Godly Hunter

Chapter 107: Enemies are narrow

It is still too early to rise to the 18th level, and Chen Mo ignores Bevisent and returns to the place where he kills monsters these days to start killing monsters. {Starter}

The first thing Chen Mo has to deal with is a level 15 ore monster, which should be a rock monster.

"Great! It works!"

Chen Mo used the Rock Corrosion Elixir. An attack fell on the Ore Monster, and more than five hundred injuries appeared. Chen Mo was immediately pleased.

Ignore the defense of rock monsters, it is much easier and faster to kill monsters!

I usually want to get forty cursed blood here in the Ore Monster, which takes about three hours, and used the rock corrosion potion. Chen Mo spent only one hour today and hit forty cursed blood.

Chen Mo immediately changed the killing position, followed by the miner.

Unfortunately for Chen Mo, the miner-biting rat is not a rock monster, and the rock corrosion potion does not work for them.

At the place where the miner was able to get fifty cursed blood, Chen Mo killed two hours in a row, and after forty parts of the cursed blood, he gave up the miner and turned to the ore giant.

Ore Giants have a higher probability and quantity of Cursed Blood. With the Rock Corrosion Elixir, the Ore Giant's defense does not exist. Under the level of suppression, low-level players hit high-level monsters, and the damage caused by the players is very low. It is not the system that reduces the player's attack, but the monster's defense is improved when the attack falls on the monster.

There is a potion of rock corrosion, but ignore the defense of rock monsters, Chen Mo will be able to deal full damage!

Before Chen Mo made an attack, he could only hit more than one hundred and two hundred points of damage. Now he can casually hit more than four hundred, which has increased the damage by two or three times!

The effect of the rock corrosion potion is not only effective for Chen Mo, but the pet obese summoned by Chen Mo is also effective!

The fat man's attack is very powerful, it is only because of the level suppression that he can't do damage. Now he can ignore the monster's defense. The damage suddenly soared!

Chen Mo led the ore giant with his crossbow, and quickly set up the next traps in front of him. After practicing the trap skills for several days in a row, Chen Mo's speed of arranging traps was twice as fast as before, almost the same as the system's speed of arranging traps.

Bang Bang Bang ...

The ore giant approached. All the traps exploded one after another, causing an instant damage of six or seven hundred to the ore giant, and it can blow away more than 3,000 damage from the ore giant in an instant.

Then the fat man roared forward and attacked.

Has been bullied by the ore giant, and the big fat man has been stunned for a long time. When he can put a small self-exploding slime, he will never hide it.

The flower monster war spirit above the fat man's head, after being damaged because of the fat man's death once, she increasingly refused to listen to Chen Mo's orders. No matter what order Chen Mo issued to the fat man, she would obstruct. However, the fat man's spontaneous attack was ignored by her.

The ore giant has a large human body, and the skill of a miniature self-explosion slime is at least half of it, and it loses three or four thousand blood in an instant.

Kill an Ore Giant. Chen Mo now only takes seven or eight seconds, but slows down by 20 seconds, which is several times faster than before.

The monster experience at level 18 is already considerable. The experience of killing monsters has a bonus. Chen Mo's experience has risen rapidly. Chen Mo glanced at it and found it a little excited. Before going offline today, his level will definitely rise to level 16!

The distribution of the ore giants is a bit scattered. Chen Mo swept all the way on the second floor of the mining area, and a cursed blood appeared in his backpack. After killing the ore giant for two hours, the number of cursed blood in his backpack has reached the usual total of eleven hours!

He's only online for another five hours today. There are still nearly seven hours to work on. The blood of the cursed blood must be more than two hundred!

However, the most exciting thing for Chen Mo is that during the mad slaughter of the ore giant, the mutant predatory skills continue to thrive. In one fell swoop, two ordinary crystal ore were obtained.

Knowing the power of rock corrosion potions, crystal ore has become a very valuable thing in Chen Mo's eyes. Without saying anything else, he can exchange rock potion potions with it to let him kill monsters and upgrade at train speed. Will treat it as a baby!

With enough crystal ore, it is no problem for him to quickly rise to level 20 here!

However, if you want to get crystal ore, luck is too important. In the next two hours, Chen Mo never saw the crystal ore again, let alone the black crystal ore.

Killing all the way all the way, Chen Mo has not found time to find the seal formation.

Chen Mo was not in a hurry to release the regional elite. It was still early, and he could still hit a lot of cursed blood.

After killing the ore monster for three more hours, with more than two hours left in the online time, Chen Mo returned to the mining area lobby where the seal formation was located.

A number of monsters have been refreshed in the hall, and Chen Mo politely clears them all.

"The blood of 243 curses is almost the same."

Looking at the cursed blood in the backpack, Chen Mo whispered to himself.

No one can do so much blood of a single curse.


Approaching the seal circle, the leader of the ore giant was released, and the leader of the ore giant rushed forward.

"Okay! Also works for regional elites!"

