Godly Hunter

Chapter 1: Special commission

Nanhua City.

In a huge warehouse on the outskirts of Sakai.

Insufficient light, only a few rays of light through the exhaust fan into the warehouse. Through these beams, we can see that there are no goods in the warehouse, but there are red, green, and green cables connected to the radiators and several large-screen displays.

"This holographic virtual helmet ... one-piece, no seams, obviously made of all metal, but lighter than plastic, I really do n’t know how it was made, it is just black technology."

Chen Chen looked at the faint metallic luster shining in his hand, like a virtual helmet like an artwork, and couldn't help sighing.

"The website that is already running on the holographic virtual network is completely empty. It seems that the only way to complete the commission is to go into the game and look for it."

默 Chen Chen stared at the monitor aside, with the words "Genesis" on it!

Takimoto was an era of holographic virtual networks that only existed in fantasy. Suddenly, no one could imagine it. A month ago, almost all countries in the world collectively announced the emergence of holographic virtual networks, which will soon replace traditional networks.

测试 In order to test and determine the stability of the holographic virtual network, "Genesis", a holographic virtual network game, will run globally.

As the first holographic virtual game, "Genesis" is bound to attract countless players. With such an amazing number of players, "Genesis" can still run normally without errors. The virtual network known as "security-free and absolutely stable" will inevitably be fast. Comprehensive replacement of traditional networks.

The legendary era of holographic virtual networks is coming, and countless people are excited and excited, but these people do not include Chen Mo.

He is a hacker, and the holographic virtual network is just something that smashed his rice bowl. Even if the contents inside are even more wonderful and the rice bowl is gone, then he can't turn to enjoy it.

There are obviously many people who have the same ideas as him. Not long ago, Chen Mo received a special commission.

The content of the commission is very simple. It is to find the loopholes of the holographic virtual network and prevent the holographic virtual network from replacing the traditional network.

The entrustment deposit is only three thousand dollars, but if you find an effective loophole within three months, you can get at least one million dollars in reward!

Someone paid for him to do what he wanted to do, Chen Mo naturally would not refuse, but these days, Chen Mo did his best but found nothing, and the only way left was to rely on the game of "Genesis".

No loopholes can be found on ordinary websites because making a website is too simple, and a huge game like Genesis involves too many things. Even if there is no loophole in the programming language itself, the logic of the program may still be trapped. Endless loop.

As long as such a loophole can be found in the game, the “security without loopholes and absolute stability” promoted by the holographic virtual network will become a piece of empty talk, and the pace of the holographic virtual network will be hindered.

There are still many peers who have received this commission like him, but Chen Mo has some advantages over those people.

These days, he is following the news of the game of "Genesis" closely on the Internet, and he has seen on several forums that he boasts of first-hand information about the game of "Genesis".

默 Chen Mo politely hacked into these people's computers one by one and found out that one of them did not tell a lie. The guy did not know where to get some information about the game of "Genesis".

There is not much information. Chen Mo looked at it, and there were only a few uncertain news, but with the intuition of the hacker, Chen Mo knew that some of the news was likely to be genuine.

I stole the information, and Chen Mo kindly helped the person delete it, so that he would not be disturbed by other hackers.

好 A good-looking hacker like him can't find it just by holding a lantern.

六 At six o'clock this evening, it is the official launch time of the "Genesis" game. Chen Mo looked at the time and put on a helmet.

With no need to log in to connect to the game, Chen Mo has come to an ancient and vicissitudes room.

Chen silently said that he didn't even need to log in with his account. The security is really not comparable to traditional networks.

"The game is about to officially open. Players can create game characters and select professions beforehand."

A soft voice sounded, and Chen Mo appeared with an option to create a game character.

"Character name."


"Please select a profession."

A series of professional characters appeared in front of Chen Mo's eyes. Chen Mo looked at the past one by one and quickly selected two professions.

Assassins, hunters.

He came to look for loopholes in the game to damage it. This thing does not count on others to help him. The game profession naturally has to be a lone ranger.

The two professions, assassin and hunter, are most suitable for lone rangers.

Assassins and hunters both have concealment methods. Assassins can learn stealth skills. Under the stealth state, assassins can not only hide their body, but also gain powerful bonuses when attacking. Hunters can learn camouflage skills. Camouflage skills can make the hunter and the surrounding scenery become one. Stealth is still above stealth skills. The only disadvantage is that in the stealth state, the speed of the assassin can be increased, and In the camouflage state, the hunter's movement speed will be greatly restricted.

Of course, concealment is just one of the most needed methods for the Lone Ranger. A strong personal combat ability is even more essential.

Assassin ’s personal combat capabilities need not be said. As long as he has the equipment and conscious skills to keep up, the Assassin is a killing machine. If he learns some powerful professional talents in the game, the Assassin will become a scary existence.

However, the profession of hunters is not to be underestimated. In terms of continuous fighting ability, hunters are still above the assassins.

Framed and poisoned arrows are two major means of hunters. More importantly, hunters can contract beast monsters to fight for themselves.

"Assassins and hunters, assassins are more suitable for PK with players, and hunters may be more suitable when facing powerful monsters."

Although he hasn't seen the fighting situation between the two professions, Chen Mo has already made some conclusions from the professional information given by the system.

