Godly Hunter

Chapter 183: Get arrested

"Thank you, it should be safe. [This book is from the start]"

Seeing that the silent people were left behind in a long way, Chen Mo was relieved.

"It took so long to come out, is there an accident? Did you get the source of the sea?" He Ruoou asked nervously.

The chance is only this time, if this time fails to get the source of the sea, the strength of Haiwei pull will not know when it will be restored.

She herself had lost her fighting power, and wanted to drive out the dark and erosive state of her body. It was difficult to restore her original strength. If even Haiweila could not restore her strength, her two sisters would be in a dangerous situation in the future.

"It was an accident. Leopold seemed to be preparing. I just stayed there for 25 minutes, and the royal guard rushed into the treasure house and surrounded me. I got the source of the sea, but when it was surrounded by the guard I am worried that it will be taken back by the Hai people, and it is convenient to use the magic scroll you gave me and store it in the warehouse of the human race. It is not yet available for Haiwei to pull back, and we have to wait to return to the city of the human race. "Chen Mo Back.

"Just get it. Tianhai City is the closest to the human race, and you can return to Donghai City in two or three days. Then you can take it out to Willa." He Ruoou heard an accident, his face was tense, and Chen Mo later said Hai Only after Zhiyuan got it, she was relieved.

"Yes, I have something to ask you ..."


Chen Mo just wanted to ask Hai Ruoou something, but at this time, in front of the mussel shell's course, a cannonball suddenly crashed down from above and exploded!

A large swath of sea water raged, and the three inside the clamshell were all swaying, and Chen Mo's question came to an abrupt end.

"What's going on?" Chen Mo was startled, knowing that the situation might not be good.


When Chen Mo questioned, another bomb dropped and the three of them exploded not too far away.

"I was found, Leopold!" He Ruo's face sank.

The three thought they had escaped safely, but Leopold's presence here showed that not only did they not escape. Also caught up, Leopold has been waiting for them!

"Don't be afraid, in this deep sea, bombs can't hit us!" Hai Weila was very confident in her clam shell.

boom! boom! boom! ...

One bomb dropped. The seawater was extremely chaotic, and the clam shells floated uncontrollably in the back and forth swaying seawater, but Haiwei pull was trying to control the mussel shells, quickly avoiding and moving forward in the turbulent seawater.

"not good!"

"Be careful!"

But suddenly, Chen Mo felt that there was something different in the sea water ahead, and some faint black silk threads were faintly visible.

Fishing nets!

When Chen Mo thought about it, he yelled quickly, and Hai Ruoou noticed it. However, the response to Haiwei pull, which has little outside experience, was much worse. When the two issued a warning, she had already controlled the clam shell and hit the fishing net.

The surrounding fishing nets were immediately closed. Immediately fasten the three with the clam shell.

The sound of the bomb stopped and the fishing nets slowly pulled up. After a while, the three were pulled out of the sea and saw the bright sun.

"Sister Hai Ruoou, the man behind this Terran Hunter really is you. And Hai Haila's sister, I did not expect that you could really escape from the Terran exile. Count it. We have been here for almost twelve years. I haven't seen each other. I didn't expect the meeting after a lapse of 12 years. In this way, I have to say that I am a bit sorry. "

In front of the three, there was a big heavy ship, on the big ship. Leopold, a blonde, looked at Heluo and Heila, smiling and sighing.

"Bad guy!" Haiwei pulled angrily at Leopold.

Twelve years later, she was completely unfamiliar with Leopold, who was not familiar with it. To her, Leopold was a big bad guy who bullied her sister, and now this bad guy has caught them again.

"Bad guy? Sister Haiweila, it's wrong for you to say that, but I want to be the husband of your sister's husband. How could it be a bad guy? I have already thought about it. This time when I return to Tianhai City, I will announce to the public that I am from the human race. In exile, you were rescued after twelve years. You and Sister Hai Ruoou decided to be my wife together to thank me. This will be a great event in Tianhai City for hundreds of years. Praised by future generations. "Leopold smiled, his eyes glowed with the same light, and he himself was excited about the idea.

Rescuing Haiweila, who was held in exile, will increase his popularity. At the same time, marrying Haiweila and Hairuo ’s sisters will become a beautiful conversation for the Hai people, pushing his popularity to a supreme height. point!

rub! He Ruoou wouldn't say, Haiwei pull is brother's possession, what do you mean by this guy, the person who wants to grab the brother is simply looking for death!

Chen Mo heard the anger.

However, looking at his level, he still sighed.

