Godly Hunter

Chapter 247: Powerful hunter

"What to do? This guy named Silent looks very difficult to deal with. Baidu: +"

There are more than ten people in the post, and the high-level hunters have begun to discuss how to deal with Chen Mo.

They had already evaluated Chen Mo and released high-level tasks that ordinary members could not take over, but Chen Mo's power was obviously beyond their expectations.

Their people, not only failed to kill the silence, but were killed by Chen Mo.

"I want to kill him, but the price is a little big. One of the two tasks entrusted by the man has been completed for a little while, and it is not a problem to continue to complete, but it is too difficult to kill the silent one, otherwise we simply give up and return a part The commission is fine. "

Someone proposed.

"Refund the commission? No! We are in the stage of fame. We have collected the money and found that others are too strong and we will not kill. In the future, who will come to us to spend money to kill? The people who stare at the killer are not only us, but now There are already killer organizations that follow the trend. If something goes wrong at this time, we will give others a chance. It is rare to build the current reputation and say nothing to give up the task. This silence is a difficult bone. We just want people to see We can kill even the most powerful enemies, as long as they can afford it! "" Yes, No. 4 is right. This business is very important to us. I think it is worth completing even at any cost. "

"I feel the same way."


On the 4th, it immediately won the approval of many other senior executives.

"That being the case, let the person in the Rift Sands Rift Valley find this person, we sent an elite team, we must kill him!"

"Okay. That's it!"


"Not good, people in the organization seem to have issued orders to hunt you down, so that everyone in the quicksand rift valley will pay attention to your tracks. Those who find you. But there will be rewards!"

Chen Mo and Kaka continued to search for people in the Rift Sands Rift, and Kaka suddenly made a sound.

Chen Mo looked at Kaka, a little speechless. Kaka saw the word reward, and it was estimated that he almost didn't report him. Maybe it was the thought of Chen Mo taking her to kill, she could get a lot of gains, and she struggled for a while. Only then decided to remind Chen Mo, lest Chen Mo be killed, she could not continue to make money.

Chen Mo's approach is not surprising.

If they are so threatening, they are not killer organizations. The hunter is now making a name, and if threatened, he will give up the task. Spread it out, they were almost ruined. "Kaka, send a message to the hunter, saying that I was found in this valley."

After killing a few hunter people with Kaka, enough to make the hunters even more angry, Chen Mo took Kaka to a narrow canyon and said to Kaka.


Kaka listened, eyes wide, and reported Chen Mo's coordinates, but there were rewards.

"Of course, just say that I am here to kill the monsters and wash them."

Chen Mo nodded, he deliberately took the initiative to kill several people, increasing some crime values.

There is a sin value, it is taken for granted to hide and wash it.

"Okay!" Kaka agreed without saying a word.

"I found that guy!"

Upon receiving Kaka's news, the high-level spirits of the hunter were refreshed.

"Five teams, thirty people! This business is a loss, and we recognize it!"

No. 4 executive sneered.

As long as this hunter is killed, they will complete the mission at the expense of their capital, and the business will spread. At that time, the business will be hot. At the moment, this cost is nothing, it is the advertising costs.

"No! Let fifty people go! From the left and right sides of that canyon, divide into two large teams!"

"Number one, you ..."

The hunter's organization, a total of seven high-level, just finished the number four, but the high-level one has been silent, but suddenly made a noise.

No. 4 couldn't help but be surprised when he heard No. 1.

Let fifty people go, this power is not ordinary.

The thirty people in his mouth before were all elites in the hunter's guild, not ordinary goods.

And if fifty people are sent, it can be said that the elite characters of the entire hunter are sent out by an ancient brain.

So many people are actually trying to kill one person!

The cost of sending so many elites is not ordinary!

"The terrain around the Rift Sands Rift is special. Just sending 30 people can only advance from the side of the canyon. I just received some latest news about that person. He is more than twice as powerful as we thought. He If you want to escape, 30 people may not be able to catch up with him. If you spend such a large amount of manpower and material resources, if you let him escape, the 30 people will do nothing. Instead, send 50 people to intercept from both sides. He can't escape. "

No. 1 said indifferently.

"Since you make it this way, it's so decided."

