Godly Hunter

Chapter 264: Martyrdom labyrinth

Chen Mo also entered the underground maze in the Great Rift Valley for the first time.

There are many posts about the underground maze on the forum, but after all, they have not seen the image in person.

This underground labyrinth is not a square maze, but a staggered layer of sand marshals.

This underground labyrinth is surrounded by sand and sand layers, and there are quicksands in some places. If you accidentally step on it, it will be a dead end.

And quicksand is not the only danger in the gangway. In this underground labyrinth, the large sand bugs appearing in the gangway are the most terrible.

This large sandworm, huge in size, almost blocked the entire gangway, they appeared, either to retreat or to kill them.

But it is easier said than done to kill large ones. Many people even speculate that this underground maze is the result of these sand worms constantly drilling holes.

The terrain of the underground labyrinth will change, also because these large sand bugs constantly change the shape and position of the original tunnel when they are constantly drilling holes.

Appeared in the martyrdom, there were three directions to choose from, and the money was not disturbed. He took out a black sand corpse and fed it a gold coin.

Black sand corpse?

Chen Mo was surprised for a while.

He knows that there are three types of sand corpses, but silver corpses are silver, and golden corpses are golden, but ordinary corpses, Chen Mo remember that they are white. What ’s wrong with this black corpse ?

It seems that there are too many secrets in this game.

The person who is not bad at money has gradually become mysterious in the eyes of Chen Mo.

At first he thought he was just an upstart, but the more he got in touch. The more I feel that this person is not simple.

This black sand corpse is probably something rarer than the golden sand corpse, otherwise you wouldn't even see the ruby.

Lian Hongyu has never seen anything from the merchant, and the money is actually used directly.

Not bad money did not intend to say, Chen Mo did not ask more.

The black sand corpse ate a gold coin, and its body wriggled a few times, as if digesting the gold coin, and then its thumb-sized head turned to the left channel.

"Go." Not bad money to collect the black sand corpse and waved his hand. Let another shield knight step forward.

"Aren't you curious? I didn't find this thing in the Great Rift of Riftsand. I already got it." Not bad money smiled slightly.

He was not showing off, but was proclaiming his abilities.

He did this just to let Chen Mo know that he had something worthy of his association.

And Chen Mo listened to what was not bad money. Can not help but secretly startled.

Not bad for money. Since receiving the best results.

"There may be quicksand in front." The group walked a long way in the pass. Monsters such as sand bugs and sand people appeared from time to time on the road, but all were easily killed by Chen Mo five.

As for the good money, he never does anything. He only needs to save his life, which is why there are two shield knights in the team.

The Shield Knight walked ahead, and when he encountered a large stretch of soft sand, he stopped and reported to the good money.

"Follow the wind." If the other player team is not sure if there is quicksand in front, they can only go back and choose another item, but of course he does not do that, he looks at the mage in the team.

"I see." Nodded with the wind, walked through the line, and walked from the back to the front.

As the staff moved with the wind, a breeze drifted across the martyr, and he blessed a wind skill for himself.

Then, strode forward with the wind.

After walking for a while, when walking on a piece of sand with the wind, the sand under his feet slammed down the ground.

This is quicksand. Players stepping on the quicksand will sink into it, unable to extricate themselves, and can only wait to die.

But with the wind, it's completely okay. He stepped towards the edge of the quicksand and went straight from there.

Seeing this, the shield knight behind took a little detour and walked along the edge of the quicksand.

Chen Mo nodded slightly, and the money was indeed prepared, but he didn't know what he wanted.

Wouldn't it be the same thing as Joanna's?

Thinking of this, Chen Mo couldn't help but felt a little bit painful. If so, he would have to give up Joanna's task and then face the pursuit of Qiaonan.

"Mr. Qian, what are you looking for? Will it not be a stone or something?" Chen thought for a while, and decided to ask the following, in case there really is a conflict, he can also think about dealing with Joanna in advance. Approach.

"Stone-type props? No." No bad money shook his head.

Chen Mo listened and let go.

The next road is not too peaceful. There are monsters from time to time, and quicksand has been seen a few times, but there are winds, and quicksand does not harm them.

There were still people on the road who wanted to kill and win the treasure, but naturally they were easily sent back to the city by five people.

In addition to Chen Mo, there are fighters in the team. They have good skills and excellent equipment. Chen Mo can see at a glance that the weapons and jewelry of the fighter are purple equipment.