The level is still too low. I ca n’t do anything to save the hero from the hero. It seems that I can only wait until they are caught and locked up before trying to rescue the two.

"I won't marry you bad guy!"

"Leopold, don't you think about it!"

The two sisters Haiwei pull, after hearing Leopold's words, scolded one after another.

"Huh! You have fallen into my hands, do you have a choice? I'm not gonna kill you!" Leopold sneered.

Heluo face looked sad for a while.

Indeed, in the hands of Leopold, they had no right to autonomy.

"Human adventurer! Hiroo, I didn't expect that the person who hated the human race most was mixed with the human adventurer. After the lack of strength, even the personality fell." Leopold glanced at Chen Mo And shook his head again.

"Without the feeling of the source of the sea, he failed, didn't he get it? Forget it, put them at the bottom of Scarlet Prison, and wait for my return from Youhai City before disposing."

After all, Leopold stopped looking at the trio, and when he ordered, turned and left.

In order to apprehend Heluo, Leopold deliberately postponed the time to Youhai City by two hours, and now had to set off.

A small boat came, and there was a group of sea guards.

Chen Mo thought, and quickly put the clam shells into her backpack.

This thing must be held in hand, otherwise it will be difficult to escape.

The guard stepped forward, put all three in handcuffs, and packed them all in sacks.

The darkness was dark in front of him, and Chen Mo didn't know how long it had passed. He felt that the ship returned to the land, and was carried for a long distance, and was finally lost.

A black armored prisoner unlocked the sack, and Chen Mo found him in a dark cell and looked around, seeing that Haiweila and Hai Ruoou were beside him, he was relieved.

If the two were held in different places, he wanted to save them out, it would be more difficult.

"The Scarlet Prison." Hai Ruoou looked at the **** poisonous mist outside the cell, his face paled.

As the daughter of the royal family of Tianhai City, of course she knew that if she was put in this cell and wanted to escape, it would never be possible.

After the jailer unwound the three's handcuffs, he said coldly, "You know how terrible the blood and mist are. Don't try to escape, otherwise don't blame me for not reminding you."

After all, he turned to open the door of the cell, walked out quickly, and closed the door again. Even so, some **** poisonous mist poured in.

The jailer didn't care, this poisonous mist could not kill anyone, but he could give the prisoners inside a little warning. Ignoring the three, he slowly walked away, relying on the suit of armor that was not afraid of the **** poisonous mist.

This group of **** poisonous mist poured into the cell, and the three's blood volume really fell down. Chen Mo quickly drank the blood to maintain the blood volume. He didn't know how long the blood volume would drop.

However, this **** poisonous mist dissipated in the air soon.

"Miss Heluo, how can we escape from here?"

As soon as the jailer left, Chen Mo immediately asked.

It was blood-colored poisonous mist, and Leopold thought that he was clever, and locked them in the prison where it was hardest to escape, but he couldn't think of any of these blood-colored poisonous mists.

"Can't escape." He Ruoou shook his head in frustration. "Going out of this cell, the **** poisonous mist will immediately erode our bodies. Even the people of the Hai tribe cannot resist it. It won't take long. It will turn into a pool of blood, and all prisoners who used to want to escape from this blood-colored prison will die. "

"Sister, the adventurer's brother is not afraid of these **** poisonous mists. He escaped from the prison of human race with **** poisonous mists at first!" Haiweila said excitedly.

"Really?" Heluo Ou frowned, a little unbelievable.

"Of course! There is absolutely no problem with the blood poisonous mist. The problem is how to leave here safely after passing the blood poisonous mist." Chen Mo nodded surely.

He was completely unfamiliar with the prison. If he was caught after escaping, there would be no chance of escape.

While Leopold went to Youhai City ~ www.readwn.com ~ they had to run away as soon as possible. Once he returned, the chance of escape was much smaller.

"If you can get through the **** poisonous mist and want to escape, there are two problems to be solved. The first is the door of this cell, and there is also a door at the end of the passage after going out. These doors are all There is a magic barrier that prevents the **** poisonous mist from coming in and out, and this magic barrier can also stop the attack. To open the door, you must get the key. The second is to go out of the door and stay away from the door. In some places, there is a duty room. There will be a guard on duty all day. If I am still capable, that guard is not a problem, but now, a guard can just grab us. "

"On these two levels? If you pass the guard, you will be able to escape later? This should be the lowest level of the prison, right?" Chen thought and asked.

According to He Ruoou, if he wants to escape, he has to go through two levels, less than he expected. But he felt it was impossible. After all, this is the lowest level of the prison. If he wants to escape, he has to go up. There cannot be a guard on top.


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