Godly Hunter

Chapter 255: Skill Stele

No one has noticed that Chen Mo successfully walked to the treasure chest.

However, when a person attempted to approach the treasure chest, a figure instantly struck, and then a black hurricane surged up, and he refused to let the people around him horrify and retreat.

"Who is so cruel!"

Everyone who saw this scene thought that someone wanted to kill someone who was trying to approach the treasure chest. No one found that a figure appeared quietly in the middle of the black hurricane, and he bent down and opened the treasure chest.

Ceci Hero's hurricane skills lasted 5 seconds, and 5 seconds passed quickly. Many people looked to the treasure chest. In case the guy who was involved in the hurricane was not dead, they would also kill him.

However, the players looking towards the treasure chest were frightened at this moment.

There was a man squatting beside the treasure chest.

"Stop him!"

Someone screamed, but they found that there were almost no companions around for remote attacks.

When someone responded, when they wanted to attack that person, they found that the treasure chest had been opened by that person, and that person stood up.

"Stop him, don't let him run away, kill and burst things out!"

A large dogfight with hundreds of people died most of them in order to compete for this treasure chest.

If the treasure chests were taken by this group of dogfights, they would have nothing to say, but it was actually a guy who ran out of nowhere, in front of them, and paid nothing, so they took away the treasure inside, a group of people Can't be calm, red eyes want to besiege Chen Mo.

Chen Mo stood up calmly, under the cover of hurricane skills. He successfully stole the treasures in the treasure chest. As for the surrounding group of players who have almost no long-range attacks, he has no fear at all.

Seeing the soldier shouting to mobilize everyone to surround him, Chen Mo politely shot at it.

A 4,000-plus health floated, and the soldier had only half of his health. Under Chen Mo's blow, he was immediately killed.

The players around me couldn't help but feel cold.

In the scuffle, few people were full of blood. Chen Mo hit him on the attack, and they were all in the same end.

Chen Mo scared many people. but. Obviously, there are still people who will not let Chen Mo easily, especially when they recognize Chen Mo's hunters. They are sure that the thick soil was killed by this guy's attack.


But just then. Everyone felt the ground shake. The cave is deeper. There was a loud noise.

What treasure has appeared again!

Those who feel shocked have this idea in their hearts.

Chen Mo thought, and took the lead in rushing past.

Players around. There is also no entanglement with Chen Mo. Killing Chen Mo, they may not be able to explode the treasures in the treasure chest. Besides, if they can kill others, they still have to say two things.

Along the aisle, a group of people rushed to a deep cliff.

In the surroundings, there are also more than ten channels, and in each channel, a large group of players rushed over.

Looking at the bottomless cliff in front, all players stopped.

Opposite the cliff, it's dark, they don't know what's on the other side, but above the cliff, there are **** bridges connecting the opposite.

Many people see the complexion of the Scarlet Bridge change. The Scarlet Bridge is too narrow and can only be passed by one person.

There are fifteen bridges in the Scarlet Bridge. If you look closely, each one is different.

Some people were afraid to go there, but after all, some people couldn't help but jumped onto the Scarlet Bridge first and hurried across.

"The bridge is collapsing!"

Several people went up and moved together, but after they got up, the Scarlet Bridge began to collapse.

The players above the bridge were scared to run forward with all their strength. The players behind them also saw some clues at this time.

Each of these blood-stained bridges collapses at different speeds, some are fast and some are slow. This has led to the bridge where good luck can easily walk across, and bad luck can only fall into the bottomless cliff.

After players on the bridge fell into the cliff, the Scarlet Bridge began to recover. A more careful player will find that the restored bridge is slightly different from the previous one.

It seems to be a life-giving choice, and some people retreat.

After going up, it is likely to be death, and at the cost of death, even if you are opposite, you may not get anything good.

However, there is no shortage of desperate people in the game. Many people are not equipped well. Once they die, they do n’t lose much. Someone immediately jumped onto the Scarlet Bridge.

Someone was lucky and moved forward quickly, but at least half of them died within a few steps.

In the crowd, the windy man looked coldly at the players who flinched.

Although it is not 100% sure, the man with the wind is already seeing some clues from these bridges.

He couldn't pick the Scarlet Bridge that had collapsed the slowest, but it was not a problem to try to pick a Scarlet Bridge that didn't collapse the fastest.

