According to Zhang Xiaoloong, it was filled with the aura of death. Although Yang Jingjing couldn't feel the aura of death, she could still feel the desolation.

Even though the greenhouse was very warm at night and day, it gave people a desolate feeling and lacked some vitality.

Now, when you entered, you could immediately smell the clear aroma of medicinal herbs in the air. This scent was so faint that when you took a closer look at it, you would feel that you couldn't smell it anymore.

However, it was this faint fragrance that filled the greenhouse with life.

Not only inside the greenhouse, if one were to look outside now, it seemed that the abandoned lands that had not been reclaimed were no longer as lifeless as before.

What was going on? Could it be that the plant of a Nine-Deadly Soul Grass King was really that miraculous?

Yang Jingjing still couldn't believe him. It was too quick to change her mind. She bent down to take a closer look, and only then did she discover some clues on the ground.

No wonder she felt that the ground was not as desolate as before. It turned out that some small tender leaves were growing out of the soil. It seemed to be some sort of small grass.

At the same time, not only was there a greenhouse, there were also small grass tips popping out from the wasteland outside. However, because it was too sparse, if one did not pay close attention, they would not be able to find it.

Now, not only did it not resolve her doubts, but it made them even more puzzling. The Nine Deadly Soulgrass King was now planted in a corner of the greenhouse, and it could be seen that it was not the least bit unaccustomed, on the contrary, much more energetic than when it was on the mountain.

Yang Jingjing remembered that before the Spirit Grass King was dug out, it was difficult to find weeds in the fields. So much came out in the night, could it be that this Nine Deaths Soul Grass had really changed the so-called aura of death?

"Have you noticed the changes here?" While he was thinking, Zhang Xiaoloong's voice sounded.

Yang Jingjing stood up immediately. She was looking for this main character, but was attracted by the vitality of the greenhouse just now. She remembered something to explain: "Xiaoloong, I didn't do it on purpose yesterday. I was always …"

Wouldn't it be a little too ludicrous to say that he had been waiting for the other party to arrive?

When she thought of this, Zhang Xiaoloong laughed: "I was too impulsive yesterday, did you eat? You said yesterday that you were going home for a period of time, and I'll send you off in a while. "

After a long silence, Yang Jingjing suddenly shook her head vigorously and said, "No, I'm not leaving. If you don't forgive me, I'll stay here forever."

It seemed that she firmly believed that Zhang Xiaoloong must have been angry because of something he wasn't satisfied with yesterday, so he was in a hurry to send her away.

"You misunderstood, I'm not angry, and it's all thanks to you. If we had really done something out of line yesterday, then that would have really been a little …" Zhang Xiaoloong scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

Yang Jingjing became even more disappointed when she heard that. "You mean, if we really did anything, you would regret it? That... "Alright then, I'll be going, you don't have to send me off."

She hadn't thought that she would have been fooling around with her wishful thinking yesterday. If that was the case, then why would she stay here and stand in the way of others?

"Hey, don't go," Zhang Xiaoloong hurriedly stopped him, "It's not what you think."

"What's that like?" Yang Jingjing turned her head to the side, wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, and pretended to be strong, "The wolf pack came, but you didn't abandon me. Yang Jingjing turned her head to the side, and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, and pretended to be strong," The wolf pack came, and you didn't abandon me. "When your dishes are planted, I will keep my promise and help you advertise, letting everyone know that …"

"Beauty, can you listen to what I have to say?" Zhang Xiaoloong smiled bitterly and interrupted her. If not, who knew how much she would say.

"What are you trying to say?" Yang Jingjing raised her hazy, teary eyes.

Zhang Xiaoloong began to explain: "When the wolves come, even if it's not you, I can't leave them behind and run away. I don't believe any real man can do this …"

"Don't you mean you still don't like me?" The tears began to fall again.

"Are you still going to let me speak?" Zhang Xiaoloong wiped it gently for her, but then made an extremely aggrieved expression.

Life is like a play. It's all based on acting. You can even act cute!

Sometimes, girls just ate this. Yang Jingjing saw it and was amused by it. She grabbed Zhang Xiaoloong's sleeve and rubbed it on her face, finally wiping away her tears.

"Then tell me, I'll listen carefully." Yang Jingjing pouted.

Zhang Xiaoloong said seriously, "I'm trying to say, it's not that I don't like you, but I don't know if it's that kind of lifelong love I want to have with you. Yesterday, I was really very impulsive, but honestly, if it was another pretty girl who did this, I might have also done the same thing. It's completely physiological, not emotional, do you understand?"

He didn't have enough feelings, but he did something he would only do if he was deeply in love with her. Naturally, he wouldn't take responsibility for it.

Yang Jingjing thoughtfully nodded her head. "I understand …"

Zhang Xiaoloong thought he finally understood. Just as he was about to let out a breath of relief, she continued: "So you aren't ready to be tricked yet. You want to test a few more beautiful girls to determine who's the most suitable, right?"

"Cough, cough, cough …" Zhang Xiaoloong was completely convinced.

Yang Jingjing smiled slyly as her eyes darted around, "Then who do you want to try first? Yaru, or that Xiaoya's sister? "

"Alright, it's fine as long as you don't hate me. Didn't someone say that he would send me home?" Zhang Xiaoloong was about to open his mouth, but she spoke first.

Ye Zichen raised his hands and stretched lazily, revealing a beautiful curve without a doubt. He then yawned slightly, which was a bit seductive in its laziness. The look of confusion caused the deepest itch in one's heart to be scratched.

Zhang Xiaoloong knew that she did it on purpose, but looking at such a pleasant scene, he couldn't say anything more even if he got lucky, right?

Seeing Yang Jingjing walk forward, he had no choice but to follow from behind. Suddenly, she braked and turned around.

Zhang Xiaoloong couldn't stop for a moment. He leaned forward and touched the other party's lips.

"You kissed me this time," Yang Jingjing said shyly. Then, she quickly went up and pecked Zhang Xiaoloong on the mouth. "I will make you like me!"

He turned around and really jogged out this time.

Zhang Xiaoloong licked his lips. He was now infatuated with this feeling. Although he kept reminding himself to be calm, he couldn't stop his body from reacting.

Without a doubt, if Yang Jingjing was still as proactive as she was yesterday, he would definitely fall into her trap once again.

This thing is not something that can be calmed down at any time just because you said it should be calm. If it really was to be so, it would have to wait until Yun Zuiyu recuperated.

But at that time, what was the point of being calm!

It seemed that he was destined to endure this torment unceasingly. This caused countless people to be envious of him, and they didn't know whether to be happy or helpless.

When he followed her out of the greenhouse, he found another woman standing outside, besides Yang Jingjing.

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