Godly Hunter

Chapter 195: Superb

boom! boom! boom!

—11! —10! -8! —12!

The attack of the two fell, and the injuries around ten o'clock arose from the transparent stones. Chen Mo's face could not help changing. (Starting)

His attack is much stronger than the little warrior, but the damage done by the two is about the same, indicating that the transparent stone has a fixed range of damage to the attack. Only if the damage exceeds a certain range, it is possible to cause higher damage to it. Chen Mo's injury, and this injury limit, obviously has not yet reached.

Chen Mo has been given the title of "Great Crime", and the damage can no longer be improved. The only way to improve is to use skills.

Chen Mo unwillingly stepped forward to put the trap, but the trap exploded, and the trap that could cause two thousand points of damage was just the same damage.

I am afraid that the transparent stone can withstand a damage range of 3000 points upwards!

Chen Mo tried to find the weak spot of the transparent stone, which is like attacking the one-eyed ore giant. However, this transparent stone can be attacked everywhere by Chen Mo and the little warrior. No matter where they hit, the damage will be the same.

Chen Mo confirmed that this transparent stone has no weak spot!

The blood of the transparent stone is very long. Chen Mo estimates that according to the output of him and the little warrior, even one-tenth of the blood can't be beaten in an hour. Even if you call Ceci Hero, it is a result. .

Not to mention the two of them, even if a team of six people came here, they can only look forward to sighing.

The only thing Chen Mo can rely on is the power of destruction at the extreme sin. If the power of destruction comes into effect, this transparent stone will certainly be destroyed instantly.

However, the effect of the power of destruction, under normal circumstances, may not appear once every six hours. Chen Moke does not think that without blessing the light of hope, he instantly increased the value of luck, allowing the power of destruction to be here. Effect within hours.

"No, I can't move." The little soldier shook his head pantingly.

Chen Mo also stopped her hand and stopped attacking. Such an attack would only waste time.

"Oh, little guy, with you two, you can't break the sea spar we are proud of anyway. Give up, I will take you to find the sea spear and sword weapons you need." Ignat Hehe laughed.

"Wait a minute!" When Chen heard that Igner talked about the spar, Chen Mo's heart was beating.

These transparent stones are called sea crystals and are transparent!

What are the transparent stones in the game? Isn't it crystal or all kinds of gems?

If there is crystal in this transparent stone, it's time for Ceci Hero to debut! Even if it's not crystal, it's another transparent gem, Ceci Hero may be able to swallow it. After all, it is a gem that has swallowed the mermaid's tears!

"Cessie Hero!"

Chen Mo called Ceci Hero.

As soon as Ceci Hero appeared, she looked at the transparent stones, but she just moved a little and did not show much interest in these transparent stones.

But at the first sight, Chen Mo knew that there was a play.

This transparent stone definitely has ingredients that can be swallowed by Cesi Hero, but there are too many impurities in it, and they are still very solid impurities, unlike the impurities of crystal ore. She can easily remove them. But it takes a lot of energy to devour the ingredients, so she doesn't feel very excited.

"Cessie Hero, go and swallow the swallowable ingredient in this stone, and go back and I will give you crystal ore!" Chen Mo dropped the bait.

Ceci Heroine was still hesitant to get on or not. After listening to Chen Mo's words, she immediately moved to the transparent ore pointed to by Chen Mo.

Like a ball of liquid, Cesi Hero wrapped the transparent stone in it, and immediately there were some potholes in the transparent stone, and the transparency began to dim quickly.

Hahaha, there is a show!

Chen Mo was ecstatic!

Ceci Hero cannot swallow the entire stone, but as long as she can swallow the part that she can swallow, the solidity of this stone will definitely be greatly reduced, and then they will output with all their strength and break the stone, it will not be a problem!

"It's amazing!" The little soldier met the little star.

"This ..." Ignor was shocked, he could not think of it, Chen Mo was actually a pet who could devour the sea crystals that they were proud of.

"Originally, you can also destroy the cryolite. By corroding some of its components, the structure of the cryolite is unbalanced, and the firmness of the cryolite is no longer natural. It seems that in the future, you need to add a layer of special Coat, so that the cryolite is really hard to destroy! "

However, Igna, the old man, was open-minded, and did not have any special expression because the precious dark gold weapons were to be taken away, but summed up his experience.

The cryolite was very strong, and Cecili **** swallowed slowly. It was only fifteen minutes later that Cesi **** stopped swallowing.

System Tip: Your pet Ceci Heroo has improved!

After stopping devouring, Chen Mo unexpectedly discovered that Ceci Hero's level has also been increased by one level!

"Go devour the stone with the big sword!"

