Godly Hunter

Chapter 151: Too famous

At the sea resurrection point, a group of sea players walked out of the resurrection point with a look of surprise. [This book is from the beginning]

"How could there be such a powerful trap?"

"Don't talk about the power, the scope is also ridiculously large, and it also has a powerful control effect. If you hit it, there is only a dead end!"

The group said angrily, but they died unclearly. After knowing that they had caught the trap, they could only wait to die.

"The guy's mission reward has been increased to 3000 points!"

"Fuck, how many people did he kill? Half of the people who died back in this time died in his hands! No wonder the task reward mentioned so high."

There was a lot of talk around, and this group of sea players quickly discovered that it was not only them that were killed, but many sea players were killed by the wicked hunter in the same way. Special killing mission.

As long as the hunter is killed, they will be rewarded with 3000 points in one fell swoop!

The rewards are very tempting, and there are many sea players, but few sea players feel that they can kill the hunter.

So many people were killed, what means did the hunter have, and where are they unclear.

The attack power is powerful, and a player can be shot flat with five arrows or so. The trap is even more abnormal. When stepping on the large trap, a team will be completely destroyed. !!

If that's the case, some assassin players sneak in carefully, sneak attack from behind, and after controlling that person, there is still a good chance to kill, but the hunter still has a super metamorphic pet, attacking High, as well as group attack control skills, with one master and one pet, there is no flaw at all. It would be nice not to be killed by him and want to kill him. It was all about death. Several people and even two teams wanted to kill the hunter, but no one was killed. He was killed by others and returned to the city.

"Go, take the task!"

No one really wants to kill the hunter, but almost all sea players have taken the task of killing the hunter. Once they received the mission, they could teleport to Donghai City for free. After receiving the mission, they could get the approximate position of the hunter every so often. They could avoid the guy in advance and not contact him. !!

And on the sea players' forum. Some people have described his physical characteristics and fighting methods in detail, calling on the sea players to see this person. They are not very powerful. It is best to run when they see him, and never to be alone action. Because the hunter's vision was very wide, one's actions were followed, and there was absolutely no way out.


"Grandma's bear, is it that I killed too hard? Why are there so many sea clan players all at once?"

After the points soared to the top of the standings, Chen Mo killed more than half an hour and gained nearly 3,000 points, making the available points nearly 11,000. He suddenly noticed that the number of sea players was suddenly reduced.

It is almost difficult for a player to place an order to see one. There are players in the team, but these sea-based teams are no longer tempted by him and see him alone. Not only did he not come to kill him, he ran fast.

He wanted to arrange the vortex traps in advance on the way of the sea team, but these sea players are also good at it, and they will use various pets to summon beasts to explore the road.

Seeing this, Chen Mo didn't know where. He has already entered the sea player's blacklist, and they are no longer playing with him, and he has so few sea players along the way, I am afraid they can still find out if he is close.

After searching for another half an hour, Chen Mo knew that most of his guesses could not be wrong.

In this half an hour, he just used the hurricane skills of Ceci Hero to successfully attack a team, but otherwise, he found nothing.

For those who have earned nearly 8,000 points in the previous hour, they only get more than 1,000 points in half an hour. This huge gap will certainly make people dissatisfied.

But Chen Mo couldn't help it.

After thinking about it, Chen Mo decided to go back to the city's official residence and use up his points. By the way, see if there is any new task in the city's official residence.

There are more than 12,000 available points on him, and now the sea clan has given out a task specifically for players like him. If he dies a lot of points at once, he will have the heart to die.

Anyway, sooner or later, the points will be used, and now they are used first, so don't worry about them.

"Well, a team on the left was attacked by a sea player?"

Moving towards Donghai City, halfway through, Chen Mo saw through Ceci Hero's vision and suddenly saw dozens of meters in front of the left, and a team was sneakily attacked by Hai players. Chen Mo found it just right. The Hai clan team just launched an attack. The sneak attacked human clan player team, although the blood volume has plummeted, but no one has died. Someone died.

"It's them!"

Chen Mo just wanted to clean up the Hai team in the past and earn some points, but he took a closer look and suddenly found that the person who was attacked was a classmate of the Chinese Department.

Willow, Gu Feixing and Luo Hua are all in the team!

The ancient Fei Xing has less than half of his blood, and will die in a few seconds. Chen Mo's body moved and he flew to the past.

If it was only Luo Hua's team, Chen Mo would surely wait until they were killed before they would follow up and kill the sea player team, but with Willow and Gu Feixing both present, he could not stand idly by.

