Godly Hunter

Chapter 238: Strange boss

Dunis was proud of his calculations, but You Ji could not wait to make this guy a pig.

It was so hard to wait until the abominable guy went away, but it turned out that because of Dunis, this guy would come back again?

Thinking that he was still asleep in the morning, the guy climbed into bed, and You Ji couldn't help worrying about her future.

Continue to stay in the exile, and maybe one morning wake up, she will find herself chastified by that guy.

Although the guy didn't dare to do anything to her for the time being because of her words, she could do everything under impulse.

No, she can't stay here anymore!

"Dunis, I have to go. Things in Sin City are done, and I have to return to the Jewells right away." You Ji immediately said.

"It's so fast, doesn't it mean that we're leaving for a while?" Dunis was startled.

He has been busy lately, and has no time to get along with You Ji. Now that he is finally busy, You Ji said he would leave.

"Sorry, things have changed." You Ji said without a word.

"Well, since that's the case, there's nothing to do." Dunis saw that You Ji's gaze was firm, knowing that it would be useless to say anything, and could only sigh.

He didn't know he died, but You Ji would leave, just because he tried to leave Chen Mo.


"Crow's mouth!"

"Crow's mouth!"

"It's a crow's mouth indeed."

"Well, I'm Crow's Mouth, please don't say that, okay?"

In the underpass, several people looked at the sharp knife. Everyone was talking in the wind, the sharp knife grinned bitterly for mercy.

They have walked in the underground passage for almost two hours.

The road in the underground passage is complicated, like a labyrinth, and the view is dim. If it is not for Ceci Hero, the movement of several people will be extremely difficult.

After walking for two hours, the five of them were finally looking for an exit and finally made a breakthrough.

Five people came to an open basement hall, and on the other side of the round hall, there was an exit. But at the exit. It is blocking a huge monster.

This monster is not unfamiliar to a few people, it is a low-level water element, but this low-level water element is too scary, and its body occupies a full half of the hall. The level is unknown. Beside it. There is also a large group of low-level water elements, as if the water elements in the cave are all split off from its body.

"Look. There is a treasure chest in the super-large water element body. If we can kill it, we can not only go out, but also get the treasures in the treasure chest."

Sharp knife Liang Mang pointed at an ancient treasure chest in the super-large water element body.

Above the top of the hall in this lava hall, there is a piece of stone condensed into ice crystals, exuding a faint light, making this hall not so dim, through these lights, the sharp knife four people saw the giant low-level Inside the water element, there is an ancient treasure chest.

"You kill me!" Huakaibaiye stared at the sharp knife.

This huge low-level water element has a body radius of three or four meters. Looking at it, it occupies nearly half of the hall and is a small hill. If it is not too large, it is impossible to enter the surrounding passages. I'm afraid I have run away.


A few people talked, and the huge low-level water element across them suddenly stretched out a huge arm, slamming down on the ground in front of it.

The sharp knife looked at them nervously.

Under that big hand, a figure escaped the attack of the big hand and ran back towards the four people quickly.

The huge body of giant low-level water elements jumped up and chased after him.


When it jumped up, the entire cave shook, and the sharp knife and others were shocked.


Chen Mo drank at the four, and the four retreated into the underground passage without hesitation.

"I try to attack!"

The slutty tea cup retreated, attempting to shoot a large fireball at the giant low-level water element.

This large fireball has a long range and can attack this giant.



"My grass!"

The sharp knife and others were stunned.

They thought that the slutty tea cup attack would not cause too much damage, but only 1 point of damage, which was too outrageous.

In horror among the four, Chen Mo also retreated into the passage.


Within a few seconds of Chen Mo retreating into the passage, the giant low-level water element banged. The huge body hit the entrance of the passage. Its body formed by the condensation of water elements quickly condensed a huge palm and reached into the passage. Inside, there was a slamming shot towards the passage, trying to kill several people.

"How much is this guy?"

After several people hurriedly exited for a long distance, they stopped and asked Chen Mo.

A few moments ago, Chen Mo disguised himself and used reconnaissance skills to investigate the information of this giant low-level water element.

Although the hand of the shadow is an assassin, sneaking, but Chen Mo wears the title of wickedness, naturally it is that he comes forward safer.

