Godly Hunter

Chapter 132: Shameless guy

"If you can't come, there isn't much time, I won't care about you if you don't come. [This book is from the beginning]" Xue Yehua is still hesitating, Chen Mo repeatedly urges.

Seeing Chen Mo's best look that you don't come, Xue Yehua gritted his teeth and walked over. If she found out that this guy just wanted to take advantage of her, she would split him with a sword!

"You come before me." Xue Yehua walked behind Chen Mo. She was caught by a man from behind, her posture was too indecent, she was behind herself, at least she could take the initiative.

Holding Chen Mo from behind, of course Xue Yehua was as far away as possible from Chen Mo's back. There was a lot of space between the two, at least her chest did not touch Chen Mo's back.

"It's not enough to leave so much space, be closer!" How did Chen Mo say that he was very dissatisfied.

Xue Yehua gritted her teeth. In addition to leaving as much space as possible on her upper body, her legs were close to Chen Mo. If this guy doesn't show a way to withstand the thick fog, she will turn her face!

"It still doesn't feel enough, forget it, try it first." The two seemed to be a bit bigger. Chen Mo felt that it might not work, but he still summoned Ceci Hero.

"What kind of pet is this?" Xue Yehua was surprised, and then she was surprised to see that this little girl made of water, stretched out her hands, grabbed Chen Mo's hand, and then walked along Chen Mo's like a liquid. Hands rushed up and turned into a ball of transparent water covering Chen Mo and her, gradually forming a cloak of water.

Does it depend on this deformable water pet to form a cape to block the **** fog?

Xue Yehua saw Chen Mo's intention, but then Chen Mo frowned: "It really is not enough."

Chen Mo has tested the ability of mimic deformation of Ceci Hero. From the skill description, she can become any person and thing that she has seen, but in fact it is not the case. She cannot pass oversized monsters and things. The mimicry becomes, even if a large part of the body can be hollow, but her original element body is not enough to cover the surface part. It cannot be deformed.

Ceci Hero used a cloak to cover Chen Mo. There was no problem at all, but the size of the two people was so large that Ce Si Hero couldn't completely cover it.

"Take a closer look!" Chen Mo urged.

Xue Yehua also knew the problem. All he could do was grit his teeth, and his upper body pressed tightly towards Chen Mo's back.

It's a big deal, I won't follow you if I knew it!

Xueye ran away in tears, but in the current situation, it was impossible to give up.

Ceci's heroic cloak was moved towards the feet of the two, but it was not enough.

"What to do?" Xue Yehua had no choice but her chest was squashed.

"Really, what's the matter of making the chest tone so big?" Chen Mo dejected Cesi Heilo back to the original, let Xue Yehua let go, and turned to look at Xue Yehua's strong twin peaks. After sweeping the snowy Yehua's buttocks, it's almost like you're okay to adjust the buttocks so well.

"This is the real thing!" Xue Yehua was furious.

"There is no time for nonsense. If you don't do it before and after, you will only be able to make your own life." Chen Mo walked behind Xueyehua. Reaching out to hold Xue Yehua's lower abdomen, her body is closely behind Xue Yehua, like a pair of extremely close lovers.

"It's too tight!" Xue Yehua felt the panic of her little buttocks and quickly protested.

"It's definitely not enough to be tight!" Chen Mo said politely.

Ceci Hero once again turned into a transparent cloak along the two people's bodies, but it seemed to be a little worse, but after Chen Mo tried to squeeze it, Cesi Hero became a cloak. It was finally covering them both.

"Is this really able to withstand the thick **** fog?" Xue Yehua finally had time to ask her own questions.

"do not know."

"Don't you try it if you don't know?"

Chen Mo replied calmly, Xue Yehua couldn't help but be mad.

"Of course there is some certainty." Of course, Chen Mo would not do anything totally uncertain.

Attacked by a scarlet monster, he will poison and bleed, and he also found that the place where the poison is, as long as it is a different part of the body. The poison damage will stack up, and if the same part is hit, the poison damage will not stack up.

When the **** fog comes, the player will be completely exposed to the **** fog and poisoned in a large area. It is estimated that within seconds, the player will be poisoned and killed.

However, after discovering that Ceci **** was completely unresponsive to the toxicity of the blood-colored monster, Chen Mo thought of using Cesi hero to block the blood-colored fog.

Let Ceci Hero envelop his body so that even if he is touched by a **** poisonous mist while moving, he can drink blood and support it without worrying about death.

The feasibility of this method is very high, especially when Chen Mo learned that the mission of the two major guilds through snowy night flowers is likely to rescue the detained in the valley, he even decided to try this method.