Chen Mo used the cursed blood, drank a bottle of rock corrosion potion, and shot a crossbow. He found that it could also cause full damage to the leader of the ore giant.

Chen Mo's spirit comes, which means that the chance of the power of destruction will also increase!

Every time an arrow was shot, Chen Mo couldn't help thinking whether this arrow would have the effect of destruction.

He has risen to level 16, ignoring the monster's defensive attributes, and the effect of the power of destruction has almost reached its maximum value.

But the power of destruction was so easy to come up, Chen Mo finally calmed down and let the time pass.

With more than an hour left, he did not believe that the power of destruction would not work!

If this does not happen, tomorrow he will go to Bevisent to exchange rock corrosion potions and continue to struggle!

Chen Mo had a good idea, but it was impossible.

It was an hour and a half before he was offline. When the ore giant in the lobby started to refresh, a group of players suddenly broke through the white mist and appeared in the lobby.

This group of people couldn't help but see Chen Mo, who was black and groaning, and Chen Mo couldn't help seeing them.

The path of the enemies is narrow. This group of people is either others or **** guilds that were damaged by him five days ago.

A few days before the Blood War guild, they were a little famous in Shadow City, because their president returned from a special mission after completing a blood battle. Upgrade Bloody Guild to Level 2 Guild in one fell swoop! Become one of the many level 2 guilds in the game, and the reputation suddenly opened!

Five days ago, under the blossoming tree, Chen Mo had seen many members of the **** guild. Although you can't name it, it's not difficult to recognize people.

The number of members in the **** guild now appears to be 20 or 30, but most of them are new members that Chen Mo does not know. However, on the seventh day and thousands of miles in the **** battle, Chen Mo recognized it at a glance.

"Black name players! Heads-up to the regional elite!"

A group of members of the **** battle guild saw Chen Mo single-headed the Ore Giant leader alone. The Ore Giant leader couldn't keep up with his footsteps, and his blood was so loud that he couldn't help but startled.

"It's this guy!"

On the seventh day of the **** battle, Chen Mo was very impressed. The dark Chen Mo made him confused, he reacted, and immediately recognized Chen Molai.

Chen Mo thought the **** guild didn't know what he had done well, but where did he know that Sihaiwei had sold him.

"Did he kill me last time?"

The **** battle did not impress Chen Mo. He heard it after seven days of **** battle.

"Kill this guy! It ’s going to kill him. This guy was black and hides here to wash away the evil value! If you output such a cow, the equipment must be very powerful. Killing him is more profitable than killing one!"

Thousands of **** battles suddenly appeared fierce, and said fiercely.

"Of course to kill!"

Said on the seventh day of the **** battle.

After receiving news that Sihai was home, he did not deliberately send someone to look for Chen Mo. It wasn't worth it, but since he met now, he couldn't let it go.

Last time they were killed and destroyed by this guy, now this guy is not only a black name, he is also killing, it is a perfect time for revenge!

"All listen to the orders. Focus on the attack and kill the black name player for me! Be careful not to hit the regional elite!"

Seven days of **** battle followed the orders in cold voice.

"Okay! Seven-day boss!"

The members of the **** guild are ruthless. Chen Mo is a black-named player. It is not that they saw Chen Mo's amazing output. They could not help but rush to the killing equipment.

There is now a seven-day **** battle order. Twenty or thirty people shouted, and the melee rushed towards Chen Mo, and the long-range raised his weapon to launch an attack.


Chen Mo knew that in the state of black name, they would definitely not watch him hit the regional elite, but they could not help saying a word, but could not help yelling.

Now it is no use to lift the title of great evil, they attacked him when he was black, and even if he lifted the title immediately, Chen Mo would not get the right to legitimate defense. And since the fight began, the blood guild was a big guild. He would never stop because his name suddenly turned white.

More importantly, the black-named player must first change back to the red name before he can change to the white name. Does he suddenly change his white name to reveal his secret?

To be honest, equipped with the title of great crime, Chen Mo is not afraid of the twenty or thirty people in the blood war guild.

However, now he has entanglement with regional elites, and then confronts these 20 or 30 people directly, that is to seek death.


Chen Mo resolutely gave up the leader of the ore giant, and his body moved. Before the people in the **** guild actually launched the attack, he flashed into the white mist.

"This guy, it's a quick escape!" Said the gloomy hate of **** battles.

"Next, be careful ~ www.readwn.com ~ Don't be attacked by that person." The seventh day of the **** battle was also annoyed. This guy was too fast. It was not obvious when fighting the regional elite, but when he was about to escape, that At a glance, you can't catch up.

Worried that the man would come back for a surprise attack, the **** war ordered seven days.

"Go." Then, on the seventh day of the **** battle, he ignored the regional elites, but waved his hands and led the team to the depths of the second floor of the mining area. They appeared here not to open up unknown areas.

"Grandma, I want to leave if I do something good!"

In the white mist, Chen Mo's figure flickered and followed quietly.


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