Godly Hunter

Chapter 19: Variation King Slime

The first person to hit the balloon was the beauty around her?

"Good luck, it must be good luck!"

A few male players are a little uneasy at first glance, and secretly comfort themselves in their hearts.

Look, the second arrow missed!

A few people looked at Chen Dong, just when Chen Dong shot the second arrow, he just passed by a balloon.

I missed, but it was almost hit!

I feel that this beauty seems to be more powerful than them. Several people can't calm down.

I ca n’t do it, no matter how I say, I have to score more points than the other guys, not the bottom one!

Several people stared at the balloons in the sky, trying to control the bows and arrows in their hands.

They didn't know that Chen Dong didn't exist in their eyes at all, and the second arrow missed, so she stopped.

The rhythm of bow and arrow trembling in her hand is strange and riotous. It is difficult to control. She needs time to practice, and even if she can control the rhythm of bow and arrow trembling, she needs time to become familiar with the profession of bow and arrow weapons and archers.

Although she has far more precise control ability than ordinary players, and the bows and arrows in the game are not as difficult to control as reality, she cannot hit 100%.

冬 In the next two minutes or so, Chen Dong shot an arrow from time to time, and some arrows hit, but more than half of them were missed.

However, more than two minutes later, Chen Dong already felt quite the rhythm of the bow and arrow. The rest is how to improve his hit rate.

To improve the hit rate, the method is very simple, as long as the position and direction are finely corrected based on the deviation of the last shot.

Everyone knows the method, but it is extremely difficult to do.

But for Chen Dong, who can pop up two identical piano songs, this is not too difficult. All it takes is a few corrections, and at the same time, his movements become more proficient.

The first trial time soon ended.

A few other male players breathed a sigh of relief. At the end of the first trial, they were able to shoot a few balloons. At the same time, Chen Dong did not shoot a lot of balloons, which made them relieved.

The second trial began after a short break.

boom! boom! boom! ...

Only a few male players were ready to show their skills and try to complete the trial, but when they were ready to aim, a series of balloon explosions came from behind them!

A few people hurriedly looked at the beautiful girl who finally appeared. At this moment, their arms were constantly swiping, and a wooden arrow shot like a rain of arrows from the opened wooden bow.

In this trial copy, there is no limit to the player's shooting speed, as long as the player can control, as fast as he wants to shoot!

Many archers who came to the trial wanted to use this method to pretend to be a dead cat and shoot a few more balloons, but in fact this method was a waste of energy and did not shoot at the target. .

"Too strong! Is this beautiful girl an Olympic shooter in reality?"

A few people are looking silly.

One arrow per second, seven of the ten arrows hit the balloon! Even if it doesn't hit, it's not far off!

多 How difficult it is to shoot here, they know very well that they even shoot ten balloons in three minutes, which is a problem, but this beautiful woman can do it in twenty seconds!


Twenty-three minutes passed in the blink of an eye, and several people watched Chen Dong make such a horrible achievement, completely forgetting that he was going to shoot a balloon.

On the game forum, those who shot sixty balloons have already claimed to be masters of archery. How can this beautiful woman who has doubled the performance of those people be counted?

128, this result can hardly be changed!

Looking at Chen Dong's erect posture, a few people had no idea of ​​Chen Dong at all, not a person of the world. If the vase was beautiful and brainless, it would be beautiful and capable. .

After passing the test, you can choose to leave the copy and get rewards. The third round did not have to face this beauty who gave them all kinds of pressure, and they were relieved.

But then, they found a little crazy, this beautiful girl, has no intention of leaving!

A few people couldn't help crying, beauties, begged you, hurry up, the results are like this, what else do you want? If you do n’t leave, they are really ashamed to shoot the twisted arrow in their hands!

But no matter how many people think, the third round of trials has begun.

When Chen Fu started, Chen Dong ’s arm suddenly lifted, and the wooden arrow shot like a storm!

The second time is just one exercise for her, and the third time is her full strength!

"It's ... too great!"

"How did you do it!"

As soon as the Tochigi arrow came out, a sound of explosive explosions came, and several male players completely watched.

This time, nine of the ten arrows hit!

Twenty-three minutes passed quickly in a series of non-stop balloon explosions.

到底 How many balloons did this beautiful girl hit?

A few people came to their senses and looked at Chen Dong's results. They couldn't help being shocked!


three minutes! 183 balloons!

They saw with their own eyes that this beauty's arrows did not all hit the balloon, that is to say, this beauty, the rate of fire exceeded one arrow per second!

System Tip: After the trial is over, players who pass the trial will find Karon to get the mission reward!

After a minute, Chen Dong left the woods.

Looking at the skill book in his backpack, Chen Dong felt a little strange.

She didn't expect that after hitting 183 outrageous results, Karon actually gave her a copy of "Army of Uprising".

Uh ...

"Archery Upright! Someone has acquired Archery Upright so soon!"

At the same time, someone cried out in the game monitoring department of Canglan Technology.

"Are there any national shooters in the game?" A young man asked curiously.

"There is no way to check player information, but from the appearance of the character, it is not any shooter."

哗 "Wow, what a beauty."

"Huaxia District is really strong and talented, and there are such beautiful women."

"啧啧, to get archery mystery in Karon Trial, that's not terribly powerful, and archery mystery is almost equal to giving archers players a talent skill, it's hard to think if they are not powerful."

"Other professions also have a variety of upanishadow skills, but unfortunately not many people get it."

"Noisy noisy, keep a close eye on me, if something goes wrong, I'll kill you!"

During a heated discussion among a group of young people, an icy female voice came over.

Several young people shut up immediately and concentrate on their respective responsibilities.

I'm kidding. If this woman is following ~ www.readwn.com ~ it's not a joke.

Uh ...

Chen Mo slept until more than one o'clock in the afternoon before getting up.

After eating and drinking, Chen Mo went to the game forum.

"The mutant Slime really exists!"

At first glance, Chen Mo saw the news he wanted to know.

On the game forum, there is a hot post raised by players!

Novice Village's strongest boss, Mutant Slime King!

The mutant Slime king that the player mentioned last night really exists. The players discovered this time were seen during the day, not only with pictures, but also videos.

玩家 This player has also posted a fee post witly, as long as one Chinese coin can watch, but when Chen Mo paid to enter the observation, more than one million people paid to watch.

In this way, not only is the mutant King Slime famous, this post has become a millionaire player, but also has become the big news today.

Playing Genesis, getting rich overnight is not a dream!

The original Genesis game and virtual network, which was already hot, suddenly seemed to be poured into a pot of oil, and became even more hot.

In the game, ordinary slime are basically football to basketball size, color and attribute ability are different. King BOSS Slime is much larger than ordinary Slime, with a body diameter of more than one meter and a color like crystal emerald.

The mutant King Slime is twice as big as King Slime, and has a diameter of two meters. It is crystal-purple and looks like a huge purple gem.

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