Chen Mo didn't know which one of the two guilds was going to save, but it was very likely that Princess Peradilly was not among them. Otherwise, the entrusted employer would not have asked him to rescue Princess Peradilly, but Ask him to assist the two guilds.

So Chen Mo didn't want to alarm the two guilds. If possible, when the two guilds rescued their task, he took the opportunity to let the two guilds make bait to rescue Princess Peradilly.

If he kills someone, the two guilds will be vigilant, and this plan will not work.

The glowing magical array in the sky was gradually extinguished, and a thick fog of blood fell from the sky to cover the world.

"No, the people of the two guilds did not return to the city, but retreated into the valley." In the past, the people of the two guilds directly used the special scrolls to return to the city, but returned to the bottom of the exile, but this At one time, the two guilds at the gate of the valley seemed to receive any information at the last minute, looked at each other, and retreated into the valley.

The entire valley is shrouded by a magical barrier. The **** dense fog cannot enter inside, and it is a safe place inside, but players who enter inside can't get out. Once they come out, they die.

"Surely we didn't see us go back, and we were vigilant." Chen Mu thought for a while and said.

Just one person. If the two don't come back together, it's still more eye-catching. The two major associations can't even think of vigilance.

"What now?" Xue Yehua asked with a headache.

"What else can I do, wait. I don't believe they will stay there all the time. After an hour and a half, they will not see us, they will think we are offline, after all, no one can survive in the thick **** fog. "

The **** dense mist came, and the world outside was bloody. Chen Mo and Xue Yehua moved in the same way and hid under a tree to avoid encountering a monster refresh.

The cape formed by Ceci Hero did not completely cover them. There was still a gap of **** fog under the feet of the two, but they only poisoned the steps of the two, and the damage was not too high. The two only needed to drink some potions. Can maintain blood volume.

"How long shall we wait like this?"

The man was cuddled tightly from behind, his little buttocks were panicked. In this confined space, the body temperature seemed to rise, Xue Yehua couldn't help asking.

"It's early, less than five minutes." Chen Mo looked at the valley, and saw a few figures faintly.

"You try to get there, what are you going to do?" Xue Yehua turned to the topic and turned her attention.

"Curious." Chen Mo didn't plan to tell Xue Yehua his purpose.

Humph! Stingy guy!

Of course Xue Yehua knew that Chen Mo didn't tell the truth and didn't continue to ask.

But ... if she could get into that valley, she might be able to carry out a mission. She had long thought about taking a look in the valley, but because of the sunny weather, she didn't want to turn her face with the two major companies, so she kept on. But today, Sunny has washed away her sinful value, and she has nothing to worry about, so she came here with Chen Mo.

"I said, isn't it too hot, or else you just go offline and look uncomfortable for you." After a while, Chen Mo kindly suggested.

He is a normal young man, and knows that this is going to be a bad situation.

"No!" Xue Yehua refused.

A rare opportunity, she will not give up like this, or a little bit of difficulty, will not blame her!

But it didn't take long before she noticed something wrong.

Something stiff, was on her two hips!

"Hey!" Snowy Night was angry.

She wasn't a sunny day without knowing anything, she didn't need to know what it was.

"It doesn't matter to me, the game is too realistic." Chen Mo replied calmly.

"If your body doesn't respond, how will the game respond!" Xue Yehua won't be convinced by this nonsense reason.

"Please, beauties, you are so seductive. I have endured so much that I have called you off the line." Chen Mo said angrily.

"Control yourself!"

"Okay, I know." Chen Mo glared at her. If the matter could be controlled, there would be no impulse in the human dictionary.

This is a big deal!

Xue Yehua also knew that Chen Mo couldn't control it, but had to bite it.

"The figure disappeared."

After more than ten minutes passed, several players in the valley disappeared, and Xue Yehua rejoiced.

"Go!" Chen Mo is also fed up. If you can move your feet manually, it's another matter, but in the current state, a little disturbance will make Ceci Hero's cloak invalid, and the two will die, although he wants to move. , But dare not mess up.

But after starting to move around, the two talents found that this period is not too long ~ www.readwn.com ~ not easy to go.

As I walked, I was doing a friction exercise. Whether it was Chen Mo or Xue Yehua, the body felt an indescribable feeling.

"finally reached."

After all, the two crossed the valley's magical barrier and walked into the valley. Chen Mo stole Cecielo, both of them fell to the ground, breathing quickly and panting. For both of them, this part of the road was quite exciting.

"Little bastard, let you take advantage!" Xue Yehua said with gritted teeth.

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm the victim!" Chen Mo protested severely.


Snowy night flowers are considered to be long-sighted, this guy's cheek should not be too thick, it's totally cheap and sell well!


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