Godly Hunter

Chapter 228: 3 major battle groups

Until she died, the shepherd was unable to approach Chen Mo one step, causing the slightest harm to Chen Mo.

System prompt: You killed the player "Shepherd"!

System Tip: You get 5 achievement stars!

After killing the shepherd, Chen Mo finally obtained the five achievement stars on the shepherd.

However, Chen Mo found that he spent so much effort to track the shepherds, and the results were not as good as the achievements of those killed on the road. Killing all the way, his achievement stars have reached 30, plus 5 shepherds, there are 35. It seems that killing ten players other than black names is king.

"The endless arcane and blood paladin still did not make the difference, alas, so did the wild leopard woman and the mummy. These two groups did not seem to be very powerful! The two members of the fiery wind and the dragon cherry, Or do you want to go to the bottom? "

To kill the shepherd, the scanning skills can be used again. Chen Mo scanned it and found that he spent so much time killing the shepherd. As a result, none of the other six were dead.

But if you think about it, he spent so much time chasing the shepherds. The endless Austrian method chased the blood paladin, and the wild leopard woman chased the mummy. I do n’t think I would spend too much time. It's not surprising.

There are only seven people in the top ten including him. In the two groups, as long as two people die, he can enter the top five steadily. Now he can ignore the other six people and wait for them to kill each other. He kills ordinary black name players by himself, and it is ok to get more achievements.

Chen Mo had a good idea. However, based on the results of a scan a while ago, he went on a sneak attack to kill a nearby black-named player. When he scanned again, he found it fiercely. Both the wind of fire and the dragon cherry no longer stared at the two over there The team is up, but moved over in his direction!

rub! The two have joined forces to kill him!

Chen Mo knew the location of the two people at the first sight. The two must have joined forces to deal with him.

Team up against the enemy. This is not impossible, after all, as long as Chen Mo is removed, both of them can be among the top six. If the endless Orpha side kills the blood paladin. The wild leopard woman killed the mummy. The wind of fire and dragon cherry can enter the top four.

The two continue to work together to deal with endless Austrian law and wild leopard women, maybe they can win the top two in one fell swoop!

The two were meant to stare at the other two teams in a mess. However, under the lobbying of Long Ying, the blaze of fire immediately agreed with her proposal.

The endless Austrian method and the wild leopard woman are too powerful. They both calculated that they could attack by hand, and they might be counter-slaughtered.

According to Long Ying's proposal, the two of them will probably get a very high ranking. There is no reason to refuse the wind of fire, so Chen Mo, who wanted to sneak away, was immediately followed by the two.

"What to do? It's definitely not easy for these two to catch up with me if they want to escape, but they have two of them who can use the scanning skills in turn, and I will be caught up sooner or later. And now the number of ordinary black name players is increasing. The fewer you imagine, the less likely it is to kill someone using scanning skills. "

Chen Mo quickly decided in her heart.

The number of players who can reach the finals is about 70. Chen Mo killed more than a dozen along the way, and the black name players also killed each other. Now there are only about forty people in the entire map. Chen Mo couldn't have done it like before.

"Fighting! Aren't they just two? What's so scary! Kill these two and I'll go straight into the top five!"

Chen Mo decided not to think long, and sneered.

He had a bunch of killers, and he really wasn't afraid that the two would join forces!

Suddenly, Chen Mo didn't run away, but greeted the flames of fire and Long Ying.

"This Oriental hunter is so confident, knowing that we killed him, and did not run away without telling us, he dared to confront us!" When the wind of fire moved, he swept with scanning skills and found Chen Mo's location, and then sneered.

"Be careful, this hunter is not simple. I always think that his previous battles were not exhausted." Long Ying is an Asian woman with short ears and over 20 years of age. In reality, she should be a capable ol.

While moving, Long Ying reminded the wind of fire, don't underestimate Chen Mo.

Her hunch was always accurate. This time, her hunch was even more intense. She felt that if she faced the hunter alone, she would have no chance of winning by three points.

That's why she persuaded the wind of fire, and the two teamed up together to deal with Chen Mo.

"He didn't do his best, and we did not do our best!"

Long Ying no longer spoke, she should have said everything, and it would be meaningless to continue, but the wind of fire would not be the kind of person who despise the opponent, otherwise he would not come to this step.

More than ten minutes later, three people from both sides saw each other in a wide field of grass.

This grassland has no hills and shrubbery. It has no boundaries and no terrain to hide from. There is no way to fight in this kind of place, but to see who is better.

When the two sides saw each other, they both went a step further and killed each other.