No. 4 didn't say much.

No. 1 is the initiator of the entire hunter organization, and his judgment will not be wrong.

The killers of the hunters are distributed in the three major cities. Under normal circumstances, fifty people in the three major cities want to quickly gather outside the Quicksand Rift Valley. It takes less than half a day to talk about it.

However, the hunters were very wealthy. Someone actually took out two large teleportation scrolls near the Quicksand Rift Valley, and convened nearly fifty people directly.

"Lion of Shadow City, the thick soil of Donghai City, the tyrant of the stadium in Storm City ... I grass! What guys are going to deal with this time, so many amazing guys are here!"

A player who has just become the core elite of the hunter, looking at the characters appearing around him, can't help but be shocked.

Of course they knew that this time they came to the Rift Sands Rift Valley to kill someone.

But in order to kill a person, it was actually to send fifty elite members, and masters like Mad Lion, Thick Earth, and the Tyrant on the court, all shot. This lineup is really a bit scary.

"Crazy Lion, you and a group of people from the thick soil enter from the east of the canyon. I entered with the tyrant from the west of the canyon, calculated time, and started together." A young archer said to several people.

"It's a windy man!"

The young man who spoke made people recognize it and found that he was another archer.

A windy man, he is an archer, but he does not belong to any guild. Among the players without guilds, he has great fame. It is said that the arrows he shoots are as elegant as the wind.

"Okay." The mad lion nodded, just like his name, he is a mad soldier who specializes in selling blood.

In the game, there are a lot of crazy warrior players who have the talent of strong blood, but now gradually, the number of crazy warriors is much less.

Berserkers need low blood to reach their strength. When the blood is high, they are not as good as shield battles.

This requires that the Berserker has a strong sense of operation. Otherwise, when he sells blood and starts to have power, he is hit by a monster or an enemy in one attack. Then, he will not have time to attack to exert his power.

So this highly demanding class of warrior warrior profession, now almost only some players with good consciousness and operation are playing.

The mad lion, the best among the mad warriors, is famous in Shadow City.

Fifty people, divided into two large teams, began to quickly move towards the canyon where Chen Mo was.

On the way, some players were shocked to see these two teams, giving way one after another.

The momentum of these two teams makes people feel extraordinary at first sight, and they dare not to be rivals.

On the forum, the high-level of the hunter, in a virtual space they built, a high-level one with a number three on his head, frowned.

He always felt that the guidelines this time might be wrong.

In fact, No. 1 was able to mobilize them to join this hunter organization because No. 1 took a task. As long as they killed a certain number of players within a specified time, they could truly establish a killer organization. .

Join this killer organization. When they kill people, they will drop a large amount of experience.

Only then will they be truly valuable if they kill.

The progress of the mission is now more than expected, but No. 3 believes that the most important thing is to complete the mission first, rather than kill the hunter.

However, it's too late to say anything now. Fifty people have already set off. It is estimated that they will soon contact the hunter. It is too late to change their mind.

Moreover, with the dispatch of fifty elites, it is impossible to kill the hunter!

"Hey, I got the message. The person who killed you is coming. There are fifty people. I think you should run away!"

In the canyon, Kaka hurriedly persuaded Chen Mo.

"Fifty people?"

Chen Mo couldn't help but be shocked.

The power of this hunter's organization is really beyond his expectations.

In this short time, it was not easy to mobilize fifty people to kill him.

"These fifty people are all powerful adventurers. You will not be your opponent, but you should run away."

"Very good?"

"Well, it's said to be elite, different from the adventurers you killed." Kaka nodded.

Turned out to be fifty elite!

Chen Mo frowned ~ www.readwn.com ~ He had to admit that he underestimated the hunters organization.

If there are fifty people like those killed by him, Chen Mo is not afraid, but the fifty elites are completely different concepts. These fifty elites are even more terrible than one hundred ordinary killers!

Faced with these fifty people, he could not kill everyone as planned.

The enemy is strong, but Chen Mo will not retreat.

He never loses his work. He may not be able to wipe out the people sent by the hunter like he did at the beginning.

As long as he is careful, these fifty people can't possibly kill him. He found it here, but not for the hunter to wrap his dumplings.


Fourth more.

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