Two people, one can destroy a stone and take a weapon. Chen Mo asks Ceci Hero to go and devour the transparent stones of the little warrior's sword. When Cesi Hero sees the composition of one of these stones, he can upgrade himself by one level. Later, she rushed over immediately and began to devour the stones again.

Chen Mo and Little Warrior started to attack the stone where the sea spear was.

The stone had become pot-shaped and no longer transparent, and Chen Mo could not even see the sea spear weapon in it.

However, when the attack of two people continued, they could hit hundreds and thousands of points of damage, which was hundreds of times the previous damage!

It would have taken them ten hours to break this stone, but now it only takes more than ten minutes!

Soon, fifteen minutes passed.

Ceci Hero's side had been swallowed again, and the level suddenly rose to level 27.

There were thirteen transparent stones around, and Ceci Hero had a sweet taste, which meant that she would rise to more than thirty levels if she had swallowed it all up.

Chen Mo quickly stopped her.

There are rules here. If Ceci Herodo destroys the other stones, Igner drives them out, and he will be tragedy.

These are two dark gold weapons that cannot be missed.

Let Ceci Hero do not act lightly, Chen Mo told her to come and export.

Ceci Hero was reluctant, but after all, he did not resist Chen Mo's order, came over and began to attack together.

With the addition of Ceci Hero, the blood of the stone fell faster, and within two minutes, the stone collapsed suddenly, exposing the darkened sea spear inside.

"It's done!"

Chen Mo walked over excitedly and grabbed this dark sea spear!

System prompt: You get the weapon "Phantom Sea Spear"!

Phantom Sea Spear

Description: Use a sea spear made from deep-sea flint to confuse the enemy.

Quality: Dark Gold

Limitation: Level 30 and above, controlling players who are proficient in the sea spear


Basic Physical Attack 240--360

Base Magic Attack 180-270

Strength +70

Dexterity +50

Additional special effects: Phantom

-Phantom: When using this spear to attack, the spear weapon will almost overlap with the air, making it difficult to detect, and it is better at night.

Bonus Skill: Phantom Strike

——Phantom Strike: throw out your weapon with all your strength, hit the enemy with a thunderbolt, and cause 300 damage to the enemy! Skill cooldown is 1 hour!

Damn it! This sea spear weapon is a bunker!

Wait until level 30, equipped with this weapon, is to kill whoever you want to kill, except the shield knight, other professions see one every second!

After looking at the properties of the phantom sea spear, Chen Mo couldn't help but burst into anger!

I have to say that the properties of the phantom sea spear are too strong! The base physical attack power is almost double that of a level 30 purple crossbow weapon!

Of course, if the crossbow is replaced with dark gold, it will certainly not be twice as strong, but with Chen Mo's best-in-class equipment, this phantom sea spear can be properly seconds!

"Come! Weapon for you!"

Chen Mo admired the Phantom Sea Spear, and contentedly put the Phantom Sea Spear weapon back in his backpack. This time at the Weapon Island, it was definitely a profit.

But time was running out, Chen Mo just admired it, and started to help the little soldier fight her weapon.

The little warrior shouted with joy, and the three went to the stone whose balance had been broken by Ceci Hero and began to output frantically.

This time, Ceci Hero joined the team from the beginning. The three men hit the stone a lot faster. The previous one took nearly nineteen minutes. This time, it took only thirteen minutes for the stone to be destroyed. .

The little warrior ran forward, drew a **** red sword from the stone, and excitedly sent out the attributes of the **** sword to Chen Mo.

Bloodthirsty Sword

Description: Weapons made from bloodthirsty stones condensed from the blood of the scorpion are magical and will make people crazy.

Quality: Dark Gold

Restrictions: Soldiers of level 30 or higher can be equipped


Base Physical Attack 210-350

Base Magic Attack 180-330

Strength +80

Dexterity +60

Additional special effects: Lifesteal

——Vampire: Every attack of the player ~ www.readwn.com ~ can turn the damage 5 into his own life

Additional Special Skill: Bloodthirsty Dance

-Bloodthirsty Dance: Each time a player **** blood, they can increase their own attack power, but the more blood they suck, the harder it is for the player to control their actions. Players can consume all the blood they **** at one time, and use the skill "Blood Dancing Dance" to cause powerful damage to surrounding enemies, so that the player's movements return to normal. After using Blood Dance, players will keep at least 1 HP.

Bloodthirsty magic sword, this weapon is completely mastering the "blood" talent, that is, the best weapon for the mad war flow!

This weapon should have little effect on little soldiers, but as a dark gold weapon, even if it is not a furious war, this weapon is also superb.

Having said that, the little warrior should go through the shield battle, but Chen Mo has never seen the little warrior holding a shield.


Third more! There is a fourth more today! rs

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