Godly Hunter

Chapter 158: fuse

Although facing difficulties, White Eagle didn't think he was wrong. Originally, their mission was to take two scouts everywhere, but they kept encountering monsters on the road and found that they could get a lot of points. Later, after some reconnaissance, the mission became to repair and open the magical array of wind in the west. Under the temptation of a large number of points, the White Eagle naturally did not want to leave the battlefield easily. [Starter]

With these two, they once occupied the top six of the standings, only to be later seized by a powerful guy to occupy the first place.

Even now, they have been out of the battlefield for some time, but they are still in the top ten in the standings.

However, facing the current dilemma, the other members of the White Eagle and the Eagles were vaguely disturbed.

If the mission fails in the end, they will not be punished lightly.

But all their points have been converted into rewards, and they have become a boat. Even if there is punishment, they are not afraid!

"White Eagle, is there any way to make the two you bring into the battlefield, in this way, the repair of the Magic Array must be too late. Now Donghai City has been invaded by the **** poisonous mist. Unhappy to open the Magic Array. Finally, the Magic Array When I opened it, I was afraid the city was broken. "

A dark-skinned assassin named Night Rays walked up to the White Eagle, his face a little ugly.

The night light and the white eagle both took the same task and did the same thing as the white eagle. At one time, they also depended on killing the top twelve. At the beginning, Chen Mo was too late to kill the top ten. His credit.

However, one of the two led by them said that they needed to report the investigation, and it turned out that it took a long time to return, causing Chen Mo to burst their rankings very early.

"What can I do, they will no longer obey our command when they get here. According to the current situation, let alone open the magic circle, we are afraid to explain everything here!" The two warring sides ahead.

A total of six came from the East China Sea, and four came from the Hai people. Then four of the Hai people played with the four ping-pong **** from the East China City.

Originally, if six of Donghai City attacked four of the sea clan together, it would not take much time to win, but two of them said that the situation of Donghai City was critical, and the magic circle had to be repaired and opened as soon as possible. Each went out to fight, and two were tinkering with the magic circle.

In terms of players, there are more than 50 players from the Hai clan, and there are only three teams of players in the East Sea City, which is 18 people.

At present, the two sides are still confronting each other. On the other side of the East China Sea, it seems that someone is directing the fifty people. The fifty people are worried that the other two will also join the battle. The sea players have been informed that, according to the current situation, unless all the people in Donghai City destroy them, they can win in this confrontation.

"It seems that our mission is to fail. We had wasted too much time killing mobs before." The light of the night also saw the signs and couldn't help sighing.

"Fortunately, if not both of your teams have been late, this task is less likely to be completed and has a half chance to complete, but now it is 100% to fail."

Aside from the two, a female player named Xue Qiangwei looked at them coldly and said.

Neither of them spoke. The problem with this task was with them, and they couldn't get clear when they jumped to the Yellow River.

"Well, is anyone here? Is it your reinforcements?"

Suddenly, in the faint moonlight, a hazy figure appeared in the distance, and the light in the dark night was refreshed.

"It's not an eagle meeting. The sea players still have an ambush on the way that they must come here. My people have all died back to the city and are trapped in the city." Baiying shook his head.

The sea players dare to spend time with them because they still have an ambush. The people of White Eagle have not noticed for a while, they have been ambush and they have all been destroyed.

"It's our human race player, but there are only two people, one hunter and one warrior. It's useful." The figure was approaching, and the light of the night looked at the person with disappointment.

If there is one more team, and the number of players in the East Sea City will reach 24, which is close to half of the players in the sea clan, they can risk a battle with the sea clan players, and there is still a chance of victory.

But only a hunter and a soldier came, and the situation at hand was of little importance.


"It's a hunter!"

"It won't be that guy!"

"Looks like that guy!"

"My grass! Really that guy!"

When people from Donghai City saw Chen Mo, it didn't take them a moment, but the Hai players, when they saw the hunters, immediately became vigilant.

The sea city that attacked Donghai City is not too big. The number of sea players is not too many. Usually, many people know each other, especially when they come to do the task. With few people, the news spread quickly, and Chen Mo also killed dozens of sea players. Traps and pit kills, pets' big kills, and ambush sneak attacks make people have no power to fight back, even if they don't remember.

More than fifty people, and soon someone recognized Chen Mo, the sea players immediately became turbulent.

"Why didn't the ambush stop him and let him run over?"

"You're stupid, don't you know this guy's vision, he just didn't ambush our ambush, and wanted to ambush him!"

