Godly Hunter

Chapter 243: Strong kill

System prompt: Please enter the name of the red or black name player you want to query!

"Ghost song!"

Chen Mo uses the tracking skills in the book of performers to track the coordinates of ghost songs. [This book starts with] This article is made up of. . Starting

The system prompts: The target appears near (2338, 9420).

This coordinate, this guy really is still near the Quicksand Valley!

Chen Mo compared the coordinate positions and knew that the ghost song had not yet left.

As soon as his body moved, Chen Mo ran towards the direction of ghost songs.

"There are a few more goals that should be nearby."

The three ghost songs are indeed still near the Rift Sands Rift Valley, looking for several other targets.

The three have been looking for a while, but of course the target will not just stop at the coordinates they get, the three can only look around.

The three searched for it and came under an open-pit mine.

These small rift valleys around the quicksand big rift valley are interrupted along the veins in some places. The veins here are abundant, and some rare ore can be mined. There are still some mining players. Da Lao came here to mine.

Under a piece of ore near the coordinates they got, they finally found their target.

In front, a team is killing monsters.

The ghost song trio walked straight ahead, looking at a middle-aged fat man in the team.

"You just don't run out of money?" Gui Ge asked faintly, looking at the middle-aged fat man.

This middle-aged fat man is not bad money. The second group of ghost songs is not another team in the Chinese department, but the celebrity of Donghai City.

Not bad money is now quite famous in Donghai City. Of course, it is a loud upstart.

"I am." It was not bad money to see that the three ghost songs were not good, but he just glanced at the three ghost songs and answered casually.

"We are hunters for 72 hours. Someone hired us to kill you." Ghost Song reported himself at home.

"Kill me? You really dare to take any business. Who am I? The people in the entire East China Sea have heard of me. If you dare to start here, I dare to avenge you. Do n’t think that I am joking I will not find any murderers behind the scenes, I will only find you people who claim to be hunters. "Not bad money listened to the ghost song. Xiao Yan said.

"Welcome. We hunters, not afraid of anyone's revenge." Ghost Song still said lightly.

"Do it! Kill me all!" Qianqian sank, and when he saw the ghost song, he knew he was scared. We can only decide by strength.

Not bad for five men. Get in shape immediately. Rushing towards the three ghost songs.

"Stop! Obediently die!"

The young mage behind Ghost Song smiled grimly.

As soon as his staff moved, the bone claw. He got out of the ground and caught six people including not bad money.

"Arrow rain!"

The archer player, however, shot towards the sky, and an arrow rain continued to fall from the sky.

The damage of this arrow rain is not low, but this round of attacks, in addition to not bad money, the little brother who is not bad money, all of them lost more than one-third of their health.

Only the money is not bad, this shield knight, the damage suffered is much lower.

Not bad money is not like those young players, just want to kill easily, not bad money knows that only a small life is the most important, so he chose the shield knight career that is the most difficult to be killed.

As long as he doesn't die, his little brother can help him complete all kinds of things.

This time he came to the Rift Sands Rift Valley, one of which was to try his luck, and the other was to upgrade his monsters here.

But I did not expect that Ghost Song came to the door in the name of the hunter.

Not bad money is the shield knight. Although it is already under control, Ghost Song does not attack the not bad money for the first time, but quickly kills two players who look pretty good.

The archer and the mage attacked with all their strength this time. The two of them cooperated with the ghost song to collect the fire output. Only two of the five were alive with the bones of the bones released, but the blood was good. Under the mage's bones, this Two people were quickly killed by the ghost song trio.

So not pitting!

Seeing all his men died, he was the only one left, and not bad money was not only a little angry.

Feelings cost so much money, still raising a bunch of waste!

In fact, it's not that the little brothers he raised are too weak, but that the ghost songs are too strong.

Control and output, under the master's unexpected control, just one round of attack can kill most of the men who are not bad money, the remaining two remaining blood players, of course, can not do anything.

Not bad money, but really not bad money, he bought a lot of skills, but the archer has been staring at him, he will be interrupted if he wants to release his skills, although he has several powerful shield knights Skills, but these skills are not available, and even if they are used, it is useless, he is a shield knight, can not run away, can only be slaughtered by anyone.

"Kill me, you have to be prepared to be retaliated by me." Knowing that he couldn't escape, he didn't mean to fight back without losing money, said lightly.

"Again, we welcome." Ghost Song is not a fuel-saving lamp, but he is not afraid of money.

