Godly Hunter

Chapter 258: Stadium Tyrant

In fact, Chen Mo still has no good way. [This book is from the beginning]

Taking the blood-colored stone in the magic barrier is similar to opening the treasure chest, but it only takes 5 seconds to open the previous treasure chest. To take the blood-colored stone, it takes more than ten seconds. Ceci Hero's hurricane ability cannot cover Chen Mo for ten seconds.

And in the blood pool below, the camouflage ability can't be used, he can't sneak close to the **** stone.

Want to take **** stones, there is no trick, you can only kill all players in the blood pool!

There are more than 400 people. Nearly two hundred are dead now, and only two hundred people are left.

Chen Mo looked around and found that only a few dozen people had not yet entered the blood pool.

Of course, they are not uninterested in the Scarlet Stone. These people, like Chen Mo, are waiting for the opportunity.

However, there are only a few players who can wait calmly. Whenever someone approaches a **** stone, someone can't help but go straight and even join the team.

The timing is good, but staying still makes people take **** stones, which is definitely not what they want to see.

Many people just couldn't bear it. They first entered the blood pool and joined the fight. At this time, there were only a few people who could not stand still.

Chen Mo still wanted to wait a second time, but at this time, he saw a tyrant on the court, and with a dozen people, he walked towards it with a murderous look.

It was just over a dozen people who were not afraid in his eyes.

It's not difficult to kill them, but Chen Mo stopped thinking of killing them.

When he was in shape, he stopped waiting and entered the blood pool first.

"This guy!"

When the stadium tyrant saw Chen Mo avoiding and not fighting, his face sank.

He is the last leader-level killer still alive in the Scarlet Cave, and the mad lion, thick earth and wind-like men are dead. To this day, the high-level hunter has given him a death order. Kill Chen Mo once anyway.

Thirteen hunters were around the blood pool. The stadium tyrant stared at Chen Mo for a long time, and finally had an idea.

He is going to take all the killer killers. Fight with Chen Mo, if you can kill Chen Mo best. If they could not be killed, they would be completely destroyed by Chen Mo, and Chen Mo would be dead.

There are so many players here, and they are unlikely to leave such a powerful master at the end. It is foreseeable that Chen Mo will be sieged by a large number of players and die, so that his task will be completed.

But he didn't expect it to be this time. However, Chen Mo avoided war. According to the information he received, the hunter did not fear more than a dozen of them.

"What to do? The tyrant boss, he seems to see our intention." Some killer couldn't help asking.

"Wait!" Said the stadium tyrant coldly.

There are too many people in the blood pool below. They enter the blood pool. Chen Mo does not fight. Instead, they have no choice but to enter the blood pool, in the chaotic blood pool. They will also be targets of attack.

As for the **** stone, the stadium tyrant has decided to ignore it for the time being, if given the opportunity. They will take it naturally, but they will not deliberately take it. Their current task is to kill Chen Mo.

However, with a large number of players dying in the blood pool and surrounding players joining the blood pool one by one, the stadium tyrant knew that he could not continue to wait like this.

In the blood pool, many people have looked at them several times with bad intentions.

No way, they are more than a dozen people. Standing on the edge of the blood pool, players in the blood pool of others. It's strange not to be alert.

If they continue like this, they will not enter the blood pool. The players in the blood pool, maybe they will join forces to kill them first.

Nevertheless, a group of hunters entered the blood pool, and still attracted a lot of people's attention.

In the blood pool, the total of thirteen people not counting the hunters, including Chen Mo and Kaka, was only twenty-four.

Thirteen players on the court tyrant, very prominent in the blood pool.

"Everyone stop fighting, clean up this big team first!"

Some people have a murky suggestion.

Thirteen players on the court are too dominant. Even if there are more than twenty people on the other side, even if they work hard to kill other competitors, they will not be the opponents of the thirteen hunters.

Thirteen hunters can be killed before they can fight with other competitors with peace of mind.

"it is good!"

"Right on my mind!"

This person's suggestion immediately won the approval of the rest of the players, the players who are still desperately stopped.


Looking at the staring eyes, the stadium tyrant suddenly made a noise.

"We are a hunter for 72 hours. We came here to kill someone. As long as we kill a person here, we will leave immediately and not fight with you for the scarlet stone! If you are willing to join us to kill that Man, let's just say nothing and turn around immediately! "

"Oh, who is it?"

When the players in the blood pool listened, they were all interested.

The twelve men led by the tyrant in the stadium are all elites in the hunter organization. The combat effectiveness is not much worse than the players in the blood pool. If they can, these players in the blood pool do not want to fight against the tyrant and others in the pool.