"The situation is a little bad, let this guy run over!"

The argument continued to sound, and some people could not help but feel a little disturbed.

"What are you afraid of? He will be alone. No matter how great he is, he will kill our team. So many of us are afraid that he will not succeed?"

"Yes! He used to attack us all the time. Now we have a lot of people. He comes to the door. We happen to take revenge!"

"This guy has now risen to 5,000 points. If he kills him, he will post it. It is better than any task!"

There are many people in the group, and a group of sea players are eager to move.

"What's wrong, what's wrong with the sea players?"

The white eagle and the night light frowned at the sea players, they did not know what the sea players were talking about, but they saw the turmoil of the sea players.

"Can't help it, ready to storm?" Dark Night's heart froze.

More than fifty people stormed them. If the two men behind the magic circle failed to take action, eighteen of them would be dead.

More than 50 people hit 18 people, but it was not as simple as two to one. People set fire once and they could destroy several of them!

"Intercept him before he enters the magic circle, so he will never come out to help him!"

"That's it. This guy killed so many of us and should have been killed once by us!"

"Go, take the task and follow me, whoever kills who treats!"

"Killing him is a good thing, but would you like to say something to Fenghua Xueyue first? The task would be bad if something goes wrong."

"Don't worry, I already told Fenghua Xueyue that he said it was okay, let's be careful!"

"Hey hey, so what are you waiting for, kill!"

On the other hand, the sea players quickly concluded that someone yelled, a group of nearly twenty people rushed out and killed Chen Mo!

"My grass! Don't be so fierce!"

Chen Mo is sweating. It seems that players who kill the sea clan kill more, and they are regarded as nailed by others!

"What's going on? Who is this guy, and why do half of them want to kill him!"

The white eagle, the night light, and the blood rose were all startled. They could never have imagined that things would change like this.

"What to do? Now they are a little less than half, only thirty, or ten more than us, but a great opportunity to do it! Now don't do it, wait until those twenty people kill the hunter and warrior, We have no more chance to do it! "The light of the night stared at the crowd of sea players remaining with 30 people, his eyes flashed.

"Let's do it, there won't be a chance without it!" Blood Qiang gritted her teeth.

"Okay! Let's do it together!" White Eagle's eyes flickered, knowing that they were right.

The equipment of their three teams is very good in Donghai City. The three teams can receive this task because they are the members of the Great Guild. They have achieved good results in land reclamation, and have been systematically recognized for their strength. But it is much better than the ordinary players of the opposite sea.

Although there are still more than a dozen players on the opposite sea, they are sure to defeat each other!


With the roar of the three teams, they killed the opposite sea players.

"Hey, sure enough, it really killed me!"

"Courageous, unfortunately, you met us!"

The sea players saw the three teams of the White Eagle killing all of them in the past, not only did not have the slightest panic, but sneered again and again, it seems that this would have been expected.

"Kill! Destroy them all, destroy the magic circle, and complete the task ahead of schedule!"


Among the sea players, someone yelled, and the surrounding sea players responded, killing the three teams of White Eagle.

Not fighting in the magic circle, they are not afraid at all!

Two groups of people banged each other and started a big dogfight!

"No! These people are so strong! Maybe not as good as us, but definitely much stronger than expected!"

As soon as he fought, no matter whether it was the White Eagle or the dark night light, they were all in the heart.

The opponents are much stronger than they expected. I do n’t know if there is a strong gain state on them, but no matter what the reason, their combat power is very strong. There are many people on the side. Donghaicheng is afraid of nothing. Cheap ~ www.readwn.com ~ But it ’s hard to fight without a fight. It is difficult to retreat. At this time, if you want to retreat, at least half of the people must be accounted for here.

If there are less than ten people left, then there is no chance of winning at all. It is better to fight against the sea players to the end, whether they will bet to help.

But apparently there was no intention to help them. After more than three minutes of fighting, eighteen people in the East China Sea appeared one after another.

There are also Hai people there, but there are many people and they are not afraid of death at all. For the white eagles, they die one less, and each less one, the situation is worse.

Five minutes after the start of the battle, there were less than ten people in the three teams of the White Eagles struggling to support.


The fourth even offers! I have been paying attention to the monthly ticket list. Thank you very much for your support. In the end, it was only a few votes, and I kept the tenth place! I will open a single chapter tomorrow to thank the book friends for their support. Of course, the outbreak is also indispensable! rs

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