Godly Hunter

Chapter 268: Clash of Ice Road

When others do tasks, everything is given, and Joanna's woman gives nothing.

Anyway, the woman didn't issue a formal task to him in order to settle the bill, so this time he had to pit the woman again.

"Way, there is a way!"

The flying sword and flurry danced together to create an ice road. The ice road went directly to the other side of the hall. The players in the hall saw each other and were very happy.

This ice road was cold and cold. At the room temperature in the lobby, it seemed that the ice road would not dissolve any longer. Those players saw it and immediately scrambled for the ice road.

The flying sword and flurry are not stopped, but let these players fly to kill the other side of the hall.

"Shirley, let's go!"

When those players are almost gone, Kaka is also pulling Shirley on the ice.

Fei Dao and Flurry are also planning to greet their companions and drive towards the ice road.

They have to deal with the wolf with the least loss while taking advantage of ordinary players to attract the wolf's hatred.

However, when the two met Kaka and Shirley, they were a little confused.

Their missions were explained when they came. They must not let children in their teens approach what they are looking for, otherwise their mission will inevitably fail.

Kaka and Shirley entered a lot later than them. Both of them focused on the hall's organs. They did not notice that there were two little lollies in the hall.

It's not that they saw the two of them. They both forgot the order of the task.

"You two cannot go by!"

They looked at each other. The flying knife stopped in front of Kaka and Shirley, and said quietly.

"Why!" Kaka asked angrily.

"No, you just can't live, otherwise don't blame us for being rude." Flying Knife said without a doubt.

The task said that, there must be his reason, and in this place, the emergence of Loli, itself is not normal, no matter what, they will not let Shirley and Kaka pass.

Shirley looked excitedly and wanted to say something. But Kaka looked at dozens of people behind the flying sword and flurry. She took Shirley, hurried back, and ran all the way to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo was speechless for a while, and Loli found him long ago.

"Brother. Help us kill them!" Kaka looked up at Chen Mo. Very directly.

"Too many people. Can't kill." Chen Mo declined politely.

Hundreds of people, kill wherever you can.

"Kill them, I share half of the treasure over there!" Kaka quietly glanced around. Gritted his teeth and Chen Mo said.

"I can take it by myself, you don't need to share it." Chen Mo was a little speechless, this loli took the treasure over the hall as her own.

"No! As long as I and Shirley pass, you will never get the treasure! Secretly tell you that the landlord who died here is Shirley's father! Thirteen years ago, his father Although she died, Shirley, who was just born, survived. Shirley carried a token left by his father, and the giant wolf over the hall, as soon as he saw the token, he would be mad, and the surrounding No one is an adversary, and you are no exception! Now someone has stopped me and Shirley. As long as you take the shot, Shirley and I can pass, you can pick half of the treasure chest! "Kaka said a surprise to Chen Mo Message.

Chen Mo heard that he couldn't help but be moved.

The giant wolf over the hall is not something he can defeat alone. To defeat that giant wolf, he has to rely on flying swords and flurry dances.

Chen Mo doesn't know if they have the means to deal with the giant wolves, but if a group of people dancing and flying knives is not suffering heavy casualties, he can get two treasure chests at most. Get rid of the stone that Joanna wants, and he can get at most a treasure chest.

It is very likely that the flying sword and flurry over there are exactly the same as what he wants, so he still has to fight with them in the end.

This possibility is very high. Joanna's fancy things must be extraordinary. It's not just Joanna who gets the news. There must be others as well.

"It's not impossible, but I took the task to get a special stone, which I must get, otherwise I won't agree."

After thinking about it, Chen Mo had a decision.

He is trying to deal with the two groups of flurry and flying sword alone, but Kaka is not a vegetarian. The terrain here doesn't start. Both of them use group skills, and then fly a kite a little to get rid of them. Not impossible.

"Okay! What Shirley wants is some of his parents' relics, which does not include the stone you said. You will take the lead in that stone, and we will share the remaining treasures." Kaka agreed quickly. .

Flying Sword and Flurry are already driving away from the ice road with their men.

In the two team, some people suggested killing Kaka and Shirley, but both Flying Sword and Flurry were cautious. After discussing them, they did not directly start, but left a team and stopped On the ice road.

Kaka and Shirley, if they want to cross the ice road, they will get the news.