As a matter of fact, he also did so, otherwise the hand of the shadows was afraid to have been slapped to death before approaching this giant low-level water element.

"Level 80!"

Chen Mo answered with a bitter smile.

Players face high-level monsters. The higher the level, the lower the chance of successful reconnaissance. However, the success rate of reconnaissance skills is related to the player's spiritual attributes. The guilty great evil title, Chen Mo's spiritual attributes are not low. Successful reconnaissance revealed the rank of the giant low-level water element.

"Level 80?"

The sharp knife waited for someone to listen, and his chin almost fell off.

"How do you do that." The couple looked at each other.

At level 40, several people may still be able to kill.

However, in the face of level 80, one attack of slutty tea cups can only kill 1 point of health. Several people have no intention of fighting.

If the difference is so high, people will not fight even if they are standing. They can't kill either.

"It's not helpless, let's think of a way to clean up the mobs inside, and then let my pet take the risk and lead it aside, and we can escape."

Chen Mo thought for a while.

"It's the only way." The sharp knife waited helplessly.

But if you think about it, this approach may not work.

After a while, several people returned to the hall and found that the giant low-level water element had returned to the other side of the cave. There was a blockage like this before.

This giant low-level water element. It's just a huge ball of water, no hands and feet, no eyes or anything, and it's not much different from ordinary low-level water elements. The only thing was that it was scary in size.

but. From previous temptations. Several people know that this huge low-level water element can be transformed into a huge palm. It is still very different from those lower water elements.

This guy has obviously produced IQ, not just as simple as a huge body.

From the previous attacks, several people felt the anger of this huge low-level water element. When it saw humans, it couldn't help the angry attack.

However, it had calmed down from the previous anger, and was still lying quietly at the entrance of the cave.

Chen Mo looked at each other and did not dare to startle it, but quietly let the flowers bloom for a hundred nights, using the magic of dark arrows to shoot a low-level water element around him, and led it over.

"It's weird."

The low-level water element was brought in, but the huge low-level water element that was not too far away was completely unaware of the surrounding low-level water elements, which made people feel strange.

But no matter what, it won't be alarmed, that's the best thing.

The five people all brought in low-level water elements and pulled into the aisle to start the fight. They did not dare to fight in the hall, so as not to be alarmed.

There are about 30 low-level water mobs in the hall. It took five people nearly an hour to finally clean up the low-level water elements inside.

"Okay, give it a try, or not, it's all here!"

Looking at the low-level water element alone, several of them took a deep breath.

Next, it was Chen Mo who had Cisi Hailuo mobilize, and several people took the opportunity to leave.

If you do, a few people will be able to run away. If you do n’t, you may be fired.

However, this is a place of exile. Even if the black name dies, the punishment will not be too heavy. A few people are not very worried, and they will die once.

The five took Ceci Hero out of the passage, Cesi Hero moved to one side of the hall, and the five moved to the other.

Chen Mo didn't notice that after Ceci Hero appeared in the hall, her eyes kept looking at the lower water element.

"Do it!"

Chen Mo approached Sisi Hero to get closer, while the five were ready to rush towards the exit on the other side when Si Si Hero was led away.


Cecihero approached, a huge mouth condensed on the body of the giant low-level water element, and a roar was made, and the other huge palm it condensed was violently slammed toward Cesihero .


Chen Mo asked Ceci Hero to step back and lead away, but in the face of Chen Mo's order, Ceci Hero did not move, just looking at the huge low-level water element, and made a strange sound in her mouth.

The huge low-level water element photographed the palm of the air and stopped abruptly ~ www.readwn.com ~ Then it condensed a pair of big eyes.

With these big eyes, he looked at Ceci Helo in doubt for a while, the huge palm suddenly closed back, and the same weird sound came out of his mouth.

What are these two people talking about!

Chen Mo, who saw this scene, widened his eyes.

Damn, wasting so much time, I knew that Sisi Hailo would be kicked off!

Seeing this, Chen Mo couldn't help defamation.

However, before he saw Ceci Hero's seeing those lower water elements, he didn't show anything. He thought that she had nothing to do with these lower water elements. When he saw the giant lower water elements, he didn't think much.

Cecihero didn't know what information was being exchanged. Cesihero turned around suddenly and walked back into the underground passage.


Third more! (To be continued ...) u ()

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