Godly Hunter

Chapter 249: Interception of Mad Lion

A large number of attacks came, but Chen Mo let Cesi Hero, who was standing by, blocked the attack for him, and then he disappeared in the dark hall smartly. Ceci Heroo was faster than Chen Mo. She was leaving, and no one could stop her.

"Smile is taken for a second."

Chen Mo disappeared, and a man of ordinary style heard the people below him and found out that the team was actually killed.

"This guy, how high the attack power is, he can kill us all with one stroke!"

Many people couldn't help but be shocked to hear that the mage named Xiaoxiao was killed by Chen Mo in seconds.

They are all masters, and the word spike is often in their mouths. Some of them can spike some low-level players, but they can kill them, but they have never heard of it.

Now, they all understand why the high-level hunters wanted so many people to besiege everyone.

Now dozens of them are unable to kill each other, but they are killed by the other one. If they only go for one or two people, I am afraid they are not enough.

"Laofeng, what do you do now? This guy can kill us one, and he can kill the second. In this way, we failed to kill him without saying, I'm afraid he will kill many people." Some people could not bear it. Living.

In this dark cave, tragedy will only repeat for a while.

"Don't worry, most of the skills that can kill people are equipment skills on him. This kind of skills generally have a long cooling time, and he can't be used to kill too many of us." The man with a general wind said flatly.

People around me also felt that it was very likely. No more talking.

In fact, the windy man guessed correctly. Chen Mo's Phantom Strike has a cooling time of up to one hour and cannot be used to attack them continuously.

However, when the windy men continued to chase Chen Mo in the cave and came to the next hall.

Chen Mo appeared again, and just like last time, Chen Mo shot again.

In the darkness, a shadow flashed, and then among the hunters. Another has a high blood volume. The priest, who had piled up blood, was killed in seconds.

This time the damage is higher than the damage of a spike mage!

The windy man fought back with anger, but Chen Mo still laughed and fled. Dozens of people. It failed to cause him any harm.

"What's going on. This guy's skills are cooling down too fast!"

"It's not the same attack, this time. The damage is actually not as high as the last time, it's just a critical strike."

A group of people couldn't help but start talking, this blood-covered priest was all killed, let alone them.

"It turned out that he was unlucky."

But hearing that it was crit damage, a group of talents were relieved.

If it weren't for the crit damage, the hunter's attack would not have killed them in seconds.

The man could only sneak in once in the secret. The sea spear could not attack twice in a row.

If that guy dares to approach, he will be dead.

But the stadium tyrant who has not spoken, looking at the dead pastor, is vaguely disturbed.

His anxiety was quickly confirmed.

This time, I don't know how that guy did it. While everyone was still looking for him, he suddenly appeared in the rear, a sea spear shot, and then another mage was killed in seconds.

The hunter's man didn't have any defense this time. He couldn't think of how he walked back. Without any defense, he was killed by a second. After discovering that guy, several people attacked for the first time.

But it was still too late, and Chen Mo went away easily again.

It was the third companion who was killed by the spike. Including the assassins killed outside the cave, they had already killed four people.

So far, they have not been able to destroy even a drop of blood from the enemy.

"Critical damage again!"

Said the man next to the mage.

After hearing this, the faces of a group of people became hard to read.

To say that a crit damage is accidental, but two times in a row, they don't think so.

There must be a way for this hunter to make his attack inevitable, or to have critical strike damage with a great chance, otherwise it is impossible to have critical strikes for two consecutive attacks.

And their speculation was not wrong, Chen Mo did have a way to make the attack 100% crit.

Chen Mo yesterday caught a level 25 praying mantis monster at the junction of Donghai City and Shadow City.

This praying mantis monster has no other ability, but it has a passive skill that does not seem to be very useful, called "outbreak of the twentieth".

This twentieth outburst will make the praying mantis monster attack each time to the nineteenth consecutive attack, the next attack, that is, the twentieth attack, there will be a critical strike.

This skill is a bit of a **** when it comes to talking about it. After all, there is only one critical strike twenty times, which is a bit off the table.

However, Chen Mo still found a way to use this chicken rib passive skills.

He had Ceci Hero, a pet, and he changed his gear and attacked Ce Si Hero in nineteen times. After nineteen attacks, he will get an burst buff that lasts for just five seconds. The next attack, which is the twentieth attack, will be 100% critical damage.