The stadium tyrant immediately wanted to point out Chen Mo, and then everyone joined forces to attack. In this way, even if Chen Mo is more powerful, the stadium tyrant will guarantee that he will not survive.

However, the tyrant's gaze turned around in the blood pool, but he did not see Chen Mo.

grass! That guy escaped!

After the stadium tyrant froze, he almost vomited blood.

He still saw Chen Mo when he came in, but in the short time he was talking, this guy was unwell to give up the accumulated evil value, went out of the blood pool, and found a place to hide!

"who is it?"

Seeing the stadium tyrant's gaze turned, he didn't point out who to kill. Those players in the blood pool all looked desperately towards the stadium tyrant.

Oh shit! Pit yourself in!

The tyrant in the stadium is extremely entangled. Now he has only two options. One is to point out an injustice and let everyone kill together. The other is to say that Chen Mo is not here.

However, no matter which of these two methods, they have to choose to leave, and can't look at them anymore, otherwise the players in the blood pool. They must join forces to deal with them.

"Ready to fight!"

Thoughts fluttered, and the court tyrant made a decision, and he whispered to his men.

"It's him!"

The stadium tyrant points to a very powerful fighter player in the blood pool.

"I? Hey. You hunters really have species!" The soldier player sneered.

The stadium tyrant yelled expressionlessly: "Kill!"

Then the stadium tyrant. With twelve assassins, suddenly kill the warrior player.

"Everyone please help to intercept it!"

Warrior players want to open the distance first, let the hunter's team break down, and the stadium tyrant screams.

With his applause, there were several people at once, and shot to block the soldier's retreat.

It's not that they kindly wanted to help the court tyrant, but that this soldier is too powerful, they can't kill one by one. There are now stadium tyrants chasing him down with more than a dozen people, and those players who know the warriors are of course taking advantage of the opportunity.

"Hum! Dare to stop me? Sweeping Qianjun!"

The warrior player was furious, two swords swung across the waist, and a huge sword swept across the people who intercepted him.

These people were shocked, and they did not expect that the soldiers had such a big move. For a time, many people were in the middle.


But the most unexpected thing is the stadium tyrant!

The stadium tyrants seem to be attacking warrior players, but thoughtfully, their direction turns. More than a dozen people set fire, killing two master players in the blood pool in an instant.

These two masters with less blood are prepared to watch the show. The result was completely unexpected that the tyrant would sneak attack on the stadium, and the two were too late to be killed by the hunter-killer.

Killing the two was just the beginning. The court tyrant ordered another kill before the other players reacted.

In addition to the players who were injured by the soldiers, the strength of the hunter and killer is no worse than the remaining nineteen in the blood pool.

One of these 19 people is Kaka, the little loli.

Kaka is also a member of the Huntsman Organization. Even if you don't help the court tyrant, you can't join forces to attack the court tyrant. Stop the tyrant's mission, or she won't be able to mingle in the hunter organization.

"Grass! These guys are really lying to us! He wants to kill us. Take the **** stones!"

Several people were confused, and saw the stadium tyrant and others kill four people in a row, and finally reacted with anger.

The stadium tyrant ignored these people. He turned around and set fire to an archer in the blood pool.

This archer, of course, was almost killed with no doubt.

"Shoot together!"

More than a dozen players in the blood pool, at this moment immediately began to cooperate against the stadium tyrant.

But they are a piece of loose sand, and the hunters can be said to be ordinary loose sand. However, this piece of loose sand is actually scattered sand led by someone. Even if there are more players in the blood pool, they are also a loser.

"No! It seems impossible!"

The hunter-killers are a bit capable, and those players in the blood pool feel a great deal of pressure before they start a war with them.

Just when the players in the blood pool felt that they were in danger, behind the hunter organization, a figure quickly came over.

Three-point shadow kill!

Three sea spears phantoms ~ www.readwn.com ~ shot on three killers with low health. The health of these three killers immediately bottomed out, and then under the attack of players in the blood pool, these three were almost It's an instant death!

This guy really hasn't left yet! And support is coming so fast!

The stadium tyrant's face was gloomy.

Chen Mo left the blood pool, he was not willing to leave like this, he came up with the idea of ​​sneak attack on the players in the blood pool. Although there are more players in the blood pool than they, under their sneak attack, they can kill the blood in a few rounds. Players in the pool, even if Chen Mo wants to come, it is difficult to stop them from taking **** stones.

Ruyi abacus of the court tyrant played well, but he underestimated Chen Mo's speed.

They killed one-third of them, and Chen Mo returned.


First more. (To be continued)

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