"Keep your ground, I'll help you!"

Approaching behind them, Chen Mo yelled from a distance.

"Chen Mo?" Yang Liu fiercely turned back when he heard the voice.

Seeing Chen Mo flying over, Yang Liu quickly said, "Your level is too low to help, and you will be killed if you come. Hurry up!"

"No! Chen Mo, come here to resist the attack! You have a low level, even if you die, you have little experience. As long as you block these enemies a little, we have a chance to fight back!" Luo Hua yelled at Chen Mo.

In his eyes, Chen Mo is at level 18, and it ’s nothing to die if he dies a little. Instead, they are all level 24 and above. If he dies, he will have much more experience than Chen Mo. And, at the expense of Chen Mo, , They may be able to win the opportunity to kill these sea players in one fell swoop, not only do not have to die, but also earn a lot of points.

Your sister's, it's not here like Willow and Gu Feixing. You don't need to do anything with the sea clan players, brother will kill you!

Chen Mo glanced at the shameless fellow Luo Hua, but he seemed to obey Luo Hua's words, and did not look back, but kept running towards a group of people.

Did this guy really come over?

Luo Hua did not expect that Chen Mo would actually come over. He shouted so intentionally, in fact, he wanted Chen Mo to dislike him and leave. As long as Chen Mo can't get over, they can even slay Chen Mo's head and say he is greedy for fear of death, even if they are killed by the sea players. In this way, Chen Mo's status in Yang Liu's mind will undoubtedly decrease. Even if it is excusable, no woman will like a person who is greedy for life and fear of death, not to mention that in the game, death is just some experience.

Although it is not confirmed whether there will be a close relationship between Willow and Chen Mo, but it is the best choice to kill things in the bud!

However, Chen Mo still came over, and Luo Hua decided to let him die, to fight for some attack opportunities for himself!

Luo Hua made up his mind, but at this time, the sneak attacking sea player team also saw Chen Mo running over.

The pet with obvious characteristics such as Ceci Hero is not beside Chen Mo, but to this guy, the sea players are no strangers. In the exclusive game forum of the Hai players, screenshots of Chen Mo have been released. At this time, when this Hai player team saw Chen Mo, they immediately recognized that he was the most brutal and killed dozens of Hai players. Perverted Hunter!

"Unlucky, why did you meet this guy!"

"Thinking of a sneak attack, I didn't notice it for a while, but he didn't know when he approached!"

"Escape! With him, we can't kill a few people, maybe we will be killed again!"

Seeing Chen Mo, the Hai players immediately retreated, and the entire team retreated quickly after sending out fierce attacks to repel their opponents.

Chen Mu's team retreated, Chen Mo was not surprised, but just convinced him that he was afraid that the Hai player was already famous, and they recognized him at the first sight.

Alas, it seems that being too famous is really not a good thing.

If Chen Mo chased him, it would take little effort for Ceci Hero to entangle them and kill this sea player team, but Chen Mo thought about it and did not chase it.

If he chases, Yang Liu and others will probably chase after, so his strength will be completely exposed.

He is a person who is afraid of trouble. At that time, the whole class knows that he is so powerful. If he asks for help when he is in trouble, he refuses not, does not refuse, and it is not a headache when he thinks of it. .

"Retreat? Haha, I must have seen Chen Mo, they think the number is hurt, afraid of casualties!"

The Haizu came fast and retreated quickly, and Gu Feixing laughed and thought of an explanation.

"Good luck, thank you, Chen Mo." The rest of the people also felt that this was the only possibility. After relieved, they all thanked Chen Mo.

Although Chen Mo didn't do anything, if Chen Mo hadn't rushed over ~ www.readwn.com ~ to scare the sea players, they might have been killed.

"Thank you." Yang Liu came up and said thank you softly.

She told Chen Mo to leave, and Chen Mo didn't leave. Naturally, it was inevitable to increase Chen Mo's favor. However, she couldn't help but blush when she thought of the night.

"Well, Chen Mo, how did your level rise to level 23?" Gu Feixing saw that Chen Mo ’s equipment had changed a lot. Upon investigating the status of Chen Mo, he suddenly discovered that Chen Mo ’s level had reached level 23, and he could n’t bear it Exclaimed.

Ten hours ago, Chen Mo's level was still level 18. How could it be possible to upgrade to level 5 in a short period of time? It's too unscientific!

"I said how dare to come here, the original level suddenly increased so much."

Luo Hua smiled like a stunned smile.


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