Unless the money is not bad enough to deal with the hunter for 72 hours, otherwise the average person simply cannot take the hunter for 72 hours. The hunter is in the dark, they are in the bright, the hunter is not afraid of the player's revenge.


No more nonsense and not bad money, the ghost song three, launched a fierce attack on not bad money.

Although the money is not bad, although he has a high-quality equipment and has a scary high blood volume, his blood volume still flies away. After a while, he is killed by the three together.

"Okay, today's task is complete, then go to wash the evil value. Red name is okay. If you accidentally become a black name, then it will be troublesome."

The young mage packed up the equipment props dropped from the ground and smiled.

The horror of black-named players has been deeply rooted in the hearts of players, especially in the 72 hours of hunters, but some people have been to the exile and know the terribleness of the exile.

Players in the hunter organization. It can be red, but it must not be black.

Turning into a black name, it is not easy to clean up the sin value. If you are accidentally killed, you will be resurrected in the exile. In that case, even if you don't die, it will be semi-discarded.

But the words of the young mage were finished, and behind them, a black phantom flashed.


A huge injury floated from the head of the young mage, this young mage. Suddenly, I was hit by a spike!

what happened? Why did he die?

The young mage's consciousness can't keep up. Until he saw ghost songs like the enemy, looking at the people who appeared from behind them.

"I heard that you are looking for me and want to kill me for revenge?" Chen Mo spiked a young mage, and then slowly walked towards the two ghost songs.

"It's him!"

In the state of soul, it is not bad to see Chen Mo. Can't help but be interested.

Can see Chen Mo appear here. Death for him. It's not that important anymore.

"Ghost song, how could this guy's attack be so scary!"

Archer beside Ghost Song. Looking at the mage's body lying on the ground, he asked in horror.

"Why, aren't you looking for me? I'm here to visit you in person." Chen Mo looked at the ghost song and said blankly.

The ghost song looked at Chen Mo, and said nothing, but frowned.

This hurts, it is too unscientific!

It's just crit damage, but it's not crit damage, but an ordinary skill attack.

An ordinary skill attack has such horrible damage. If a critical strike occurs, wouldn't it say that it will hit tens of thousands of health?

Thinking of this, Rao is such a master of ghost songs, it is a bit unbelievable.

However, the mage died in front of them just now, and the injury could not be faked.

"Tell me who hired you, otherwise I will keep hunting your hunters." Chen Mo said politely.

Although the ghost song is powerful, in the city of evil, he has seen more powerful assassins. With his current equipment and the presence of Ceci Hero, he can absolutely crush the ghost song.

"Boy, don't think that the sneak attack succeeds, think that the world is invincible, really fight, we may not be afraid of you!" Archer players heard Chen Mo's arrogant words, can't help but sink his face.

"Don't think about it. We will never sell our employers for 72 hours. And, in fact, we are just executors. We hire people who we have never seen." Ghost Song seems to be recovering. It was normal, and replied slightly.

"Really, that ’s really a shame. After you die back, remember to ask your boss for a clear question about who hired you. Without asking, I will never give up. Do n’t think you can run, I can tell you, You can't run! "Chen Mo said calmly.

These people, just kill him. He offended many people. They wanted revenge and came to the door. Chen Mo didn't mind. But when they went to kill Gu Feixing and others, Chen Mo couldn't bear it.

"Kill!" Ghost Song also said that it was useless. He gave an order, his body flickered suddenly, and he went into stealth.

Under the command of the ghost song, the archer player also pulled a bow fiercely, and shot a powerful arrow at Chen Mo fiercely.

At such a close range, there is no reason to shoot the bow and arrow of violence!

Chen Mo is a hunter, and he will not have much more blood than them. As long as he harassed Chen Mo with a ghost song, he will attack Chen Mo immediately.

"Do it!"

But Chen Mo was motionless ~ www.readwn.com ~ directly called Ceci Hero and asked her to use hurricane skills.

The emergence of the black hurricane, whether it is a ghost song that you want to approach during stealth, or an archer on the side, are all drawn into the hurricane.

Ghost songs may be very technical, but Chen Mo didn't want to play with him at all. He used Ceci Hero directly, just to let them know that they provoke people who shouldn't provoke them!

The hurricane lasts for 5 seconds, which is not long, but it is enough to silently kill the ghost songs in the hurricane.

Once the ghost song died, the remaining archers were not a problem.

After killing these two people, Chen Mo went to the forum and posted a post.


Second more. Two changes today and tomorrow will erupt! (To be continued ...)

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