As the top seven, everyone is a super player in the game, but at the moment, neither side intends to say a word.

It's useless to say anything right now, killing the other party is the most important thing!

In the circular hall, Dunis looked at the three men who were about to fight, and kept cursing.

Obviously, as long as waiting for more than half an hour, it will definitely be able to enter the top five, but this guy, he did not escape, and took the initiative to come to the door.

This is a dozen or two, not a dozen or one. Even if it is a win, I am afraid that we will use all our means to stop at the fifth place!

Dunis looked at the other two battlefields.

The battle priest, the wild leopard woman, is about to kill the mummy, a Middle Eastern mage. Before Chen Mo and the wind of the fire split, the mummy will be killed.

This made Dunis relieved. In this way, as long as Chen Mo can kill one of the two, he can enter the top five, and if both are killed, he can enter the top four.

But looking towards the battlefield of endless Arcane and Blood Paladin, Dunis frowned again.

Dunis, who is most favored by everyone, has been pressed by the endless Austrian law after entering the duel state. He is very weak. He obviously has a lot of powerful skills, but he does n’t know how to use them. Otherwise, even if the endless Austrian method is very powerful, it will not be labeled like this.

But the blood paladin is also really powerful. He is constantly blasted by endless arcane methods. When the amount of blood is reduced to a certain level, he will use defensive skills to greatly reduce the endless arcane attack damage, or Taunt and control the endless arcane method, so that his own health can be recovered in time.

In this constant entanglement, the blood of the blood paladin is kept above the safety line. Before winning the blood paladin's endless arcane method, it seems that there is no way to take the blood paladin.

Dunis was curious about the endless Austrian and Blood Paladin battles, but his attention had to be returned to Chen Mo's side, and the battle on Chen Mo's side had already begun.

When the two sides were 50 meters apart, Long Ying entered stealthily and approached quietly, preparing for a sneak attack.

The blaze of fire is in the distance, approaching slowly.

The two were preparing to go far and near, causing Chen Mu to die.

"Cessie Hero! Demon Girl!"

Facing two enemies, one was still an assassin, and Chen Mo immediately called out Ceci Hero, and with Cesi Hero in, he didn't have to worry about being controlled to death by the Assassin.

In the face of the two top ten strong players, killing them will allow them to enter the top five. Chen Mo also used the devil girl card.

As long as you can kill these two people, the devil girl card, it is definitely worth using.

A flash of black light, a demon girl card, turned into a cold woman with a pair of black demon wings. The face of this cold woman is a bit like Mary who met Chen Mo.

The devil girl is not Chen Mo's pet. Chen Mo can't see her attributes, but Chen Mo doesn't think about it, so she lets the devil girl fight the wind of fire.

The demon girl received Chen Mo's order, and she said nothing. A dark light appeared from her dark pupils, and the demon wings fluttered, and she hurried from the air to the wind of fire.

"What's that!" The wind of fiery fire saw the demon girl, her pupils shrinking.

The demon girl can fly, and the speed is still as fast as it is, who looks like him, no matter who sees it, he dares not to underestimate the enemy.

The wind of fire can't afford Chen Mu anymore, he feels that the devil girl is a crisis for him, if he can't handle it well, maybe he will die here.

After calling out the demon girl, she felt that the devil girl was still reliable, and Chen Mo ignored the devil girl and the wind of fire.

So far away, he can't command the devil girl, he can only let the devil girl play.

Turning his attention back, Chen Mo stood in place to set up a trap, waiting for Long Ying to kill him.

While sneaking, Long Ying saw her demon girl flying away from the air, her face sinking.

On the way they came, I thought about several possible situations, but for the moment, they haven't discussed them.

The wind of the fire is entangled by the demon girl, that is, she cannot support her, she can only rely on herself to deal with Chen Mo ~ www.readwn.com ~, but Chen Mo has set a trap, waiting calmly for her to attack, others No fear of her.

Life card! Attack speed card! Move speed card! Power card!

Feeling that this battle will be extremely dangerous, in the stealth state, Dragon Sakura resolutely used the battle cards that she can almost use!

After these cards were used up, the state of Dragon Cherry suddenly reached an unprecedented height!


Long Ying's eyes flashed coldly, her body flickered, and she sneaked past Chen Mo at an astonishing speed while sneaking!

Chen Mo arranged a series of small traps around them. With these small traps, if Long Ying came to attack him, she must step on one of them.

However, the surrounding traps were not triggered, and Chen Mo suddenly felt a pain behind her!


The second change, and the third change before 12 o'clock. (To be continued ...) u

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