Looking at these two people, it is unlikely that they will buy these equipment by themselves. It is estimated that they are not bad money, this is not bad money, really generous.

The black sand corpse constantly eats gold coins, and each time it eats, there is one more than the last time.

Six people walked in the maze for more than an hour, using the black sand corpse to point the road eleven times, and I don't know how long it takes to reach the place where the money is not bad, and the gold coins used on the road have reached sixty. Each.

Sixty gold coins, but that's 60,000 Chinese coins, 60,000 Chinese coins, that's all.

After walking for another half an hour, after the black sand corpse recognized the direction again, a few people did not walk for a long time, and the side of the martyr suddenly changed from yellow and white sand to gray and black sand.

"OK! Coming soon!"

Not bad money to see this, his face showed a very interested look.

"Be careful, monsters are very toxic!"

A black sand worm appeared, and the Shield Knight contacted it and warned.

The priest stepped forward and used the dispel skill for the shield knight. As a result, the shield knight was poisoned and the dispel skill did not work.

In this poisoned state, the shield knight was hit, and his blood was mad. This shield knight had more than 13,000 blood, but when he fought against the black sandworm, his blood quickly dropped by more than 3,000.

This is the shield knight. If you are an ordinary player, I am afraid that my life will be almost gone.

Not only with the wind, even if Chen Mo saw it, his face was dignified.

Everyone can see that if you do n’t kill the black sandworm quickly, even the priest has no time to add blood, the toxic damage can be superimposed. It is never a secret. If you do n’t kill the black sandworm as soon as possible, the toxic damage will become increasingly scary .

Chen Mo didn't keep his hand anymore, he called Ceci Hero.

Ceci Hellow stepped forward and stood against the Black Sandworm with the Shield Knight.

The black sandworm's attack fell on Cesi Hero, although Cesi Hero lost blood, but the blood loss was much slower than that of the Shield Knight.

Chen Mo saw for a moment that hesitated. When did Ceci **** have such strong resistance to toxicity?

Chen Mo thought for the first time what happened in the blood pool in the **** cave yesterday.

It seems that Ceci Hero does not only **** the skills, but her hidden attributes have also been improved, but Chen Mo can't see it.

Cesi Hero shot and the situation eased immediately.

However, in the next road, the gray and black martyrdom, there were still a lot of black sandworms. After several consecutive battles, everyone had to take a break before moving on.

"Large sandworm!"

But all of a sudden, the footsteps of the six were all condensed.

Large sandworms are almost invincible within the martyrdom!

Before coming here, the six of them actually encountered two large sandworms twice.

When other teams encountered large sand bugs, they escaped far away, but they were not far away from where they wanted to go. They could only move forward, not back.

But it is not impossible to deal with large sandworms.

The reason why sand worms are so expensive is that it also has a role to feed large sand worms.

As long as a sand worm is thrown in front of a large sand worm, the large sand worm will take the sand worm and leave, then make way.

"Throw a sand corpse to try." Not bad money calmly said.

The Shield Knight nodded, took an ordinary sand worm from his backpack, and threw it at the large black sand worm in front.

However, the large black sandworm saw a sand corpse that did not look at the ground, but stared at six people.

All six people can see it, as long as the six people dare to move, it will kill them immediately!


Not bad money said blankly.

Without saying a word, the Knight of the Shield lost a silver sand corpse.

The large black sandworm still didn't respond, but his gaze was already looking badly at the money.

The most favorite of large sand worms is sand worms. Several people are looking at not bad money. Knowing that the black large sand worms are afraid of staring at black money worms.

"Silence master, is there any way to kill this big guy?" Qia Qian frowned.

"It may be okay outside, but here, there is nothing you can do."

Chen Mo shook his head. This is the old nest of large sandworms, and players can't fight them at all.

A small black sandworm, www.readwn.com, had caused a lot of trouble before. This large sandworm was angry, and the six people had no place to hide.

Fighting large sandworms in such a narrow place will have no chance of winning.

Not bad money nodded, he asked casually.

Looking at the large black sandworm, there was no consideration for the money, so he took the black sand worm from his backpack and threw it in front of the large sandworm.

The large sandworm rushed over in excitement, swallowed up the body, and flinched back.

Chen Mo was so impressed with the good money that he might not be so decisive.

After all, there is a black sand corpse, so you can find another time to feed the large sand worm, but this time it is unsuccessful, that is to completely cut off your chance.


Fifth more. (To be continued ...) ()

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