it hasn't even been settled, right?"

"Alright, I don't have time to talk to you two about it. I need to get the medicine." Liu Meidi pulled her son's hand away and was about to go out again.

"I've already said that I can treat her, what medicine is there to treat her with?" Zhang Xiaoloong grabbed it and thought to himself that he should take this opportunity to try out the effects of God Power. He turned around and walked towards Yang Jingjing's room.

Soon, a voice could be heard.

"What are you doing?"

"Help you treat your illness …"

"Ah …"

"Don't yell …"

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