According to his commissioned content, he entered the game to find loopholes. He would have more contact with monsters and npcs than players. The hunter profession would be more suitable for him, but Chen Mo did not choose a hunter.

Hunter has few early means. What he wants to do when he enters the game is that he may not be able to do it as a hunter. For now, let ’s use the assassin to familiarize himself with the game.

If it wasn't for the reason of commission, Chen Mo might have chosen the hunter profession.

Enter the game, the player's role will be promoted, and will be transferred again and again, each transfer can learn a specific professional talent, according to the learned talents, the player's professional title will also change.

According to the system introduction, the hunter profession has reached the end of the game, and can even produce occupations such as bounty hunter and wealth hunter, which are similar to what Chen Mo is doing in reality now.

Assassins are not bad. In the later period of the Assassin, there can be a series of cattle forks such as the King of the Night and the Lord of the Night.

Unfortunately, he did not come to play the game, but to destroy the game. In order to complete the commission, he naturally chose the assassin profession that made the commission more likely to complete.

"Please shape your character."

After Chen Mo selected the Assassin profession, a game character appeared out of thin air. Chen Mo glanced at him and was surprised to find that this character looks almost the same as his appearance. What Chen Mo wants to do is to do some less complicated things based on this character. modify.

默 Chen Mo isn't a handsome guy, but he can still pass his face a little, and he is never dissatisfied with his appearance. However, he entered the game to do bad things, so naturally he couldn't enter the game in the same way.

Slightly modified the appearance of the character, although there is a trace of reality, but unless it is a person who has a close relationship with him, otherwise most people don't want to recognize him.

"Character successfully established!"

"The game will be opened later. Before that, here is a small survey. Are players silent to participate in the survey? Based on your answer, you will get some time-limited props that can help you develop better in Xinshou Village. The system strongly recommends that you Take this survey. "

"No." Although the system strongly recommended to participate, Chen Mo still refused to think about it.

Such a small survey can easily analyze the personality characteristics and behaviors of the respondent. People in his industry never participate in such surveys.

Waiting, the time soon arrived at six in the evening, a faint white light wrapped Chen Mo, Chen Mo's body disappeared from the room.

景色 The scenery in front of him soon became clear, Chen Mo looked around and couldn't help it.

what happened? When the player first entered the game, didn't he show up in Novice Village?

Chen Mo found that he appeared in a dirt red valley with a radius of tens of meters. Behind him was a cliff. In the valley in front, there were dozens of black goblin patrolling around with fierce eyes.

He wants to leave the valley, he has to go through this group of black brother Brin.

Chen Mo is a person who has gone through strong winds and waves, although he did not appear in Xinshou Village, but in the wild, which made him feel a little strange, but he has calmed down and did not rush forward.

Although I don't know why he appeared here, it is not important. I want to find a way to leave here and return to Xinshou Village. This is what he has to do, keep killing monsters, but he can't complete the commission.

Glancing at his own character attributes, Chen Mo found that the first-level character really has five basic attributes of strength, physical fitness, agility, intelligence, and spirit, as reported on the Internet, each with 3 points. Chen Mo chose the Assassin occupation. Assassin occupation increased 1 health by 20 points. Chen Mo's health now is 60 points.

Then Chen Mo found a "rusty dagger" in his backpack, basic physical attacks 1-3, and a "Stab" skill book.

System Tip: You learn the skill "Stab"!

Stab (Entry Level): Stab the enemy with a dagger tip, causing 120% damage to the enemy! Skill cooldown is 10 seconds.

"Sister, there is not much difference between this weapon and skill!"

Looking at the attributes of the rusty dagger and the stabbing skill, Chen Mo couldn't help voicing.

In the valley in front are all 4th-level black brothers Bring. Although a hacker, Chen Mo knows that his reaction is definitely far above ordinary people, but with his poor level 1 level, he faces the fourth-level brother The nature of Brin is rolling. Whether he can single out a Goblin is a big question.

However, I want to leave here ~ www.readwn.com ~ I always have to give it a try. I heard that a low-level monster will not actively attack the player, maybe he can leave here with a big swing.

But it turned out that Chen Mo was daydreaming. When he stomped around the two black brothers Blin in front, the two black brothers Brin twisted together suddenly, and then waved the stick in his hand. , Aggressively chased after Chen Mo.

"Your sister, don't talk about actively attacking, or two chain hatreds!"

When Chen Mo saw it, he hurried back. With his poor attributes, it was a problem to single out one black brother Brin. In the face of two black brother Brin, there was absolutely no life!

Chen Chen tried to escape, but he found sadly that the black brother Brin was running too fast. Although there were a few stones around, he could not stop the black brother Brin's pace at all.

I just escaped a few meters, and the two black brothers Brin caught up with Chen Mo, and the wooden stick full of my smashed Chen Mo severely!

Chen Mo responded quickly and was short in shape, and actually avoided the attack of a black brother Brin.

But unfortunately, another black brother Brin's attack was also smashed. Chen Mo could not hide this time, and was hit straight.



A big injury floated, Chen Mo couldn't even afford an attack by the black brother Brin, and was spiked.

System prompt: You have been killed by the black brother Brin!

System Tip: You are the first player to die in the game and get the achievement "Death of Light"!

System prompt: You get the achievement title "Death of Light"!

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