The buff's time is short, but it is enough for Chen Mo. Both of the hunters have died on the chicken rib passive skill of the mantis monster.

The first skill on the Ring of Sealed Cage is taken up by this chicken rib skill.

If it were not for the battle with the hunter, Chen Mo would not have copied this chicken rib skill, after all, he would not have used it at all.

However, in the special environment now, this chicken rib skill has become Chen Mo's killer.

The large ranks of hunters became more careful.

But be careful, it doesn't make much sense under the vision gap.

They can hardly find Chen Mo, but Chen Mo can easily find their flaws.

A few minutes later, Chen Mo killed a mage again.

"This guy. Seems to pick a mage to kill!"

Some mage said resentfully.

However, it didn't take long for him to say anything. Next time, Chen Mo killed a summoner by surprise.

The summoner in the team was alone, and they could never have imagined that Chen Mo would find an opportunity to attack the summoner in one fell swoop.

"This guy, we may have to deal with us in a trap!"

Killing the priest, mage, and summoner, and the hunter, already saw Chen Mo's plan.

Chen Mo did have such a plan. Next. The group of hunters was harassed by traps from time to time.

The trap is not a sea spear attack.

Chen Mo wanted them to try the power of the vortex trap, but they took precautions. A blood-length soldier walked ahead. Use the vortex trap. It is also difficult to cause effective harm to them.

Ten minutes later, Chen Mo killed two more people.

The number of hunters who died in his hands has reached nine!

Fifty people. Almost 20% dead!

Some of the elites of the hunters can't hold their breath, but the windy men and court tyrants are still extremely calm, let Chen Mo see, can not help but have an unknown feeling.


Another sneak attack killed one of the archers in the team, and Chen Mo flew back again.

"Boy, I see where are you going this time!"

But Chen Mo didn't escape too far. Two people suddenly appeared in front of the passage.

It's mad lion and thick soil!

A mad soldier, a priest!

Chen Mo's face was slightly heavy, and he finally understood why the windy man was so calm.

Feeling like this time, they have been trying to block his way, and now they finally succeeded.

However, there were only two others, and Chen Mo was not afraid.


A quick shadow attack by Cesi Helo killed him.

The mad lion and the thick soil did not dodge, as if they had given up, leaving them to be caught up in the hurricane.

However, before being dragged into the hurricane, the thick soil was moved by a staff, and he blessed himself with a brown magic shield.

Chen Mo's pupils condensed and saw that there was this brown magic shield. The hurricane skill of Ceci Heroo caused poor damage to thick soil. Each attack only caused less than 500 points of damage.

"Haha, I'll let you fight!" Mad Lion sneered.

The amount of blood on his body is going crazy, but he is a mad soldier, but the more blood he can't do damage, the less blood, his attack power, attack speed, and moving speed will become faster and faster!

Anyway, he wants to get rid of these blood, and he politely asked Chen Mo to help him get rid of the extra blood.

Chen Mo was not polite to him. Not only did he let Cesi Heilo attack, he also replaced his crossbow and slammed the lion.

If it weren't for the temporary use of the sea spear weapon, Chen Mo would surely take out the phantom sea spear and give a fierce blow to the mad lion to see if he was dead.

"Not good! This guy's skills are a bit weird. His blood is low, but his defense power has become higher! After the hurricane skill is over, I can't kill him. The chaser behind him will soon catch up. If you continue to entangle with him here and be overtaken by the chase, it will be difficult to escape again! "

At first glance, Crazy Lion's blood volume became very low, but Chen Mo suddenly discovered that the defensive power of Crazy Lion had changed significantly.

Chen Mo has no experience with Berserkers, but he can still judge that Crazy Lions will never be killed by him.

After thinking about ~ www.readwn.com ~ Chen Mo's body shape, he wanted to take control of the mad lion while using hurricane skills, he took the opportunity to escape.

"Where to go!"

However, the mad lion was sinking in shape, actually getting rid of the control of hurricane skills and blocking Chen Mo's way.

Chen Mo narrowed his eyes.

This is the second time he has seen someone be able to take the initiative to get out of the control of the hurricane skill. The last time was Tarzan, which was encountered by the weapon island, and the wild lion was more horrible than Tarzan. If you want to detach, you can detach directly. The strength of the two is not at the same level.

Before meeting, Chen Mo knew that the mad soldier in front of him would be difficult to deal with!


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