Seeing this, Chen Mo didn't rush forward, but waited for Flying Sword and Flurry, etc., to the other side of the hall, and started fighting with Kaka after fighting with the wolf.

On the other side of the hall, those first three scattered families have already battled with the giant wolves. The flying swords and flurry dancers have also joined the battle.

The giant wolf is very powerful, but it obviously despise the player, or in other words, the player has props to restrain it.

After the battle began, the blood volume of the wolf quickly went crazy.

Under the siege of more than a hundred people, it seemed that it could not last long.

"Kaka, it's about to die!" Shirley hurried.

"Let's do it!" Chen Mo originally wanted to wait for the flying swords and flurry dancers to lose a lot before they started.

Otherwise, until the wolf dies, he will be late even if he wants to do it.

As long as people hold him for a little time, they can easily remove the treasures in the treasure chest.

Another reason is that the ice road really started to melt, and if they didn't act, they couldn't reach the opposite side.

"Huh! Boss Fei is too kind, these two guys are still not dead!"

"Little sister, leave as soon as you don't want to die!"

The six people left by Flying Knife saw sneer when they saw Chen Mo and Kaka coming.


Chen Mo and Kaka didn't talk nonsense, and the two killed the six directly.

"court death!"

Seeing this anger, these six people also fiercely killed Chen Mo and Kaka.


But Kaka smiled, a huge magic bomb appeared in his hand.


This magic bomb was thrown by her among six people and violently exploded.

Thousands of injuries floated, and Chen Mo couldn't help but be surprised.

The damage of this magic bomb is too great.

Three consecutive shots!

Chen Mofei approached and attacked continuously with his crossbow, killing them instantly.

"No, report it to Brother Dao!"

The remaining few people did not expect that Chen Mo and the two would be so perverted, and at this time they hurriedly reported to the flying knife.

On the other side, the flying knife received the news and looked up sharply.

"Go, go back and deal with them again!" Fei Daoyan's eyes were cold.

"Okay." Ranwu glanced back and agreed.

The wolf is not difficult to deal with, even without these ordinary players, they can kill, but the two little loli who want to come over, they are even more sceptic.

Hundreds of people immediately retreated back to the ice road.

On the other side of the ice road, Chen Mo and Kaka have killed the six people left by the flying sword.

Don't let Shirley keep up, Chen Mo and Kaka rushed towards Fei Dao and Ran Wu.

With so many enemies, it is impossible to kill them all at once, but it is not completely impossible. There is Ceci Hero in it. There are several points at most. Every time you kill some people, you can kill them sooner or later.

Ceci Hero was called out, and the two met in the middle of the ice road.

Dozens of long-range attacks struck, and Sisy-Hylo stunned, using speed skills to kill the flying swords and flurry dancers.

With speed skills, almost no attack can hit Cesi Hero.

Many attacks were fired at Chen Mo. Chen Mo looked at those attacks and calmly analyzed the avoiding location. His body flickered, and no attack could hit him.


Flying Sword and Flurry are both shrinking their pupils. It is absolutely impossible to do so with them.

However, they were too late to sigh that Ceci Hero had already killed them.

Before they could react, Sisi Hero used her hurricane skills.


Seeing the hurricane skills, flying knife and flurry were shocked, and they hurried back.

Why did you use hurricane skills so early?

Chen Mo was surprised at the sight.

He didn't let Xyxi Hero use Hurricane skills. At this time, in the past, Xyxi Hero would never launch Hurricane skills without his orders.

Is it the effect of the blood pool incident?

Chen Mo found that in the blood pool, after encountering the three scarlet puppets, the changes of Xixi Heilo were really not ordinary.

However, Chen Mo was even more surprised to discover that ~ www.readwn.com ~ has made a hurricane, Sisi Hero, and the speed of movement is surprisingly fast!

After using the hurricane skill before, although the hurricane can move, it is very slow.

At the moment, the hurricane made by Saixi Heluo is faster than the flying sword and flurry, or much faster!

Huh ...

Hurricane hit hundreds of people with flying swords and flurry, but they were all involved in the hurricane in just a few seconds!

But looking at the damage of the hurricane skill, Chen Mo found that under such a rapid movement, the damage of the hurricane skill was also reduced a lot, only less than half of the original.

Under this damage, the hurricane ability is impossible for ordinary players to seckill.

But then, the move of Xixi Heila made Chen Mo bewildered and he couldn't believe his eyes.


First more. (To be continued ...) ()

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