Godly Hunter

Chapter 146: Learn new skills

"I don't know you, why give you face?" Chen Mo couldn't help it. [Starter]

The forest is so big that it really has all the birds. Brother is not your subordinate, you let me join the team, I will join, your face is there, but brother's face?

Brother sees his face like a cloud, but his face can be disappointed, but he can't be upset. Hears you and joins the team. No matter how he thinks, he can't get up.

"Brother, join the team. The boss is very nice." A male warrior behind Qian Qian who smiled and walked up to persuade him, while talking, he talked privately, "It's not a threat to you, you better know When he clicked into the team, Qian's boss had the most face. One of the masters had previously rejected him. As a result, Qian's boss hired someone to kill him for half a month. "

Hey hey hey majestic!

Chen Mo heard a sneer.

"Mr. Qian, do you mean to spend money on points?" But Chen Mo smiled and asked if money was not bad.

"You can think of it this way, I'm more inclined to buy you as a whole!" It's not bad money and money, and seeing Chen Mo's attitude seems to have changed, he feels good.

"I'm too expensive. You can't afford the points, but you can consider the points. Since you are not bad, and I'm not polite to you, I'll charge you 10,000 CXA points." Chen Mo nodded, very casual. Said.

The people around him were confused when they heard Chen Mo's words.

One 10,000 Huaxia Yuan? One thousand points is ten million, and five thousand points for a purple outfit is 50 million!

Dare to say that this price is against the sky, or this guy is mentally disabled, or this guy deliberately teased not bad money.

Which one, needless to say, everyone knows.

"Boy, are you good when I'm not bad for money, right?" Not bad for money, after listening to Chen Mo's face, his face sank.

"Just playing with you? I don't have that time! Since you dare to say that it is not bad money, you are ready to be slaughtered. One point of 10,000 Chinese coins, I just made it clear that I want to slaughter you, you can't come." Chen Mo Said calmly.

Not bad money, after listening to Chen Mo's words, he froze slightly, looked up and down Chen Mo for a while, and suddenly laughed: "Hahaha, brother you are very good! This time it is mine, I will pay you again if I have a chance!"

Having said that, not bad money waved and took away a group of younger brothers behind him.

Chen Mo was a little baffled. He was ready to let Cesi Heilo shoot out, and he was able to lose money and wait for someone in one fell swoop, but he did not expect that the money was not bad and he apologized to him. Is this guy going to numb his vigilance first, and then let someone sneak in?

If so, he would have miscalculated! He will kill as many people as possible!

Those around me who are killing monsters and watching the liveliness are even more ashamed. The bad money for the face is an apology. This is the sun rising from the west!

"Miss Qian, just let that kid go?"

Not bad money left with a group of people, and there was no intention of seeing him behind him, and he couldn't help asking.

Under normal circumstances, if someone dares to hit such a good money, he will certainly not be polite to that person.

"This guy is a bit of a real talent and can't offend." Not bad money waved.

Can't offend? Boss Qian, who can't offend?

With the money around for half a month, these players know that this money is really not bad. When other players are still dreaming about a piece of purple equipment, the boss of the money has waved his hand and closed it. A purple suit! When he meets those who dare to offend him, he will lay down a lot of money and teach those who offend him to be human!

Now boss Qian said he couldn't offend people, they couldn't believe their ears!

Boss Qian glanced at the group of younger brothers around him, sneering.

How could this group of people know his intentions.

Those who have reached his status, of course, will not play games like ordinary players. He puts up the upstart, just to warn other players, to offend him, to weigh his weight, and to benefit from him. Just follow his wishes!

He didn't have the effort to discern one by one what other players gathered for him. This method allows him to quickly screen out most players.

For example, the expert player who was chased and killed by him for half a month completely treated him as an injustice and wanted to spend a lot of money to cheat a lot of money from him.

In the face of this kind of guy who doesn't know how to be superior, of course, the money is not bad, but he must give him a little lesson, so that there is no such person to bother him.

The remaining part is the person who does not covet his money and is not afraid of his financial resources.

Such people often have real skills and are worthy of association.

The people around him gathered because of their money, they don't understand, and they will not explain to them if the money is not bad.


One sea monster died in the hands of Chen Mo, and Chen Mo's points skyrocketed.

Every time he killed a sea monster, he earned 7 to 15 points. It was not long before the money left, and Chen Mo's points exceeded 100 points.

Chen Mo opened the leaderboard. The ranking was still a question mark. The top ten people did not know who it was, but Chen Mo could see his own position.

Silence, points 102, ranking 3320.

One hundred points, ranked more than 3,000, in terms of the number of players in the East China Sea, this ranking is actually not low.