When a new **** bridge appeared, the windy man flickered suddenly and jumped up.

The Scarlet Bridge began to collapse, but it was moving slower than a windy man.

The windy man smiled slightly, knowing that he could pass.

However, at this moment, the wind-like man saw it fiercely. He jumped up on a **** bridge beside him.

The figure was a little familiar, and the windy man looked at it, and couldn't help but sank.

It's their hunting target, that hunter!

This guy, jumping to him at this time, surely nothing bad!

The windy man was vaguely disturbed, but on this scarlet bridge, he could not make an attack. Before, someone stepped on a **** bridge that collapsed very slowly. He wanted to attack another person about six meters away to stop the opponent from advancing. As a result, he stood ready to attack, and the **** bridge under his foot broke suddenly. .

On the Scarlet Bridge, you can only move constantly, you cannot pause.

"This lucky guy!"

The windy man hoped that Chen Mo picked a **** bridge that collapsed quickly, but he glanced and knew that Chen Mo could walk to the opposite side safely.

The two had gone at about the same speed and gradually went away.

"What is this guy going to do?"

In the middle of the road, I could barely see the players behind me. I could only see the players walking around the **** bridge. When the man was windy, he found that Chen Mo's speed suddenly accelerated, and he surpassed him more than ten meters. .


A silhouette bounced sharply. The wind-like man saw Chen Mo's body and suddenly jumped off the blood-colored bridge. He was in midair and could not help it, but he just jumped in midair again. Once, then jumped onto the scarlet bridge of a windy man!

The windy man instantly understood that this guy intentionally went to him to frame him!

Looking at the **** bridge that Chen Mo stepped on and started to collapse, the windy man uttered an angry roar.

The distance of six meters is not something that players can jump past. A man in the wind can't figure out why this guy can jump again in the air.


Chen Mo glanced at the windy man who had fallen into the endless abyss.

This is of course the second jumping effect of the red-eye rabbit medicament. With this medicament, he is not afraid of the collapse of the blood-colored bridge, and the windy man has absolutely no possibility of living in the past.

Soon, Chen Mo came across the Scarlet Bridge.

This is another empty hall. Chen Mo saw an ancient stone monument in the hall.

These steles are marked with the shape of a weapon.

Great sword, staff, bow and arrow ...

"Skill of skill!"

Below the weapon mark, there are skill icons. At the first sight, Chen Mo knew that this was a stele with recorded skills.

For those players who came first, they walked under the stele of the corresponding class, and the stele would shine, and the player was then teleported into the special space of the stele.

Chen Mo found a stele marked with trap gloves, and wanted to enter the stele to get the trap skills marked on the stele.

But he was approaching, and the stele shattered, and a figure appeared in front of the stele.

rub! It's Kaka, the loli killer! She was one step ahead!

Chen Mo only noticed the men in the wind, but did not notice that Kaka was the first group of people who jumped onto the Scarlet Bridge and came to the skill stele first.

The trap skills were stolen by Kaka, and Chen Mo found the stele of the crossbow weapon without saying a word.

System prompt: Occupation meets! Have you decided to enter this skill stele? There is only one chance to enter a skill stele, regardless of whether you have acquired skills, you can no longer enter the remaining skill steles!


The system prompt sounded, Chen Mo didn't think about it, so he decided to enter again.

Among these skill steles, no sea spear skills existed, and the trap skills were preempted by Kaka, no matter how much, you also need to get a crossbow skill.

In fact, his crossbow skills are also good. He can spend a lot of time with his crossbow, but because he has no talent to master, he can't learn other skills.

Right now, learning from a skill stele does not seem to require talent. It is a good choice to learn a crossbow skill.

"Give up and get out now, or don't blame us for being rude!"

With his eyes shining, Chen Mo entered an empty domed hall.

There are already several players in the lobby.

There are five players in total ~ www.readwn.com ~ four of them are assassins and only one hunter.

The four assassins all knew each other, and the four were surrounded by another hunter player.

"Brother Assassination, another one!"

One of the assassins smiled at the gloomy assassin headed.

"Boy, Brother Assassin is in a good mood now, and he doesn't want to be killed, he just gives up and get out!"

The assassin named Assassin shouted before he spoke.

However, Chen Mo hasn't shown anything yet. In the middle of the hall, there was a flash of light, something appeared.


Fourth more.


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