However, more than 3,000 people have scored over a hundred points so quickly. It seems that the strongman in the game is still full.

Chen Mo continued to bury his head to kill monsters. If the leaderboard can be seen openly and the 3,000 people behind can be seen, someone will definitely see it. One person's points are growing rapidly, and an individual player will soon be left behind. It didn't take long for the ranking to rise from more than 3,000 to less than a thousand.

Rising to less than a thousand names is just the beginning.

Not the top 100 players, the difference in points is actually small.

After Chen Mo kills a sea monster, the ranking can rise by a dozen to dozens.

After half an hour, when Chen Mo's points reached more than 450 points, he entered the top 100 in one fell swoop!

Ceci Heroo was so powerful that he easily led him to the top 100. You know, other players, but he killed the stranger nearly an hour before him!

If he shots at the same time as those people, even if it is not the first, the top ten is appropriate.

Soon after half an hour passed, Chen Mo's points reached a thousand, ranking 13th, and those who wanted to come to the distance were not far behind.

However, Chen Mo found that he was thinking a bit wrong.

It was another half an hour later, his points scored more than 1,500, but the ranking only rose from 13 to 12, actually did not squeeze into the top ten!

Chen Mo was surprised. The speed with which he scored points is not uncomfortable. He thought that after half an hour, he could easily make it into the top ten. I did not expect that it was only twelve now, not even eleven.

That is to say, in front of him, there are eleven people who have the same means as him and may even get points faster than him.

Awesome, the game is really big, there are still many strong men, he is a bit arrogant. At present, only a small number of players participate in this small group of players, eleven people kill monsters faster than him, if you count all players, he does not know how much can be ranked.

However, Chen Mo knew that his speed could be improved, and the current speed of killing monsters was basically maintained by Ceci Hero.

He hasn't reached level 20, and the equipment attributes are very general. The speed of killing monsters is definitely not the opponent of advanced players with superb equipment.

However, he will soon be able to rise to level 20. Once the level 20 is reached, his killing speed will soon increase a lot!

Twenty minutes later, Chen Mo's points reached more than 1,700.

The ranking is still twelve. His previous guess was correct. Indeed, there are eleven people who kill monsters faster than him.

Chen Mo said nothing, and rushed back to the main residence of the city's official mansion.

"Brave adventurer, what can I do for you?"

Wei Na smiled at the approaching Chen Mo and popped up the point redemption list.

"Full exchange of experience!"

Chen Mo didn't even look at it, so he gave instructions.

More than 1700 points, instant reduction of 1700 points, only 13 points left.

However, Chen Mo's rule of thumb started to skyrocket at a crazy speed!

System prompt: your level is increased to level 19!

System prompt: your level is increased to level 20!

Two system prompts sounded one after another, and two holy rays of light continued to flow from Chen Mo.

"Promote two levels in a row!"

The players around were stunned.

Even two levels, even in Xinshoucun, are rare to see. After entering the main city, no one has seen it again.

"Exchanging points for experience, he changed at least a thousand points!"

"More than a thousand points, how did he get there?"

The players around looked at Chen Mo in astonishment and envy, and there was a lot of discussion. Chen Mo ignored them, turned around and walked out of the main residence of the city and walked towards the warehouse.

Spent 1,700 points, but Chen Mo still ranked 12th.

The ranking is based on the points the player gets, not the existing points. As long as the points are enough, even if the points are used up, the ranking will not be affected.

When he came to the warehouse, Chen Mo took out all the available equipment and skill books at level 20.

System Tip: You have learned the skill "Rock Skin"!

System Tip: You have learned the skill "Whirlpool Trap"!

System Tip: You have learned the skill "Trap Control"!

All pale flashes of light from Chen Mo, Chen Mo instantly learned three more skills.

Sea spear mastery and powerful throwing can also be learned ~ www.readwn.com ~ but it is not the time to learn, you must wait until the sea tribe siege.

Among the three skills, the rock skin is a general skill, an entry-level skill. After use, it can only increase the player's 5 defense power and reduce the damage received by 3. The effect is very weak and optional, but the skill level has increased and the power Can't be underestimated.

Trap manipulation is a skill just acquired today. Like Chen's imagination, trap manipulation can indeed control the explosion time of traps. However, entry-level trap manipulations still have a poor effect. Only when someone steps on the trap can they Control the trap, let it trigger the effect at any time within three seconds, and there can be only one trap that can be manipulated. I do n’t know if the skill level is high, can I increase the number of manipulations and control effects, and trigger it when it is triggered. Let it trigger a trap and it will stay there forever.

As for the vortex trap, that is the only advanced trap skill Chen Mo has learned so far. The skill range is unprecedented!


Fourth more! Eleven double monthly passes, beg for double monthly pass support! rs

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